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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
343 posts

i messed up.

2,739 posts

So does anybody have a problem?

Yes,but not a girl friend problem.
343 posts

So does anybody have a problem?

Yes,but not a girl friend problem.

What type of problem?

2,739 posts

Okay,so this girl heckled and heckled Killersup into finally saying he was a athiest.(christian community).So then she goes around the school telling everybody.Sombody heard that wasn't supposed to and that person called Killersup's girlfriend's mother.Well then her mother yelled at her for "even talking to him".

So naturally Killersup gets pissed and yells at the girl who told everybody.Well then she starts complaining about how horrible her life is,acting like nobody else has problems.Well Killersup continued yelling at her because,her was pissed.

Then she told sombody who is kinda like a brother to her and he texted Killersup's girlfriend being all like " if he even comes close to my sister again i'll **** him up"

SO,how should this be handled? Because the guy is bipolar,so he will stay pissed. Killersup is pretty sure that he can take him,but he would rather not get suspended....

9,808 posts

So naturally Killersup gets pissed and yells at the girl who told everybody.Well then she starts complaining about how horrible her life is,acting like nobody else has problems.Well Killersup continued yelling at her because,her was pissed.

Everyone wants to be the victim...even if they are in the wrong...and will say anything so that they get that "victim" image. Honestly, in my opinion, you have every right to yell at her...she had no right to go around and spread personal info about you

and he texted Killersup's girlfriend being all like " if he even comes close to my sister again i'll **** him up"

Sounds like he is just trying to be a "tough-guy"...seems like one of those "All bark, no bite" people. Especially with how he texted your girlfriend, and not you. Also with how he had to text it, instead of saying it in person. It is easy to be tough when texting and not in person

Killersup is pretty sure that he can take him

From my experience, the person in your situation usually wins if a fight happens (by your situation I mean: in the right, not gloating about strength, feeling confident but not being cocky about it, etc)

But...I wouldn't go the fighting route...that doesn't solve anything other than who is stronger. What I would do is approach the guy and calmly (and politely) explain the situation. Talk to him about it...if he brings up his side of the argument, let him know that you understand why he feels that way. Doing so will most likely either calm him down form his angry state (for you are showing him kindness, which can be pretty difficult to react angry towards) or make him too surprised to want to fight (for instead of reacting the same way back, like I'm sure he wants you to, you are reacting with maturity and composure, and the actually coming up to him in person would be quite unexpected)
343 posts

But...I wouldn't go the fighting route...that doesn't solve anything other than who is stronger. What I would do is approach the guy and calmly (and politely) explain the situation. Talk to him about it...if he brings up his side of the argument, let him know that you understand why he feels that way. Doing so will most likely either calm him down form his angry state (for you are showing him kindness, which can be pretty difficult to react angry towards) or make him too surprised to want to fight (for instead of reacting the same way back, like I'm sure he wants you to, you are reacting with maturity and composure, and the actually coming up to him in person would be quite unexpected)

But thats no fun!

and he texted Killersup's girlfriend being all like " if he even comes close to my sister again i'll **** him up"

He can talk the talk, but cant walk the walk.

6,800 posts

You do nothing.

You're the clear black sheep in the community, so don't do anything to stick out further and get any more unwelcome attention. Just keep your head down until it blows over. Perhaps you should also think about telling your side of the story to your girlfriend, if you havent already.

343 posts

killersup should take this guy on in a dark alley, and tell him that if he does this again, he won't see the next sunrise.

because, everybody will know aout it soon from this guy, and you'll have a bad reputation. But if he does say something, make sure you break a bone, or at least give him a good bruising.

3,371 posts

killersup should take this guy on in a dark alley, and tell him that if he does this again, he won't see the next sunrise.

because, everybody will know aout it soon from this guy, and you'll have a bad reputation. But if he does say something, make sure you break a bone, or at least give him a good bruising.

...Or... He could do like maverick said and do nothing. Killersup hasn't actually done anything wrong yet. If he were to bully a kid though, then people would actually have a reason to dislike him. But being atheist really isn't a big deal. If killersup doesn't see it as a big deal, then the whole thing will just blow over.
1,824 posts

This oaf who will apparently beat you up is a "Paper Tiger", I am sure with some threatening words in a dark alley he will crumble. Then you can do the same to the girl who squealed on you. Ah, revenge, 'tis a fine thing.

5,952 posts

Alright, my people. I have returned to you, General Relationship Thread. Why? If you must know, this is my 2,000th forum post. I planned it out well and this post is made on my birthday as well. Why am I posting here? Because daleks told me to -_-
So to my friends, yes, you may finally have that cake I promised all of you. To the rest of you.... F*** you!
Alright, on to the meat and potatoes, or cake, or whatever food you feel. Gosh, you are a fat bunch.
Now then, sir Sup, I shall tell you what to do based on my great wisdom and knowledge. Seems like you had a mild explosion. No biggy. Lets just put a diaper on that. Better? Good. So, in your rage and fury, you yelled at a girl. She seems like quite the beotch, if I might add. What would I do in this situation? Well, you explain to the beotch that she took a massive dump on your life. Then, you tell her to shut up. Explain to her thick head that personal information is personal information. Do all this in the most public part of school, preferable around teachers. Then, when said "Bad ***" comes along, he will see the two of you talking. This is the time when you say to the beotch, "Im sorry. I hope your sorry too. Lets just pretend this never happened." or something similar. Then, you move in for a friendly hug. Nothing big. Well, this "bad ***" will mostly likely lose his balls in his tighty whiteys at this point. So he most likely will yell at you and push you. At this point, you have gathered enough attention that a teacher sees this. Said "bad ***" gets a detention, and we all live happily ever after.
This has been my 2,000th post. Their is cake at my profile. Thank you for your time.

5,952 posts

Alright, my people. I have returned to you, General Relationship Thread. Why? If you must know, this is my 2,000th forum post. I planned it out well and this post is made on my birthday as well. Why am I posting here? Because daleks told me to -_-
So to my friends, yes, you may finally have that cake I promised all of you. To the rest of you.... F*** you!
Alright, on to the meat and potatoes, or cake, or whatever food you feel. Gosh, you are a fat bunch.
Now then, sir Sup, I shall tell you what to do based on my great wisdom and knowledge. Seems like you had a mild explosion. No biggy. Lets just put a diaper on that. Better? Good. So, in your rage and fury, you yelled at a girl. She seems like quite the beotch, if I might add. What would I do in this situation? Well, you explain to the beotch that she took a massive dump on your life. Then, you tell her to shut up. Explain to her thick head that personal information is personal information. Do all this in the most public part of school, preferable around teachers. Then, when said "Bad ***" comes along, he will see the two of you talking. This is the time when you say to the beotch, "Im sorry. I hope your sorry too. Lets just pretend this never happened." or something similar. Then, you move in for a friendly hug. Nothing big. Well, this "bad ***" will mostly likely lose his balls in his tighty whiteys at this point. So he most likely will yell at you and push you. At this point, you have gathered enough attention that a teacher sees this. Said "bad ***" gets a detention, and we all live happily ever after.
This has been my 2,000th post. Their is cake at my profile. Thank you for your time.

6,800 posts

That has just about has to be the most imbecilic thing I have ever had the misfortune to read.

5,952 posts

Not really sure why it came out twice..... My computer was haveing a minor seizer.
And I might as well make a joke out of it. I mean, at least I get humor out of it. It's far better than " you do nothing".

9,808 posts

It's far better than " you do nothing"

What...what about what I said... D= haha
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