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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
3,152 posts

Well, I never thought I would be looking for advice from this thread, but when you need it, you need it.

My problem is kind of odd... I work as a courtesy clerk (carryout, bagger, bag boy), and I'm the only guy that's under 20 in the whole store, and I'm the only guy courtesy clerk. (There's six more of us. All girls.)

Now here's the issue: I'm no heartthrob. Girls have not really found me interesting, but it doesn't bother me. Now, however, I can't work with this one girl clerk without her following me around! I thought it was just me at first, but it's not. I can walk through the entire store, and she will follow me at a distance (Say 50 ft.)

Don't get me wrong, I like her (I don't have a crush on her, and I don't want a gf right now, so don't misinterpret that.) She's nice, always happy, works hard... She's told me like 600 times she has a bf, and she is obsessed with him. Every time he comes around, she's always hanging on him, then she starts telling me what they did last night (I could care less, really.)

I just don't get why she follows me around... I have four sisters, and I never heard of them doing that to a guy... I just need to figure something out before her BF suspects something (that's right, I picked up a rumor that he would come after me if I bothered her... which I'm not.)

This is quite the mess... Hopefully you can understand the whole mess.

9,438 posts

Document events in detail (who when and where). Tell her directly (but kindly) how you feel and be clear that you want her to stop. If that doesn't work, file a report with a manager, just to cover your *** in case she says you're doing something or that it's mutual.

46 posts

I'm just going to throw this out their. I've been friends with this girl for a while. i've started to develop feeling for her and now its got to were she is all i think about. Here's the kicker. She just wants to stay friends. how do i get out of the "friend zone" thats like quick sand? you try and take a step froward but end up taking two steps back?

9,438 posts

Give her time. Stay good friends. That's about all you can do. Don't rush it or pressure her, or you might be in the "no longer friends zone". If she wants to take it further, she will. If you really want to do something, just do more things as friends.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

If she tells you about her bf and boy problems, she's not into you. She might just want a friend who's a guy. Nothing unusual.

how do i get out of the "friend zone" thats like quick sand? you try and take a step froward but end up taking two steps back?

You almost really can't. I did for a while, then we broke up, and now we're kinda best friends. Not really best friends, but not really bgr. Don't go there. It's a dark place.

If you really want to, escalate things sexually. Honest.
3,766 posts

develop feeling for her

Only 1 feeling? Odd. Usually it is more of a jumble for me.
669 posts

You may or may not remember my story. I dont expect anyone to. i am just to insignificant to matter anyway.

So recap. I REALLY like girl. Girl is suicidal Yes she is getting help. Yes I have stopped her from committing suicide twice in the last six months. Yes i am fine and not emotionally scarred for anyone who cares.
Girl is already dating a guy. Guy is a D*****B**. She sees him as an angle from heaven. Her parents are horrible and are older than my grandparents. SHE IS AMAZING THOUGH. Anyway. So a while back I said that her and her D*****B** BF would be breaking up. I was wrong. they are closer than ever and it seems like they'll stay like that for a while. she said the ONLY reason she would ever break up with him is if he cheated on her, committed a crime, or was inappropriate with her.

So that was my update on my sucky life.

"there's one more girl I wont be gettin"

extra points to anyone who knows what song that is from.

This is often the case with people who have a low self-esteem. They're attracted to people who are losers.

As crazy as it sounds, they'd rather be in an abusive relationship than have someone close to them who truly cares.

It's a very sad thing. Especially if you have feelings for that person.
46 posts

Only 1 feeling? Odd. Usually it is more of a jumble for me.
sorry forgot to make it plural.

3,766 posts

sorry forgot to make it plural.

I know man. Just giving you a hard time.
This is often the case with people who have a low self-esteem. They're attracted to people who are losers

I resent that. My self esteem is probably low but I don't chase losers.
5,952 posts

*cracks knuckles*
Who missed me?

Ok, so if you were kind enough to read the whole story, If you have any advice whatsoever, I would gladly listen to it, I am desperate. I mean it, any advice.

Ask, and you shall receive.
First off I would just like to say that this entire situation is screwed up. If you have a crush on a girl, you slowly warm up to them and they to you. That would have been the best way to handle it. Now, I hate it to no end when people say, "you should have done this..." because I dont care and it already happened. Moving on to the problem at hand, you need to talk face to face. Its one thing to confess that over the internet but doing it face to face will be better. She cannot dodge you easily and you look less-pathetic. You could play it off as you were just screwing with them, and that would be bad within itself and it ruins any hopes or dreams you had. For example you could say, "sorry my friends hacked me, who are you?" ex, which is basically throwing everything under the carpet in an attempt to clean up. You could try again face to face, but I cant guaranty anything there. Or, you could just take this as a lesson and move on. Its unhealthy what you are doing, obsessing over someone. It makes you belittle yourself and closes doors to other options.

I agree with you that you should take your shots when given amo, but at least aim a little next time.
Gamer metaphors ftw!
K, well thats all I got right now. Hope it was kinda helpful.
421 posts

Short bitter and to the point.I fell in love with girl ,girl breaks up with me I stop talking to girl, girl keeps staring at me. I confront girl "Uhm why are you stairing at me?"She look surprised."How can you see that?" To which I respond."I have perfiral vision." After I ask the question again she tells me an answer clearly lieng. I confront lies she lies even more. Still to this day she lies to me but thankfully the staring issue is minamal now

3,766 posts

Well why did you end up not talking to her? Did your relationship end badly? Maybe she still wants to be friends but doesn't want you getting mad?

421 posts

Well why did you end up not talking to her? Did your relationship end badly? Maybe she still wants to be friends but doesn't want you getting mad?
It ended badly yes. If I talked to her I get pissed off.If she doesnt want me mad she does a terrible job
181 posts

*Looks around*
Who remembers me?
*Sees nobody*
Moving on...

@Samiel - Just ignore her. If you really don't like her, just ignore it. Trust me, it helps.

Hi. It seems to me, that you need to talk to her in real life. You need to apologize, and try to make up to her. Don't continue to talk to her on facebook, you will look like a coward. Just say that your sorry, just like you did here. This part may take a while, but do not try to tell her you love her for a while. It will make you seem needy. Don't do it.
A lot of that came from experience.

3,766 posts

Because pickpocket really wants me too I will post here. I don't really need help though so I will make it quick.

Asking girl to prom. She is a grade higher than me.

Ok. Happy pick?

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