As the anniversary of the BP Oil Spill approaches, they have announced that they wish to continue drilling in the Gulf. What are your thoughts on this?
I, as a Louisianian, know that oil rigs are an important source of income for the people of Louisiana. I believe that in the current state of the economy, we need all the jobs we can get, even if means working for BP.
Yeah, I mean, I think it'd be pretty silly for people to expect BP to stop just because of the spill. Of course, there were millions of gallons of oil spilled, but yeah...
I'm pretty sure they put thousands of fisherman out of work, restaurant chains out of business, and destroyed natural habitats, but yeah let's give them room to do the same thing over again.
I think they should be punished. They should be forced to donate a billion dollars to clean water for people who can't afford it. Ironic huh? It acutally only costs 30 billion to make sure everyone has clean water. With so many billionaires what are we waiting for?
The oil reservoir beneath the blown well is still believed to hold nearly $4 billion worth of crude. So, its really not surprising they want to drill again into the same lucrative undersea pocket. Plus, they need the money, BP is facing tens of billions of dollars in liabilities. Anyway, I hope they learned their lesson.
I'd imagine that they really did not. They will probably do exactly the same things that they were doing before, just with a better clean-up plan for oil spills.
I hope that was meant to be sarcastic. I can understand the reasons why they want to go on and why it can be of advantage, but seriously I am not keen at all about that, either about the fact that they got permission to do so. But what can we do? Hope that the new method to produce biofuel with algae advances fast and ruins the foraging-only oil concerns.
big is probably an understatement. This oil spill has most likely killed numerous fish and other aquatic creatures, which will hurt the Gulf fishing industry for years to come. BP still needs to help the numerous fishermen in the Gulf.
It was a huge mistake, yes. It's something that I'm sure MANY people regret. However, with gas prices at $3.60, I don't see why they SHOULDN'T continue to drill. The matters in Libya aren't helping and I believe we could use every asset available to us at the moment.
It was a huge mistake, yes. It's something that I'm sure MANY people regret. However, with gas prices at $3.60, I don't see why they SHOULDN'T continue to drill. The matters in Libya aren't helping and I believe we could use every asset available to us at the moment.
Invest in clean energy. It will get rid of BP and make the whole world a better place, free of fossil fuels, at least most of them.....
I believe that Alaska may be exempt from that list due to some of their natural gas and fishing industries. However, we do still very much need to get away from fossil fuels. I have heard that scientists have been trying to figure out how to use algae as a new fuel source.
A screw up is a screw up... BP shouldn't be punished for a mistake, that's like spanking your child for accidentally dropping his lolly pop, it's stupid and unneeded. BP should drill away.
As Far as oil companies go, I think that we can pretty much become independant of foreign companies, that's really why gas prices are so high... because they drill half way around the **** world then we have to pay to have it shipped back here. Anyone see what's wrong with this system?? I also think that the Government should step in and fix the prices. Where I live, it's **** near $4 a gallon! Working part time, not able to find a full time job, always carting my siblings around, my wallet is really feeling the pain. Gas companies are the biggest screw job since Bret Hart and McMhaon