
11 3142
3,386 posts

Why do you believe in what you do?
I would like for you to post YOUR OPINION. And not attack anyone until at least the second page.
Why do you believe in God?
Why do you not?
Or, anything else that you have to offer outside of these to questions.

  • 11 Replies
3,437 posts

And not attack anyone until at least the second page.


What I believe: Humans are pathetic, and an uncompassionate lot that have lost so much more than they have gained (figure what I mean by that by yourself).

Why?: In my life I have always been a bearer of burdens. Often someone's expectations of me, or their problems. At times I am unable to carry such things and remain in a nondepressive state, when the happens I turn to friends for support. Instead of helping me they often leave me to my own devices. This has shown me that people cannot be trusted and do not care for others. I consider myself to be far more compassionate than the average person because I have a greater emotional depth than most people. I'm not a saint, and I do do things that hurt people, but I rarely if even abandon people the way others do to me.
3,386 posts

E13, I haven't known you long enough or read into your posts to see if you have been knocking at its door, so I'll get back to you.

Wolf, Yours falls under the Or, but I can see why. Buuuuuuuuuut lets throw some more religion into it. Spice it up a notch.

9,462 posts

Why do you not?

Since I've already answered this twice on here I will just leave a link to where I explain my deconvertion.
1,448 posts

Atheist - God's existence is dependent on several things, which seem to counter the purpose of the existence of God. I apologize if you have seen this before:

Determinism and God:

1. ~(p ^ ~p) - Law of Non-contradiction.
2. (p --> q) --> (~q --> ~p) - Contraposition
3. ~D --> (p ^ ~p) - Not-Determinism (~D) implies a contradiction.
4. (~D --> (p ^ ~p)) --> (~(p ^ ~p) --> ~~D) - Contraposition involving Not-determinism.
5. (~(p ^ ~p) --> ~~D) - Modus Ponens (3,4).
6. ~~D - Modus Ponens (2,5).
7. ~~D --> D - Not-Not something implies something.
8. Therefore, D - Determinism is inevitable!!!

Now, one might say that Determinism doesn't necessarily preclude God. However, this proof still implies that if D, (G --> D), because anything implies a true statement. Determinism, therefore (God --> Determinism).

This is the first thing that religion must surrender - there can be no randomness in the universe: everything is deterministic. No rational Christian cannot accept Determinism.

My second argument:

God cannot "create" morality. Without God's existence, the universe would still have virtues. For instance, why is it immoral to murder? Surely not because of God?! For murder would be wrong whether God existed or not!

Thus, theists must believe that if God didn't exist, murder would not be wrong. More generally, theists must deny the existence of virtues independent of God's existence.

The third statement:

Evolution proof (descent with modification)

1) There will be genetic variation within a population.
2) There is inheritance within a population, in which the offspring inherit traits from their parents.
3) There will be certain traits that benefit survival and reproduction more than other traits.
4) Over time, we can observe traits that benefit survival and reproduction to be more common than other traits, as these traits directly increase the chance that these traits will be passed on to offspring.

All theists must accept that evolution is inevitable, and is true, independent of God's existence.

2,597 posts

I do not believe.Mainly because I have not seen anything to prove there is a god but a lot vice versa.

5,552 posts

Lol, I call unfair, I made a thread almost exactly like this a while ago and it got locked for being a repeat, even though the link the mod gave me was from like 7-8 pages back and wasn't the same topic.

I do not believe in any sort of diety really, simply because we can see for ourselves how the world works. If there is any sort of diety, it would be far beyond our comprhension to understand, and would work through the way of the world, not random miracles that everyone claims to happen.

64 posts

We all need someone to look up to, that includes leaders hence we have religion. I always quaffed at how people describe atheism as another religion but after attending a few conventions I'm inclined to agree.
- congratulations on being smarter than everyone else
- thats your cue to applaud and cheer
- now buy my book

"Whats in a name" I don't have a god, that doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else.

2,301 posts

Let's start page two:

Rofl, but seriously, Being sciencetifically minded, having read the bible and being gay, well, needless to say Religion can kindly **** off.
This isn't a belief. You think this is wrong, and that's fine and not really the topic. The question is not "What do you believe is wrong?" What do you believe. It's not about invalidating the beliefs of others (there are plenty of threads for that), this is about your truth.
116 posts

i'm a atheist i don't believe in a diety at least not how it is described by known religions, and at the same time i think that not all present, major, scientifics explaination about life(bigbang, humans comming from apes) are accurate, due to lack of evidence.
IF there is a god he's more like a watcher thus his existance or none existance doesn't avect ours.(therefore there isn't a need to think too much about it)

554 posts

yay I can attack epople now

Anyway, the existence of any deity as complicated as say the christian god is far too unlikely to believe in unless it is proven with something other than I feel God out there. Any religious person is either a victim of childhood indoctrination which has a deep psychological effect on people, has been brainwashed or just hasn't thought about their religion. Anybody who has read the bible with a logical mind can surely not believe in an omni-benevolent God at least if not dispensing with the whole idea

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