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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
9,808 posts

I forgot about DWF.

Meh..I doubt she will be back on anymore. So it is safe to discount her

It's Spring Break (for me)! I don't have a girlfriend and I have no vacation plans, so I'll be at work and on AG the whole time. Does anyone have plans for themselves and their significant other?

Spring Break for me is normally the weekend plus ~2 days..and I think I just had it O.o so..yeah
10,816 posts

Does anyone have plans for themselves and their significant other?

I live in the other half of the world and don't get this thing called Spring Break, but when one only gets the chance to see one's significant other on average once a week, one tends to plan to make the most of it. We'll start with horse riding lessons and work our way from there. There's like a million options worth exploring and if one is sufficiently interested one would try at least many of them :P
4,484 posts

Does anyone have plans for themselves and their significant other?

I have to go on a mandatory family vacation to Mexico during my spring break, and I can't persuade my parents to let her stay with me during her spring break because I'll be in school, so no, sadly, nothing planned.
4,484 posts

So I've been dating this one girl for about three months now, and up until recently I was sure it was true love. Now I'm not so sure. We've seen each other only 7 times in the time that we've known each other because she lives more than 30 miles away, and I'm the only one between the two of us with a car, so 99% of our relationship has been through text. In the beginning, I enjoyed the texting because it made me feel closer to her, but recently I realized we've really been exchanging the same texts every day and it's becoming tedious. Love isn't tedious. When I do see her, I sometimes don't even recognize her at first, and when we're together, I often feel as if we're nothing alike. Is this really a relationship I should want to be in?

Of course, she absolutely adores me and sees a future with me because I consistently make her laugh (not mutual) and I'm very loving and agreeable, but the relationship hasn't gone anywhere from where it was when we first met (online, because I'm no good with meeting girls in the real world) and I don't see it going anywhere in the future either.

My alternative is being single, but free of the commitment to someone who 99% of the time is just too far away to be anything more than a sentence or two on my phone.

What do you guys suggest?

3,766 posts

What do you guys suggest?

You have to tell her how you feel. That is the best thing for now. She how she reacts or if it improves. Then go from there.

Anyway, for my own story. I asked the girl to prom. She declined because she would not be able to make it and she is with someone else (which I did not know). However she did say that she was flattered for the offer. So ya, sad that she cannot come but at least we are still good friends.
8,231 posts

Question: I put this question somewhere else but it goes here too, I guess.
Two of my friends are going out. And I'm fine with that. However, every spare second they're making out. Which is nasty. Really. I mean, yay, all good for them, but REALLY? When I or any other friends are in the middle of talking? My friend is a pretty good friend, but then her boyfriend shows up and its all "OUR FACES ARE HUGGING." (I don't really know this boyfriend-person, but he is violent when I piss him off, as only I am able to do on accident.)
So, ways to make them stop without direct confrontation? Because a different person in her band class that doesn't even know my group of friends notices, and then it's just getting weird. And direct confrontation did not work. No sir. It just made my friend mad, and she's not fun when she's mad. Also, I can not do this 'directly confrontating' thing. That's not my way.
And this kind of turned into a rant. Sorry. But answers? :3

18,319 posts

I saw where you asked this and aimed right at the General Relationship Thread.

This is why my school has (stupid)PDA rules. Can't you just tell a teacher or someone? I can't actually help much since I'm not in your school but it could solve something.

Of course some business is far beyond teachers. Just ignore it in my opinion.

9,438 posts

You have to tell her how you feel.

And NOT in a text. In person if possible, otherwise call.
2,739 posts

she absolutely adores me and sees a future with me

Every.Single. Woman. Thinks. Of. This.
4,484 posts

Every.Single. Woman. Thinks. Of. This.

It wouldn't bother me, except we "fell in love" through text, so really it's our text messages that are in a relationship with each other while the people sending them hide 30 miles apart from one another behind electronic devices. I wouldn't mind seeing a future with her if I knew I had genuine feelings for her, but text-based feelings just won't cut the mustard.

And NOT in a text. In person if possible, otherwise call.

See, this is what complicates things. I'm not exaggerating when I say text makes up 99% of our relationship, and it's very hard to not tell someone something over text when that's the only way you and the other person communicate effectively. We can't hold a conversation through calling, Skype, or even in person. We just have so little in common, and it's taken me this long to realize it. I, in the famous lyric of Amazing Grace, "was blind, but now I see."

