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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

2106 507065
13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
9,434 posts

What is everyone's stance on relationships that begin online?
Hard to take out of the virtual world (especially if long distance), but so totally worth it if you manage to find the right person. Plus, potential bonus in knowing you have an activity to share that you both enjoy (if you meet over a game or a hobby focused forum).
'Course I might be biased by my personal experience.

If you do movie, do food before.
Late note at this, but the dinner and a movie thing... I'd say go for the movie first unless you already know each other. That way you can talk about the movie while eating if you don't have anything else to talk about.
3,766 posts

What is everyone's stance on relationships that begin online?

I don't really see a problem with it. You of course will have to meet at some point in the real world, which could be awkward the first few times, but if it seems like the right person it would be worth it. Of course most likely you met the person online because they live far away. Personally, if you could have the relationship start in person it would be better, but online can work, it would just be harder.
13,055 posts

I don't really see a problem with it. You of course will have to meet at some point in the real world, which could be awkward the first few times, but if it seems like the right person it would be worth it. Of course most likely you met the person online because they live far away. Personally, if you could have the relationship start in person it would be better, but online can work, it would just be harder.

I met my wife on the Internet. We were online every nights for 8 months. We saw each other twice during that time. We spent a few days in person at Christmas time and Easter.

We got married during Summer and we've been together since.
Even though she's my wife, I still call her my GF.
407 posts

As long as they are the person you think they are and not some random dude putting fake pictures up man I think you are good to go.

13,344 posts

I'm not at all opposed to the idea of online relationships. I've never had much of an opinion on them to begin with, as I'm rather old-fashioned, and I prefer to talk to someone (or rather, if you live my life, not talk to someone) for the first time in person, but if you want to go about things in a more 21st-century fashion, starting a relationship over the internet isn't necessarily a bad thing.

As long as they are the person you think they are and not some random dude putting fake pictures up man I think you are good to go.

This can be one of the biggest obstacles when it comes to the world of online dating. You must never meet anyone you meet online in person until you can verify they're the person they claim to be. This is where the horror stories come from.

The best way to verify that a person is at least a real person is to have some time of live conversation with them, face-to-face works best. At least you'll know what they really look like, how they really talk, etc, and most importantly, that they aren't someone posing as someone else trying to reel you in with ulterior motives. If they are trying to reel you in with ulterior motives, at least they're honest about their appearance.
865 posts

What is everyone's stance on relationships that begin online?

I've never understood them personally since I can't imagine getting attached to someone without knowing them first, but they work out well for some people. It depends on what it is that generally attracts you most to other people. If you want your personality to be displayed without people judging you completely on what you look like first, online dating might be your method of choice. This could work in your favor or it could backfire on you, depending on what your personality is really like or what the other person really looks like.
8 posts

it depends on the person mainly

8 posts

sometimes the light that u once had w that one special person was there.... but it burnt out n then left u n complete darkness.

3,386 posts

I think relationships that start off from the interwebs can be pretty cool. You definitely know a different side of the person first. While it may be awkward the first few times you meet, I think that's just normal in any relationship. It's just a bit more difficult when it comes to making decisions on where exactly to be together. It takes way more effort and time to make sure the stars are aligned properly.

255 posts

Is this thread active at all anymore?

Well I have some interesting things to report. A full 2 years ago I had been on this thread asking advice back in eighth grade. If you're that interested all you have to do is go back 20 or so pages. Anyway this girl had made me a pact, saying she didn't want to waste a relationship that she feels could last at such a young age. She said she'd rather wait till maybe junior year. Again you can get the full story on page 193/4. So I and a few other users thought I was being friend zoned. Anyway, flash forward a few months, and a few pages, and her and I had a falling out, and we haven't talked since. It had been about 16 months since we stopped talking. And now we're entering our junior year, and guess who comes back out of the blue. I was/am surprised. We'll see what happens from here. Just thought some of you older users would like that update.

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