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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
343 posts

all i have to say, is that, on youre birthday, you are a genius pickpocket

255 posts


long time no see.

so new problem.

I have been talking to this girl(she is in a relationship) a lot lately. so much that i have been falling behind in school but whatever. so for some reason she REALLY trusts me. she tells me stuff she hasnt told anyone before. such as the abuse from her father, deepest thoughts and emotions, etc. I like this girl, but respect her current relationship. and i have told her that. as you know i am anti-dating, but alas hormones kicked in. i have liked this girl for a while, and at one point, she said, that she liked me but moved on because on my anti-dating outlook(in sixth/seventh grade). so we were doing some deep q & a and i asked what the attributes for a perfect boyfriend are for her. she listed a bunch of things that were true from the heart (she isnt one of those people who like someone because of their looks. i have the same outlook which impressed her.) so i asked how many of the attributes her current boyfriend has. she said 8/10 or something like that. i asked as a joke, "how many do i have?" there was a long wait (this was over texting) and she said, "all of them".

she REALLY loves her current boyfriend, though. so i had 20 seconds of courage and asked her to the end of eighth grade dance IF she happened to break up with her boyfriend. just as friends. not as a couple necesarily.

i also asked her what her dream date was. with another 20 seconds of courage i told her i would make it true but just as friends if or if not she is in a relationship.

we want to go to the same high school. a school her current boyfriend would NEVER go to.

so main question. what does the "all of them" mean? for future reference.

personally i HIGHLY doubt that her current relationship will last. he is a player and doesnt see how muck she loves him. she really does.

13,344 posts

so main question. what does the "all of them" mean? for future reference.

She's saying that you have all of the attributes of her perfect ideal boyfriend. I'd say you have a pretty good chance with her. What I can't figure out, though, is how interested you are in her, or frankly what your issue is here. It would be appreciated if you could explain in more detail how you feel about this girl and what you hope to accomplish with her.
255 posts

I really dont know... thats the problem.

after being openly anti-dating for so long, i dont even know what it means to like someone. well i do, but not AFTER that...

this is COMPLETELY uncharted territory for me. any help on next move?

i really like her. she i very mature and smart. she has a sense of limits and morals. common sense too. Very nice and understanding. considerate and respectful.

767 posts

this is COMPLETELY uncharted territory for me. any help on next move?

Okay if you want my help you gotta help yourself first!
1) Buy some hormone-inducing drugs.
2) Buy some sexual stimulate.
3) Buy some sexual (private area) enhancer.
4) Ignore the caution warnings on the bottle and digest all of the pills in each and every bottle BEFORE school!
5) Talk to her.
6~9) You know what happens here...
10) You are now boyfriend/girlfriend!

Yes...yes I am a GENES-IS!

after being openly anti-dating for so long,

I am taking up your policy to a whole new level if you haven't read any of the last 1-20 pages...

"all of them"

That basically means you would be the worst boyfriend ever for her. Women are confusing, yes means no and no means yes. (That rule can apply to all situations).
Ex: Do you think I look fat?
No honey!
Wtf! Get away you sensless jerk! STOP lying to me!
Ex 2: Do you think I look fat?
Yeah like a humpback whale!
Thanks baby! I knew I could trust you!
2,739 posts

Killersup is glad that your 2000th post is about Killersup its quite the honor.

Killersup walked into class the next day and he got the biggest death glare ever,and he laughed.Then later said "bad ***" pushed Killersup a little bit.Okay,fine,whatever. After school he walks up to Killersup and pushes him,hard.WELL,Killersup was kinda having a bad day and kinda angry.WELL,Killersup might have possibly ran up to said "bad ***" and cleaned his clock,repeatedly.WELL,that turned out surprising well.No trouble,a little bit of street rep,and he ended up kinda well with the *****.Apparently now Killersup and her are aquaintances,but not friends.

255 posts

Okkkkaaaayyyyy...(in response to ace)

I doubt that would fly well with her(#1-4)

She is very conservative(like me).

"Talk to her. "

Gee thanks for the obvious. I talk to her every day on my ipod and at school frequently.

9,808 posts

Killersup walked into class the next day and he got the biggest death glare ever,and he laughed.Then later said "bad ***" pushed Killersup a little bit.Okay,fine,whatever. After school he walks up to Killersup and pushes him,hard.WELL,Killersup was kinda having a bad day and kinda angry.WELL,Killersup might have possibly ran up to said "bad ***" and cleaned his clock,repeatedly.WELL,that turned out surprising well.No trouble,a little bit of street rep,and he ended up kinda well with the *****.Apparently now Killersup and her are aquaintances,but not friends.

Excuse me...but I'd just like to take this time to gloat...who again said that if a fight happened you would win? Oh yeah..pang did XD

But, although it may not have been the best actions to take, it solved the situation. So can't really complain! You go killersup haha
3,766 posts

Okkkkaaaayyyyy...(in response to ace)

You get used to Ace. Or you just learn to ignore him.

Anywho, it means that you would be a good boyfriend for her(at least in her mind). While she is still in a relationship just be a friend. If she breaks up give her time. Then when you feel the time is right ask her out or to a dance or something.
255 posts

Yes...yes I am a GENES-IS!

one who cant spell GENUIS.

unless you were calling your self a genesis.

which i doubt.
13,344 posts

this is COMPLETELY uncharted territory for me. any help on next move?

Again, it's going to be hard for you to make a move if you don't know what direction you want to go in. Obviously you like this girl and it sounds like you want her to be more than a friend, but it's unclear exactly what you plan to do after making said "move" if you're against dating.

one who cant spell GENUIS.

Apparently you can't spell genius either.

But I think he was intentionally trying to combine genes and genius into one word for humorous purposes. I can't tell because I have no sense of humor whatsoever.
255 posts

I was intentionally spelling it wrong by the way...pretending to make the same mistake. At the time i thought it was funny. I guess not. I know how to spell genius.

Anyway i dont know what there actually IS to do after this said "move". I dont know what my options are. Which is why i came to you people.

1,824 posts

The unfortunate thing about women is that the one who ticks all the boxes is usually the worst match. Not always, but humanity has a way of mixing itself, i.e. the morose and sad with the uppity and slightly insane. So, I suggest you stick by your date-hating guns and wait until you're older, and the person you like won't have a chance to just dump you like a plague corpse. (Not that you are a plague corpse. Or maybe you are. But I don't know.)

255 posts

Well two go for its and one stay away. Well she is breaking up with her BF soon... Thanks people. I'll keep you updated if i have more questions.

1 posts

I like a girl - should I ask her out?

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