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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
3,139 posts

Pet names are alright once in a while. Don't make a habit of referring to her as "baby" all the time though.

If she already thinks you guys are dating, you just need to ask her into a relationship, i don't really see the problem?
Even if she does still like your friend, it happens. You can be with someone and have feelings for other people. As long as you like the person you're with more, it's not a problem to me, simply because you can't help emotions.

6,800 posts

hah, a site full of gamers, of course they have relationship problems

Yeah, because, its not like we're human or anything.

Nope, I'm just a robot. Can't feel love.
4,104 posts

Nope, I'm just a robot. Can't feel love.

Maybe one day, these humans can teach us robots to, love.
6,800 posts

Maybe one day, these humans can teach us robots to, love.

Yeah, I wonder why my -


38 posts

I use pet names randomly on her. Makes them more special. Also change them around; don't just use 1 all the time. Do it right and they might even tell you they love it when you call them something (like what happened with me). You have to be comfortable using that name though. If you're talking to her and you're sounding all weird saying it, it ruins it. Have a couple general ones; like baby, or babe or boo, etc; and then have one that is special and applies to just her, that's the one she'll love.

417 posts

well some people that I know, whenever they have relationship problems, need somewhere to vent their feelings, so they go to onlnie chatrooms o just these gaming websites, anywhere where there are others to hear what they are thinking will work for them.

600 posts

My friend effed it up for me. He continued to message her after I asked him to stop... He became agitated with me, I thought we were in agreement that me and her were going to date since they couldn't...
She felt like she was in the middle of two friends fighting...I didn't know we were fighting for her.
She told's too fresh and it hurts...This is the worst feeling i've ever had, worse than when I was depressed 2 years ago..
basically...She was "fed up" with the fighting that i didn't know what happening, she decided that our friendship was not worth how i feel is i was lead on to believe we were going to date, and it's all gone. She's gone... My 10 year long friend is gone... My sanity is gone...
I can't even think straight right now...and still I type, to you all, people of Armorgames who don't care...who are sitting there thinking "man, what could he have done to F@#% up to badly" or "man this kid really wants attention"...

3,139 posts

I do't think she led you on at all. She told you she wanted to date you, but if you guys are fighting it's understandbale she doesn't want to be the cause of that.

You should just calmly talk to your guy friend, ask him what he's playing at? Fully explain your feelings for this girl. In what way was he texting her? If it was just a friendly text session then i don't think that's a problem either, they were friends before and you can't expect them not to talk at all.

600 posts

He loves her...LOVES...I don't believe in love at such a young age, only "like you a lot" haha...But no he has only been her friend for about 2 months now, where as i've been hers for almost 7-8, i've openly expressed my feelings for her.
I've come to the conclusion that the reason why I got so upset was because, 1) It was a for sure thing had he not effed it up. 2) He told her that he liked this other girl so I simply thought he had moved on, guess i was wrong.
But his and my friendship was fine and dandy until a few nights ago when 1st he told everyone that he did not want to hang out with me and 2nd he was very angry towards me when we all did hang out (i was oblivious at the time of why) ... But no he was texting her day and night and only her, "hitting on her" before all this, about 2 weeks, he would text her very very sexual things. And I got him to stop that, and reiterated how much I liked this girl... He doesn't care that I like her, he only cares that she had liked him (the first girl to ever do so) so I assume he just became obsessed imo.
idk, her and I are back on speaking grounds as "best friends". as for my ex-best friend, i have no idea, don't care and dont give an eff... Although I know she and he are still her and I once did but now she is too "busy" to respond to me. *sigh* I'm moving on though, if she wants us to be more then she can tell me that to my face, but until then I am just not going to show any affection towards her in a 'boyfriend' kind of way.

5,952 posts

Well just say ur sorry. It doesn't matter if u did nothing wrong just apologize. Then things might be better

600 posts

Well it's over...My heart was broken, glued back together, and then smashed into millions of pieces.
She said she wanted to just be friends, so I moved on for a while...she stopped me before I ever got into anything serious, telling me that she was jealous and that she wanted to be with me. So I turned my attention back on her, I told her night after night how much I liked her, and I thought she was doing the same...According to her "it was just being nice" that "apparently being nice is leading you on." I reminded her of how I told her if she wanted to just be friends then that would be how it was, but again she was jealous of girls that showed interest in me (is this not a clear sign that she likes me?)
Well then she got married on facebook to a gay guy...I was okay with that...while on the other hand this girl requested to marry me on fb so i accepted...bad idea on my side because she became very very VERY jealous and told me she never wanted to be my friend or speak to me ever again and that she never liked me that she was just being nice...
so yeah. i guess this entire thing is almost comical and a lesson to be learned by anyone in my situation...
If your friend likes her and she likes the both of you...GIVE THE **** UP, she isn't worth it even if you think she is and that you're better than the guy that she thinks she should be with, even though he effed up multiple multiple times and you stayed nothing but true.
yeah just move on, don't have your heart crushed like mine.

3,139 posts

she stopped me before I ever got into anything serious

It's only been a few weeks. How could yo get into anything serious in a matter of weeks when you were still in love with her?

I think it's too immature of a situation (no offence) If facebook marrying is what's ended your friendship. If she acts like that maybe she's not worth it.
600 posts

maybe she's not worth it.

I've determined that. A piece of me still wants her, but this is the 3rd time this kind of thing has it has been easier getting over her...On the bright side the girl I "fb married" and I are somewhat hitting it off, ironically.
6,672 posts

well i suppose that no one on here knows me super personally so lets see what you guys got with my petty problems.

well, there is this girl, weve had things going on off and on, and i can honestly say i think im in love with this girl, i have been for a while and shes all i have ever thought about for the past year almost (not literally of course but you get the drift). weve always gotten really close to dating, and then shed go for someone else. ive never given up hope when i know i always should and should have. now on to my &quotroblem".

of course i still like her and everything, same old same old. one of my best friends, which i guess i never went into super depth about my whole lady stuff with him, recently started claiming that him and were dating and what not. of course i didnt believe him for like a week of him spouting it, he has always joked about it accordingly and it was good laughs, and it turns out that they really are now. i mean i cant blame him, shes amazing. im just kinda upset ya know?

i worked so hard at trying to be with her for so long, and ive always gotten so close just to get snuffed out in the end, and here it is happening again except this time its with my bro who i see nearly everyday. it didnt even seem like he tried, and i work so hard for it ya know?

i guess the question in all this stupid nonsense is, what should i do about the situation. its not like i have any control over what they do, and i feel me plighting with him or her is just me being jelous and not being happy for my best friend. im just confused and upset about this whole thing. seeing them really turns the knife and what not

5,952 posts

Well......... Uh wow um this seems alot like the problem before this. Well u really can't do much about it now, given that they r already dating(unless u plan to sabatoge them) and u can't go after her right when they break up.... I really have no idea what to do other than when she is single again just put it all on the line and ask her out. Usually this will work depending on age. Himself though I wouldn't know, this has never happened to me

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