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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
181 posts


Yea... my class mates are a little messed up. I mean seriously, 8th grade?
I wasn't here for page 60-90 so I must ask, how long have you been together at this moment?

Technicly since last year (ISH) but also technicly since fith grade... so... yea.
And nothing has happened yet so far... and i think im in the clear, i belive he already has a crush on someone else.... so Thanks guys.

mean, being 'serious' in the 8th grade is like... well stupid.

Even the teachers knew... there was a lot more of the "Abstinence" thing going on in class this year... :/
23 posts

Take it easy guys xD

767 posts

8th grade, and they slept together...

I knew it! I thought I was the only one listening in my health class in 8th grade...
Even the teachers knew...

That's sad/disgusting? Didn't they get in trouble. Also that ruins their reputation...

(That doesn't help, you much, but just follow your heart.)
339 posts


wow, first we have 16 pregnant now the age keeps goin down! 15 14 13...

yeah, so a while ago i was talkin bout the girl i liked, i was about to ask her out (i know it took a while but im homeschooled so i have to clear it with my dad first so my mom doesint bury me under the house!) but i was bout to ask her out then some lil no good punk (im all mad now! >:I ) swept her off her feet & said oh i love you bla bla bla then got swept off to juvy for 5 years for grandtheft asult & stealing his moms car the 5th time! now shes all heart broke over it!

this isint really a question im just sayin XD
1,627 posts

Well, I have two problems, one for me, and one for a friend. I need answers ASAP.

My friend's first. He just broke up with his girlfriend of 9 months, and they were pretty serious. I'm hanging out with him later this afternoon. Any advice?


Well, it's been 6 weeks since I've seen my girlfriend because of camp and international vacations. And I was supposed to hang out with her for her birthday later today. Was. My parents cancelled with the weak reasons of "it's a bad part of town," and "it's a parental decision we don't have to explain ourselves." Does anyone know what this actually means? I have the sense that they don't exactly like that I'm dating someone, however they cancelled these plans which had already been ok'd by them...I know that this is more of a rant, but how do I continue?

767 posts

My friend's first. He just broke up with his girlfriend of 9 months, and they were pretty serious. I'm hanging out with him later this afternoon. Any advice?

Do not mention her name whatsoever. Don't treat him any different than you would have treated him when he was with his girlfriend. Just give him time, and when he wants to talk about you should converse about it. DO NOT think making jokes about her will cheer him up.

On to your problem.

Go talk to your parents about it. Ask them why they don't like who your going out with. They have to have a good reason to cancel it. They probably heard a nasty rumor about her and got scared and worried for you.

"it's a parental decision we don't have to explain ourselves."

Sadly, all that means is we don't have a reason ready and we need to make up one for the future. That's like saying "'Cause I said so, that's why!" Anyways, I hope this is good advice, but just talk it out with your parents. Also don't forget to get her a gift! And apologize for not making it for her special day.
767 posts

yeah, so a while ago i was talkin bout the girl i liked, i was about to ask her out (i know it took a while but im homeschooled so i have to clear it with my dad first so my mom doesint bury me under the house!) but i was bout to ask her out then some lil no good punk (im all mad now! >:I ) swept her off her feet & said oh i love you bla bla bla then got swept off to juvy for 5 years for grandtheft asult & stealing his moms car the 5th time! now shes all heart broke over it!

Im assuming your a nice guy unlike the 5th timer. Anyways, Im assuming once again you got permission. Well, if you didn't don't yet. The girl needs to chill down first off all. Go text her...(If you have her number). Tell her your sorry to hear her "loss." Then slowly do nice things (Not yet romantic) for her and she'll value as a good person and maybe into one of her best friends slot. (Your in the dreaded friendzone, but your the next best thing as a boyfriend). Anyways, when the time is right (You'll know when the time is right) tell her that you like her and have been waiting for what feels like forever to ask her out. (Don't do that last part in a text -_-)

I just realized....I give good advice...yet I'm still single ahaha. Forever alone.
1,373 posts


That's seriously all my brain leapt to.

I mean, being 'serious' in the 8th grade is like... well stupid.

