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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
5,952 posts

I just worry that myself isn't good enough.

"do what you want, say what you feel. those who mind dont matter, those who matter dont mind"
Dr. Seus

not sure if i got the quote exactly right, but you get the picture. i understand exactly how you feel dair, im like that too. i can say anything i want around friends, but i dont do too well with first impressions or talking to different people. i relativly quiet in class, as i can assume you are. i havent taken one yet, but i have heard that speech classes are really helpful for this. you might want to consider it.
5,952 posts

man, that sucks ^^^,
back again... i have alot of troubles
alright, so she is not going to be able to the dance on april seventh. that means i am all alone... what should i do? i dont want to dance with someone else, but i dont want to just stay home. i have always danced with her... please help.

go and just hang out with your friends. if it comes down to dancing with a girl you have 2 options.
1. make it a joke and ask one of your guy friends to dance.
2. ask another girl to dance, after all its not the end of the worl its just a dance. granted, your girlfriend might over act to this....
6,672 posts

man, that sucks ^^^,

no it doesnt suck. its better that she knows then me repress it the whole time. it's just kind of common knowledge over here now-a-days haha
13,344 posts

its better that she knows then me repress it the whole time.

But the question is, do you know for sure how she feels?
181 posts

well, i think she might over react but yea thanks... guess i shall go for the joke

6,672 posts

But the question is, do you know for sure how she feels?

Her and I have always been fairly honest with eachother on this subject matter.

while she was down here for winter break back in december, her and i spent a lot of time together. we talked and she told me that she would always have a soft spot for me. im not quite sure what that means.
6,672 posts

at least in regards to my situation. i know what it generally means

13,344 posts

If you want to be sure about how she feels, you could try just having a straightforward talk with her about it. More often than not, girls tend to give ambiguous and misleading signals as to whether they like you or not, which tends to create a feeling of confusion to the guy they're speaking to.

If you're unsure about where you stand, you're better off just straight-up asking her than never finding out at all. If it turns out she doesn't like you back, it can hurt a lot at first, but then you may find it easier to get over her.

You may want a female's opinion on your situation, because they might see something here that I don't.

6,672 posts

If you're unsure about where you stand, you're better off just straight-up asking her than never finding out at all. If it turns out she doesn't like you back, it can hurt a lot at first, but then you may find it easier to get over her.

as ive said before. me and her are typically very honest with eachother. if we weren't in the situation we are in now, we would probably be best friends because we are very close.

but when i did straight up ask her, the answer was as i said before: "i will always have a soft spot for you"
6,800 posts

Well, I think I committed about the worst act anyone can ever do: I said 'I love you to a girl'.

That I'm not dating.

Yeah, I know. We've been texting a bunch, and shes in California for Springbreak, four timezones behind me. So she when she was texting me at her ten at night, it was two in the morning for me. Heres the exact words of our conversation, three days ago, and all other messages since then:

Me: 'Geez, I'm tired. 2 in the morning over here, so I'm gonna go to bed.

Girl: k. nighty night, loves you.

Me;. Night. "loves you" too. :P

-Eight hours later-

Girl: wat the heck?

-Two hours later-

Me: I was really tired. :/

I don't remember the last thirty minutes or so of the conversation, because it was two in the freaking morning. But I don't think she'll take that as an excuse. So, my fellow AGers, I ask what I should do. Because Google tells me to do one of two things: Never speak to her unless she initiates the conversation, or run into her arms, explain myself, and do some horribly gushy/romantic thing. Like bring flowers.

Fun fact, but I might be moving accross my state to live with my Dad, so we might only have to deal with this for the next month or so. But I'd prefer to have this resolved, incase I end up staying.

5,952 posts

no lame excuses. thats the worst you can do, as it shows that you are spineless. she said it first, remeber that. just make it seem like its no big deal, that it happens to everyone. just talk and act like its nothing and your fine. but later down the road your probably going to have to do some dreadful romantic stuff, but after that your golden.

1,608 posts

Just stay cool and don't act like it is the end of the world. She doesn't want to think you're some kind of drama queen.

233 posts

Sorry I couldn't help but laugh inside. I would have replied to the "Wat the heck?" with a what? what happened? but yeah stay cool i guess and remember she said it first. And remember the cake is a lie.

13,344 posts

I would have replied to the "Wat the heck?" with a what? what happened?

That is a good point. Do you know for sure that what you said is what initiated her response?
5,952 posts

You guys seem helpful enough so i shall share my own problems...
So, their is this girl that I like. We are in almost all of the same classes. I sit next to her in one and we talk and make fun of the teacher behind her back a bit, it's pretty fun actually. But it appears that i have been friend zoned. Anyways, the problem is that I don't know if she likes me or not and if she does or does not, I don't know what to do. If she doesn't, should I stay friends with her? If she does, well then what?

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