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As the anniversary of the BP Oil Spill approaches, they have announced that they wish to continue drilling in the Gulf. What are your thoughts on this?

I, as a Louisianian, know that oil rigs are an important source of income for the people of Louisiana. I believe that in the current state of the economy, we need all the jobs we can get, even if means working for BP.

  • 25 Replies
1,946 posts

BP spilling oil into the gulf is not why the should be punished. Its the fact that they had absolutely no plan on how to A) fix the leak and B) clean up the mess for the longest time.

I also think that the Government should step in and fix the prices.

The issue with this is how high the price of oil is in the stock market. If the government limits prices, then the oil companies start to run out of money. Plus, like you said, most oil we get comes from the Middle East.
It is this very thing that necessitates progressively leaving the use of Fossil Fuels.
4,206 posts

How about...we trow all that fossil fuel crap away and start going in green energy. Heck, Europe is starting to go green, why can't we?...oh wait, I forgot, we are America. We don't like change and progress

1,946 posts

We don't like change and progress

What?! Obama lied to us?!

I agree with you on riding ourselves of fossil fuels. The likeliness of that happening anytime soon is very slim though. Like I said in a previous post, some companies (I believe Exxon is one) have begun researching how to use Algae as a fuel. At the very least, though, the Miles Per Gallon minimum on cars should be upped.
5,061 posts

At the very least, though, the Miles Per Gallon minimum on cars should be upped.

Agreed. They're also making cars that turn themselves off at red lights, rather than just wasting gas by idling. In a city, that could save a driver a lot of cash.

I also saw a project by Google a few months ago to have a computer drive a car, this could potentially help MPGs, as the computer would be able to compute every minor detail that would save gas.
4,206 posts

What?! Obama lied to us?!

Lol. Funny but true
5,061 posts

C'mon now, he's a politician, he's not lying, that's just the only language he knows.

1,946 posts

Agreed. They're also making cars that turn themselves off at red lights, rather than just wasting gas by idling. In a city, that could save a driver a lot of cash.

That's a great idea. Although, I haven't seen any cars like that yet. I think another good idea is maybe having a car that automatically kicks to coast when going down a hill.

I also saw a project by Google a few months ago to have a computer drive a car, this could potentially help MPGs, as the computer would be able to compute every minor detail that would save gas.

Also a good idea. The only issue I could see with that is that if it runs off a GPS, there is a chance that it could go the wrong way down a one-way street.
5,061 posts

Well from what I saw of their demo, the car was able to successfully navigate down Lombard Street, without any mishaps. I think there would probably be a manual override, to avoid any such mishaps, or maybe they're going to design a much better GPS.

1,946 posts

Kevin, I'm going to be blunt about this, why bother posting things like that when it has absolutely no relevancy to the conversation?

The better GPS is the way to go for that car. If a manual overdrive were used, by the time the human reacted, it might already be too late. But in general, the car is way better for the environment than having a human drive it. Maybe there will be some on the market soon.

6,800 posts

Heck, Europe is starting to go green, why can't we?

Because no matter how bad it gets over here, I remind myself that atleast I'm not Spain.

The problem with Green Energy is that you ussualy end up spending more money on it than you get out of it. The biggest problem I can see right now is that we simply can't store the energy we make. Look at wind turbines, for example. They have inhibitors installed on them to prevent them from going too fast. Part of it is so they don't overspin their gears in high winds, and part of it is so they don't overload their batteries. Until we can get batteries that can store extreme amounts of energy, we will never be able to have effective green energy. This is why I currently support USA Fossil Fuels; because we simply don't have the capabilities to create effective Alternative Sources of Energy that is feasable in a free market society.
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