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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
10,816 posts

To any American, I have a pretty convincing Australian accent. Had I actually talked to any females on that beach, which I had planned to but never did, I would have used that accent on them and most likely claimed to have been from Melbourne (I practiced that one all down the beach).

Oh oh oh I wish I was your wingman, then the ladies could hear what a real Melbourne accent sounded like. Because I'm an Australian. Living in Melbourne.

Strop has a girlfriend?!??!?!!?

I knew you'd notice. The short answer is yes, and I got a good feeling about this.
2,301 posts

The short answer is
I don't care about the short answer. I'll be on AIM and Skype :3
9,808 posts

If she'll only have sex with you because of false claims about your nationality, it's **** by fraud. Just a fun fact to throw out there.

You hear that guys..don't let 'em know you are faking it!
4,484 posts

If she'll only have sex with you because of false claims about your nationality, it's **** by fraud.

Say the accent was only a catalyst in the process of getting the girl to talk to you.... would that fun fact still apply?

Oh oh oh I wish I was your wingman, then the ladies could hear what a real Melbourne accent sounded like. Because I'm an Australian. Living in Melbourne.

Well that's a bit of a problem if you're all the way in Melbourne. Your accent wouldn't exactly be exotic in that location.

But if you were my wingman, they wouldn't necessarily be attracted to my fake Australian accent anyway. Some wingman you'd be if you ended up getting the girl and I didn't. :P
4,484 posts

Being a wingman would only work if the other guy DIDN'T have a British accent, because then you'd get a love triangle.

Yeah, that's why I figured I've always had to be my own wingman. If I had someone else do it, they'd probably end up with the girl and I'd be the third wheel in a relationship I intended to engineer for myself.
2,301 posts

Say the accent was only a catalyst in the process of getting the girl to talk to you.... would that fun fact still apply?
Of course. The if... then of the statement is unambiguous.
3,152 posts

The short answer is yes, and I got a good feeling about this.

Do we all get invited to your wedding?
10,816 posts

Say the accent was only a catalyst in the process of getting the girl to talk to you.... would that fun fact still apply?

If the fraudulent aspect of the interaction was resolved prior to the act of intercourse, then you may only have to answer to her outrage :P

Do we all get invited to your wedding?

woah woah woah hold your horses, I met her like three weeks ago LOL.
9,808 posts

woah woah woah hold your horses, I met her like three weeks ago LOL.

>_> You didn't answer the question

Do we..get the wedding?
10,816 posts

Well that would be because we aren't planning a wedding. Guys. We haven't even done the whole meeting the parents thing and I hear that her dad's a hardcore professor type who has practiced tai chi quan for 30 years... I'll let you know a few months down the track if I haven't been sent flying out of the house...

3,766 posts

Stroppy I bet you have girls falling for you all the time. You are just a boss or seem like one. Still trying to figure out what you cannot do...

So I absolutely love how you guys are assuming the guy will get a say in the wedding. It is best just to leave the wife to her own devices during the planning.

9,808 posts

My only advice for Strop is to not let her dad see Strip's profile on Armor Games. Or her

Why not? Both Strip and Strop are winners!

Are we invited to YOUR wedding, pang?

First we must find out if I'm invited to my wedding.

If I am..I'm sure we can hook y'all up on Skype or something and watch through video chat!
10,816 posts

My only advice for Strop is to not let her dad see Strip's profile on Armor Games. Or her.

Too late, I showed her Strip haha. She's super jealous (then again which girl wouldn't be given Strip, as an enaction of rule 63, is a horsey version of the amalgamation of "what all those chauvinist lads want"?) and is totally going to bump her out of the picture... seeing as she is a skilled artist she haughtily turned down my offer to portray her as a cartoon animal character and said she would do it herself xD

But nah she's cool with it. I do agree though, if her dad saw, THEN I might go flying out of his house again...

Stroppy I bet you have girls falling for you all the time.

Don't really think so: I'm too Asian for white girls, and I'm too white for Asian girls :P The only happy medium are Asians who were raised in whitey land (which my gf is).

If I do, I don't know about it. I'm kind of oblivious like that. And trust me, I didn't used to have my life in order, I spent most of my early years being an awkward loner kid who couldn't make any friends >_> In reality, I'm one of the lucky ones who feels confident because I know what I am, I know what I'm doing, and I know where I'm going, and that's not so common even in the land of grown-ups. In fact I think that'd be my big advice: the limiting factor on the stability of a relationship is the stability of its constituents. You should probably have your stuff together if you're hoping for any kind of durability.
3,766 posts

Don't really think so: I'm too Asian for white girls, and I'm too white for Asian girls :P

Well if they were smart they would be falling for you. You seem too perfect. So no mention of black girls? Racist. Jk. But too Asian for white girls and too white for Asian girls. That does not make sense. It should be personality. But I might know what you are saying.

Waah. You have to have your **** together before you go into a relationship? Say it isn't so! That seems like common sense. I think I am just getting myself together. Need to get over being lazy (Dalek lazy standards).
10,816 posts

This is going to be such a bro post. It's also going to contain a lot of racial generalisations that you will hopefully see are not actually racist.

A whole group of people that were like "Hey, what's up?" but as soon as someone else came in, I was discarded

Dude, I feel that. This defined my years 5 and 6, along with such choice lines like "do you know how much you suck?" "we consider you to be a lower class of human" and making family trees that involved the entire class except me.

Even better, give her your Strip account.

Dude NO LOL. She is a real person and a separate entity, as opposed to the fictional manifestation of a concept!

So no mention of black girls? Racist

Dude I live in Australia. There are few Africans, and honestly most of them are refugees who haven't yet learnt English! (If you're talking "dark" and not just black, I have to say many of the Indian girls are smoking hot, but their cultural systems generally disallow them from interracial relations anyway.)

But too Asian for white girls and too white for Asian girls. That does not make sense. It should be personality

Dude that's kind of the point, that is to say, it's about how your cultural background affects your values and how you relate to people. Those from one cultural background being brought up in a country which has an entirely different culture have a pretty hard time figuring out their cultural identity. I can't speak any Asian languages (for shame) etc. but I look Asian so the only whites that would even notice I exist are eggs (yellow on the inside lol). So I generally get judged both ways, however somebody who is the same would be able to see past that.

You have to have your **** together before you go into a relationship? Say it isn't so!

Dude it isn't so :P

Well rather one school of thought is that having relationships while you are still developing is part and parcel of the formative process where you generally make mistakes and break each others' hearts. There's a lot of liability (much of which can cause lasting damage) but nothing ventured nothing gained. My upbringing was severely biased towards risk minimisation and thus it was socially conserative, and strongly discouraged dating in high school. I used to have a problem with this because I felt like I was missing out on something, but there are some benefits to making less mistakes and being more resilient and assured first (not saying this works for everybody).

The other advantage of having your **** together is that you have a disposable income and can manage your time. This means you can afford pricey book presents, horse riding lessons, walks on the beach followed by dinner at a fancy beachside restaurant which you shout because it's her birthday, and the gas bill for all of the above, and a couple of other things besides ;_; Now I have to study way hard or I'm going to get murdered in study group and nephrology journal club.
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