I really also don't want to hurt this girl, because it would hurt me if I hurt her. Yes, I do still care about her, but I can't see myself being with her for a long time because I know it just wouldn't work out for either of us.

My lazy, passive yet devious plan is to allow her to end the relationship by causing her to slowly lose interest in me. I'd do this by showing less and less interest in her every day. I've kind of been doing this already, but it's not working so far. It's not the most effective of plans, but it would allow the relationship to fizzle out rather than ending in destruction and a crushed heart.
10,816 posts

When I or any other friends are in the middle of talking? My friend is a pretty good friend, but then her boyfriend shows up and its all "OUR FACES ARE HUGGING."

That's just plain rude. Ask your friends if they agree, and if they do, stage an intervention. Get one of those huge placards and mount it on sticks and write a suitably terse message on it, or, if you've seen Friends, make a big sign with INTERVENTION written on it, clear your throat, and say "______, we need to talk."

(slightly facetious commentary continues below)

If it's just you they're doing it in front of, excuse yourself and walk away. Most couples, if they don't know better, will socially isolate themselves until they're an island unto themselves, then when the relationship falls apart (because they don't know better), they'll realise that wow, they sure destroyed their social life. The incredible feeling of loneliness when they (hopefully) realise that you're not their friend anymore because they preferred to suck face instead of cherish what should have been truly important to them will hopefully teach them a lesson.

Love isn't tedious

Well now this sounds straightforward enough but isn't necessarily. Love can and often will involve slogging through tough, boring, or just plain unpleasant patches.

But that's kind of beside the point. You need to remind yourself of the roots of your relationship. Where did it begin? Why are you two together? And does your other have any insight on that, or is she still stuck in the infatuation phase, or worse, desperately clinging to the habitual actions of the infatuation phase when it has already worn off and she's wondering what the hell is going on herself?

This obviously warrants clarification.
10,816 posts

My lazy, passive yet devious plan is to allow her to end the relationship by causing her to slowly lose interest in me. I'd do this by showing less and less interest in her every day. I've kind of been doing this already, but it's not working so far.

Ever seen Russell Peter's commentaries on "why some guys turn into jerks in a relationship"? It's hilarious because it sounds so improbable, but it's frighteningly accurate.
9,438 posts

Every.Single. Woman. Thinks. Of. This.

Nah, just the ones that want it. Some purposely date n ditch to 'get around'.

I'm not exaggerating when I say text makes up 99% of our relationship, and it's very hard to not tell someone something over text when that's the only way you and the other person communicate effectively.

And I'm not exaggerating when I say about 93% of the emotional meaning of our communication is conveyed beyond words alone. If text is really your only form of communicating, type up at least a page to accurately describe how you're feeling, otherwise she'll think you're a/an [insert censored adjective][insert censored noun], and she still might think that anyway.

My lazy, passive yet devious plan is to allow her to end the relationship

She might never end it because she fears losing you, no matter how detatched you seem. Since she apparently wants you forever, it won't fizzle out if she thinks you're still in it, equally committed, doing what you can. She won't be as happy as she could be since it's one-sided, and you won't be happy endlessly waiting. Nobody wins.
255 posts

well long time no talk my friends.

I doubt any of you remember or care about the issues i posted here. But because i dont have a life, I'll tell you anyway.


So I liked this girl. girl was suicidal. i stopped girl from committing suicide multiple times. girl was dating a jerk. girl cut herself because her bf was a jerk. etc. etc. etc. a few suicide attempts later. I liked this girl.


and then girl breaks my heart on has sex with jerk bf and almost gets pregnant(un protected sex)

yes girl knew i liked her. girl is 14.

the end. what a sob story.

just an update on my life. just thought i would let you all know how it ended. i mean i have kept you updated since the start in october.


i disowned girl for being retarded and completely cut off communication with her. just felt i would get in the way of her and her boyfriend's ****.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Lol a girl who remains emo permanently at 14, and almost gets pregnant is not worth it. Plenty of better chicks out there bro.

And yes, girls like ******bags with the so called ''dark triad'' traits, so we can all suck it up.

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