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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
70 posts

The thing is, you never know for sure if somebody really likes you or not unless you ask them. And, sadly, most of the time the person will tell you no even if they do like you, because they are usually embarassed. If she doesn't like you, of course you should stay friends with her, unless for some reason she is stupid and doesn't want to. It seems like you guys are already friends, anyway. And, if you do ask her out, and if she says no, well, it doesn't really matter. The following days might be a little awkward, but just try to do what you usually do and the awkwardness will eventually go away.

If she does like you, well, you don't have to be all romantic. Just continue what you usually do, text her more, etc., unless she is a girl that likes romance.

2,226 posts

Okay, I'm in a bit of a mess. PLEASE HELP!!!
So, I like this girl. We go to the same church (she has said hi to me when I usher), we both run cross country and long distance track, we are in a lot of the same classes and both are in the Foreign Language National Honor Society (we're about as smart as each other). A few weeks ago, I noticed that she really started talking to me more, she laughs at my jokes, gave me one of those long eye contact glances, and her older sister is going out with the cross country captain (from last season).

Recent Happenings:
In this past week, a lot has gone on. I got her number two days ago and her sister's boyfriend told me that she wanted to go out with me (and he brought it up, not me). I also could have sworn that I heard her and one of her friends talking about me and (again, not sure here), she said that she might go out with me if I asked her out (although I said the same thing to my friend, only I said I might ask her out). However, yesterday, one of my friends (who is also friends with this girl) said that she didn't like-like me. Of course, this could mean one of two things: 1. she doesn't like-like me or 2. She doesn't want to tell my friend because he teases her a lot. I am a little quiet around her, but I gathered up the nerve to ask her out today.

So after 10th hour (after school), I went up to her locker (which happens to be maybe about a row away from mine) and asked her if she wanted to see a movie (and gave a date and approximate time). She said yes and acknowledged that she had talked to my friend. Now, this is where my new problem kind of starts. Lately, she has been going through a lot (school, another guy (kind of nerdy and at times a little sarcastic) asked her out, and some people said that all of this stress kind of made her cry at school today(I didn't see, but I believe it)) and now she says that for now she's not sure about the movies and just wants to get to know me better. However, something came up about her liking another guy (who I'm friends with and he told me that he's interested in another girl and was giving me high fives and stuff). Of course, I can't know if this is true, but I am thinking of calling her (not texting) and seeing if she wants to maybe go to the park or something instead or maybe just talk about what she has been going through.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

I will probably post a few "updates" I guess you could call it every once in a while if need be. Also, please drop me a message on my profile (if you don't mind) so that I don't forget about this thread and miss your comment if you don't reply in a while.

6,800 posts

Well, the afore mentioned girl just found out I want to go into the military. Apparenty shes a huge pacifist, and now calls me 'baby killer'.

So problem solved, I guess. Ain't life a b*tch?

2,226 posts

Well, the afore mentioned girl just found out I want to go into the military. Apparenty shes a huge pacifist, and now calls me 'baby killer'.

You know what, if she can't accept the things that you want to do with your life, she's not worth your time. Yeah, it does kind of suck, but if she is that ignorant to associate you with being a 'baby killer' just because you want to serve your country, then that's her problem. But you know what else? I'm sure that there are a ton of great girls out there who are turned on by the idea of going out with a "rough n' tough' soldier.
Sometimes you will get rejected, but take it graciously and she'll look like the bad one. If you still want her, just let her know how you feel and tell her how it stung when she accused you of killing babies. After that, back off a bit and make her feel a little guilty. And if she doesn't start conversation with you or try to apologize, then she never was worth your time.
275 posts

Big problem/ dillemma, whatever

Theres a girl who went to the same school as me, and we went out for a little while, but at the same time she has like five different boyfriends. Now she only has one, and she is getting kinda tired of him. Should i jump in and be her new boyfriend, or should i go out with her best friend who is madly In love with me just to spite her for cheating on me.

6,800 posts

If she cheated once, she'll cheat again. But don't do anything to spite people, because then you'll get made out to be the bad guy.

8,253 posts

Should i jump in and be her new boyfriend, or should i go out with her best friend who is madly In love with me just to spite her for cheating on me.

Best let them both be. Nothing good will come from dating out of spite only, and as Maverick said, I wouldn't trust your cheating friend.
2,739 posts

thats right killersup is back.killersup asked this one girl out and she..........just walked away.killersup tried talking to her and she does not respond.

6,800 posts

How many girls have you asked out in the past month? It seems like a lot...

2,739 posts

How many girls have you asked out in the past month? It seems like a lot...

in the past month?ummm one,and that would be late in the thirty day period.before he asked a few girls out but she was the first one in a while
2,739 posts

How many girls have you asked out in the past month? It seems like a lot...
in the past month?ummm one,and that would be late in the thirty day period.before he asked a few girls out but she was the first one in a while

killersup looked back and it was march 18th.
6,800 posts

You can't ask girls out back to back to back. It makes you look like a rat jumping from a sinking ship. If you switch your focus from one girl to the next, whats to stop you from doing the same in a relationship? Thats what girls might think, and its bad.

Its okay to be a player, provided no one catches on. And they've caught on.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Its okay to be a player, provided no one catches on.

No...having a reputation as a player can be a magnet for girls, since girls are proven to like guys with a set of traits called the dark triad traits. Scientifically proven. Of course, one must be adequate in other departments if one wants to successfully play the field but still be sought after.
1,795 posts

I'm so pissd...

I was going to ask this girl out, and as soon as I went to ask, she walks to another guy and kisses him. wtffml

656 posts

I'm so pissd...

I was going to ask this girl out, and as soon as I went to ask, she walks to another guy and kisses him. wtffml

ouch... that sucks
Showing 841-855 of 2106