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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
5,952 posts

I know.... It's a joke....

I ready yours pazx. Not sure I'm willing to do that just yet. In time

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

And then this girl raises up the possibibility of going out, aggress to a friendly get together, and then ends up crushing your heart into a a thousand bits. And now you have no one to talk to about it.

Creepy stalker. Exact thing that happened to me; and no Hahiha. The girl was in a relationship, so I took her as a good friend, but she went for broke on me. And then crushed my heart. Women! I'm never going to get you.
6,800 posts

And at the end of the day, I close my eyes knowing that everything is all my fault.

Women! I'm never going to get you.

1,388 posts

I have a silly question.
Why would a guy tell you he loves you in the artistic sense knowing you'll think he loves you period and insist that he is not married, in a relationship, etc to make you think he's on to you?

3,139 posts

I usually don't divulge too much relationship wise to the beautiful minds of AG. But since a few of you guys who talk in here, or at least used to know my situation to an extent, i may aswell.

For those of you who know, i'm sorry for any repetitiveness because we're going back a few years.

I fell in love with an American. What a stupid thing to do huh? Considering i live in Ireland. I guess it was doomed from the start. Anyways, we made a go of it, and it worked fantastically for a few years. I moved to America briefly. We had a place together, i had a job, we we're engaged. Life was good. I had to come home for a few months, things turned sour, we split up and both moved on, yet always remained friends.

I dated a girl from England, she dated a guy in her state. Both these relationships ended a while back.

I'm going to visit her in a few weeks. I haven't returned to America since the split for the obvious reasons of being madly in love with her - this she knows. When talking about the trip, old feelings stirred up for her and she confessed them to me, so me, blunt as always admitted to still being in love with her. I'll be staying at her place, but her and her most recent ex still have somethings up in the air so it's complicated from her side in that aspect. From my side it's even more complicated because after i visit her, i'm coming home to say goodbye to my family and going to live in Asia.

My problem is. What the hell am i supposed to do?
Do i go, sleep on the couch, act strictly as a friend?
Do i attempt some form of 'rekindling'?
Or do i simply kiss her, and say goodbye?

We broke up over the phone in a heat of the moment argument. Physical distance makes not talking pretty easy and we let something amazing slip past us. We both admit to that.

I'd like to have the chance to say goodbye, to at least know i did that right - since i didn't fight for her and will regret that until the end of time. But, can i really just say goodbye?

Help a girl out AG.

1,627 posts

Pickpocket, don't just give up hope. Had I done that, I would not have just celebrated 4 months with my girlfriend. You need to just wait for the moment, which you'll know what it is once you see it. And when you find that moment, you need to take it. If you really care about this girl, than don't just let her slip through your fingers. That almost happened in my case.

Jefferysinspiration, could you please describe more of this "heat of the moment argument?" I know that it could be very personal, and if you do not wish to share that with us I understand, but I'd like to know so I could help you further. Based on the information you gave us here, I'd attempt a minor rekindling, as it seems that you both just broke up over some stupid stuff, which is a shame

13,344 posts

I'd attempt a minor rekindling, as it seems that you both just broke up over some stupid stuff, which is a shame

If you both still truly love each other, forgiveness should not be a difficult step. Unless one of you two still has a grudge against something the other did, you should have no trouble forgiving each other if you both believe that you broke up over something that you now see as insignificant.
3,139 posts

Jefferysinspiration, could you please describe more of this "heat of the moment argument?" I know that it could be very personal, and if you do not wish to share that with us I understand, but I'd like to know so I could help you further. Based on the information you gave us here, I'd attempt a minor rekindling, as it seems that you both just broke up over some stupid stuff, which is a shame

It really was a silly argument. I think it was over something about time difference *Thumbs up*.

There are no grudges, i have over the year(s) let any feeling of bitterness surrounding the relationship go. (Bitterness stemming from the fact she broke off life plans via phone) - ACTUALLY. It wasn't over the phone now that i recall, it was via a facebook message which i received on my phone, then i called her.

"Rekindling" although easy emotionally, might not work. The problem with us initially was the distance. Physical distance can lead to emotional distance, mainly with time difference thrown in there too. It was hard enough to survive Ireland-America and a 5 hour time difference when it was only temporary (We would have only been apart 2 and a half months) so Asia - America and a 12 hour time difference wouldn't really be feasible on her side. I can do distance, she can't. And it'd be selfish of me to ask her to.

Oh god. I guess the big goodbye is coming.

The thing is, initially she was super excited about me coming down, and when we talk she still is, although we're talking less as the weeks get closer to me visiting. She said something like "Oh God, us getting drunk together should be fun." and blushed (On cam) and things got a little awkward and we haven't talked properly since.

What a mess.
1,627 posts

Oh god. I guess the big goodbye is coming.

You really love her, don't you
3,139 posts

You really love her, don't you

Sadly. I mean, i swore i'd never fall for someone this hard. I thought i could get over it when i got into another relationship, but that one failed because i was still so in this one.

I mean, i left my family and friends, i left my entire life here to move to America to be with her. That's pretty huge. I think it sucks even more because her family wants her to be with me (Which is massive considering how homophobic they were until they saw us together)

Maybe it's a case of waiting to see her in person again? Maybe the feelings will melt away when i see that she's settled without me?

Has anyone else had that happen? Where you're still involved until you see them again? (Hopefully yes ;])
6,800 posts

Don't go in expecting everything. Normally this applies in the whole 'go in expecting the world, and get nothing', but if you go in under the mindset of 'doom, despair, and destruction' than thats all you're going to get out of it. Enter with an open mind, and just flow with it. Who knows where you'll end up?

3,139 posts

Enter with an open mind, and just flow with it. Who knows where you'll end up?

Thank you my friend. This i will do <3.

Things seemed a lot more positive today anyways. We cammed for a long time and discussed old memories happy memories and planned to make new ones, with a trip to New York. Not her place, not mine. Somewhere totally new to just, be with each other, be it friends or more.

Thanks for the support guys, really means a lot <3
6,800 posts

Just don't psyche yourself out, really.

Thanks for the support guys, really means a lot <3

That'll be five bucks.
275 posts

thanks Mav and HaHiHa. imma just let em both to their own lives. lol XD

85 posts

I've been dating the love of my life for almost five months now!

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