Yes I know what you mean. I am still a kid and I don't understand this, well I don't understand a lot of things kids do now a days. >.> Well I always use logic in whatever I do (if what I am doing is important) and in a situation like this, na uh. I can wait a couple of more years, and I know something bad is gonna happen. Well there are two runner ups for my theory (I know, I am very weird), either it is they do not take things into consideration which is immaturity in and itself and your dating privileges should be put to a halt. Or (Theory number 2), they probably don't care, and I know all of you already know that this a bad thing and you don't need the human dictionary to explain. XD I here about this stuff all the time and I hope that one day it will stop. :|
1,627 posts

Go talk to your parents about it. Ask them why they don't like who your going out with. They have to have a good reason to cancel it. They probably heard a nasty rumor about her and got scared and worried for you.

I have repeatedly. They said that they have no problem with the girl I'm dating, but they want me to "enjoy time with other high school friends." Plus they, again, didn't like the part of town, which is BS.

lso don't forget to get her a gift! And apologize for not making it for her special day.

Already did for both. We're both kinda pissed at both of our parents (long story).
5,952 posts

I just realized....I give good advice...yet I'm still single ahaha. Forever alone.

I hear ya.

I have repeatedly. They said that they have no problem with the girl I'm dating, but they want me to "enjoy time with other high school friends." Plus they, again, didn't like the part of town, which is BS.

Ok if she lives in a house then your fine. I mean I doubt she lives in a cardboard box in the hood or anything. Explain the fact that you haven't seen each other in six months. Tell them you still hang out with your friends. And if they feel unsafe about driving their, ask your girl if she would have her parents come and pick you up. However this might cause conflict between both sets of parents so don't sue me if it messes up.
767 posts

I figured it out...well one part of your problem.

Tell them you still hang out with your friends. And if they feel unsafe about driving their, ask your girl if she would have her parents come and pick you up. However this might cause conflict between both sets of parents so don't sue me if it messes up.

Instead, you could also have the girl ask her parents to drive you here. Unless you don't want them to know, or if you also live in a bad part of town? Anyways, you could also finally meet her parents. A light parent-parent meeting? Unless, you still don't want them to know.
181 posts

[quote=Minoutaur}Yes I know what you mean. I am still a kid and I don't understand this, well I don't understand a lot of things kids do now a days. >.> Well I always use logic in whatever I do (if what I am doing is important) and in a situation like this, na uh. I can wait a couple of more years, and I know something bad is gonna happen. Well there are two runner ups for my theory (I know, I am very weird), either it is they do not take things into consideration which is immaturity in and itself and your dating privileges should be put to a halt. Or (Theory number 2), they probably don't care, and I know all of you already know that this a bad thing and you don't need the human dictionary to explain. XD I here about this stuff all the time and I hope that one day it will stop. :|[/quote]
I hear you. And @Moon yes... but everyone in my class thought they were a "cute couple" (except for me, i thought they were a little disgusting) and only fueled the fire And no they didnt get in trouble from the teachers, but they were moved if sat within 10 feet of each other, and the guy was forced to move his lockers with mine.

127 posts

It's a long story. For our anniversary I treated her like a queen. I brought her Starbucks after her practice, took her out, and let her sit on my bike while I pushed her all the way home which was like 2 miles away.

I am not going to soften this; I can see why this would be boring. She is rather selfish though. She should have said what she wanted rather than lie or "I don't want to hurt him". Which is really just being selfish since it's about her own feelings of not wanting to deal with you being hurt.
anywho was that an assumption dunno
Looks like neither or you communicated well though. uwah...

lol comments sry about comments but it's up here on dis trhead so dats wat it gets
1,627 posts

Instead, you could also have the girl ask her parents to drive you here. Unless you don't want them to know, or if you also live in a bad part of town? Anyways, you could also finally meet her parents. A light parent-parent meeting? Unless, you still don't want them to know.

Both our parents are fully aware that we're dating. This is the breakdown:

Her mom-totally cool that we're dating
Her dad-doesn't trust me around her daughter
My parents-like the girl I'm dating, but don't like me dating

Of course, we're not going to break up because our parents don't like it and could possibly separate us for an extended amount of time, because I'm getting my drivers license in about 7 months, and if we're still together by then, we could have more authority about when/where we are together.
3,386 posts

Don't go throwing around your License in your parents face. It'll probably piss em off, and possibly delay you in getting said license.

If you want to approach this in an adult-type way, try asking your parents. Stupid I know, but ask them how do you think they would like you to handle the situation. It sounds totally and completely stupid, but it usually impresses most parents, and gives them the idea that you want to act maturely. And that's how you gain their trust. So maybe they will try to accept you dating this chicka.

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