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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
1 posts


14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Ok so where to start?Um this school year my friend (guy) and I were really close friends.Nothing like dating or any of that.So my best friend and him didn't like each other AT ALL!So they both had almost all their classes together and she started hanging out with him and his friend.He started to like her and told me.About a month later she told me he liked him.She wasn't really good by expressing her feelings so she asked if I could for her so I did.Now they're dating and stuff.The problem is, neither of them will talk to me.They're both my best friends, but they spend like every second with each other.Its like they don't even see me exist.I mean I do let them hang out even if we had plans or stuff like that.I don't want to break them up, it's just that I want to hang out with them once in awhile because I haven't in a long time but they are like attached to each other.

Give them some time. Couples eventually get over the initial wave of uncontrollable emotion and spend some time alone.
2,765 posts

Ok, not sure if relationship is for everything or just certain things so I guess I'll post it on here anyway.

My Dad died last week, around about the time I came back to AG (not long after achievements) and I'm kind of distraught. He ended up dying due mainly because he smoked too much. I've never had anything like this happen to me. My family has been fighting for the last few days and it is really stressing me out. We are constantly arguing about everything and dinner is spent in complete silence. Lately, I've been using AG as a gateway out of my real life.

So I guess I'm just asking for help. Mainly on how to talk to my brother and my mother because we have all just been in our own rooms thinking without a word said to each other. My dad was close to all of us so this is a very huge problem.

I know talking on the internet isn't the best way to handle this but I'm not allowed to leave the house and I just need someone to talk to.

Any advice would help greatly. I just really need to talk to someone about this. If you want more details, just ask me.

1,824 posts

Ok, not sure if relationship is for everything or just certain things so I guess I'll post it on here anyway.

My Dad died last week, around about the time I came back to AG (not long after achievements) and I'm kind of distraught. He ended up dying due mainly because he smoked too much. I've never had anything like this happen to me. My family has been fighting for the last few days and it is really stressing me out. We are constantly arguing about everything and dinner is spent in complete silence. Lately, I've been using AG as a gateway out of my real life.

So I guess I'm just asking for help. Mainly on how to talk to my brother and my mother because we have all just been in our own rooms thinking without a word said to each other. My dad was close to all of us so this is a very huge problem.

I know talking on the internet isn't the best way to handle this but I'm not allowed to leave the house and I just need someone to talk to.

Any advice would help greatly. I just really need to talk to someone about this. If you want more details, just ask me

I think you should suggest going somewhere or doing something that your family liked, i.e. going to the pool (if they like that) it may not be a lot, but if you add little bits of cheer to life you'll eventually be back to normal.
3,766 posts

Ok, not sure if relationship is for everything or just certain things so I guess I'll post it on here anyway.

Pretty much for any form of relationship.
My family has been fighting for the last few days and it is really stressing me out. We are constantly arguing about everything and dinner is spent in complete silence.

What seems to start the arguments? Is it just because you are sad and emotionally ripped up?
I know talking on the internet isn't the best way to handle this but I'm not allowed to leave the house and I just need someone to talk to.

Better to talk to someone then no one. Cannot really help you though. Time is probably the best solution. If I may ask, when is the funeral?
9,438 posts

Try going somewhere or doing something that he enjoyed that your family bonded over. It might bring you closer again.

2,765 posts

Thanks for the help guys, I'll definitely try talking to them tonight. (Small steps...)

I'll tell you all how it works out. I'm just figuring out how to word myself right now and then once we can start talking I'll try to start going somewhere

.What seems to start the arguments?

Absolutely nothing. Something that would usually be shrugged off now seems to have a lot more of an effect. For example we had a huge blowout over there not being any sauce (Because we haven't gone out in a while) and afterwards I think we all felt like idiots.
2,739 posts

Thanks for the help guys

You're welcome.

and afterwards I think we all felt like idiots

Welcome to America.
255 posts

You may or may not remember my story. I dont expect anyone to. i am just to insignificant to matter anyway.

So recap. I REALLY like girl. Girl is suicidal Yes she is getting help. Yes I have stopped her from committing suicide twice in the last six months. Yes i am fine and not emotionally scarred for anyone who cares.
Girl is already dating a guy. Guy is a D*****B**. She sees him as an angle from heaven. Her parents are horrible and are older than my grandparents. SHE IS AMAZING THOUGH. Anyway. So a while back I said that her and her D*****B** BF would be breaking up. I was wrong. they are closer than ever and it seems like they'll stay like that for a while. she said the ONLY reason she would ever break up with him is if he cheated on her, committed a crime, or was inappropriate with her.

So that was my update on my sucky life.

"there's one more girl I wont be gettin"

extra points to anyone who knows what song that is from.

3,766 posts

angle from heaven

Odd. Maybe she finds him acute too. Haha.

Ok. Thanks for the update. But why do you not like this guy?
255 posts

Sorry typo. I KNEW it looked wrong. Angel*

he is immature, inappropriate, rude, thinks he is all that.

3,766 posts

he is immature, inappropriate, rude, thinks he is all that.

But does she make him happy? Even if all this is true if you really like this girl you would just want her to be happy.
255 posts

Sorry for DP

she believes in "opposites attract" too much. this is the second time she has gone out with a guy like this.

See the thing is that she is VERY serious, conservative, disciplined, respectful, and focused on school. none of the guys she is ever with are like that. they are rude, loud, obnoxious, and inappropriate.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Life is as such. If you really love a girl and care for her, you'll only wish her happiness.

255 posts

Ive told her that. I dont care if we ever "date" or whatever. as long as she is happy with whoever she is with. Whether it be happiness in school, life, or relationships.

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