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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
1,627 posts

#1, as unhelpful as they are, you could get this ***** hung up on sexual harassment charges against your friend and also simple harassment against you, by involving administration and your school's officer (all schools usually have one policeman on campus at a time).

#2, just go with the flow. If you end up liking her, bravo. If you don't, keep things the way they are, and DON'T PANIC. If you PANIC, she'll think that you like her back, so DON'T PANIC.

255 posts

[#1, as unhelpful as they are, you could get this ***** hung up on sexual harassment charges against your friend and also simple harassment against you, by involving administration and your school's officer (all schools usually have one policeman on campus at a time).]

it wasnt that bad.thanks for the advice, but im still open to more of it.

255 posts

i know this isnt the place for it, but im new to this forum thing, and how do you put a quote like BRAAINZz did?

552 posts

i know this isnt the place for it, but im new to this forum thing, and how do you put a quote like BRAAINZz did?

Highlight the part you want to quote and then click the blue quote button above the reply box.
4,220 posts

If i do call her, what do i say?

Just say "wassup, how was your day?"

All great conversations start that way. Talking to girls isn't that hard, and if your current anxiety is anything to go by, you probably aren't an offensive ******bag. Be confident (not arrogant, don't be arrogant), and talk to her like you would talk to one of your friends.

so basically how do i handle this situation.

Not give two ****s or a **** about what she, or anybody else thinks. Unless you're running for class president or some other useless popularity contest, a few nasty rumors will just fade with time. Just laugh at her when she calls you or your friends particularly nasty things, it'll make her even madder. There is nothing quite like an emotional victory when you just laugh at her juvenile behavior and she flies off the rails. Savor it, I know I do.

She is just a temporary problem. She'll get bored, and the less you react, the more futile it appears to her.
1,627 posts

Unless you're running for class president or some other useless popularity contest

Finally someone else who shares my views on student elections

And...another problem >.>

My parents basically told me they want me to break up so I can "enjoy my high school years." How to I tell them no? Like, definitively no?
5,952 posts

My parents basically told me they want me to break up so I can "enjoy my high school years." How to I tell them no? Like, definitively no?

Alright this is what you should say...

No. I am enjoying my highschool years with her. You cannot control my life anymore. I'm mature enough to handle myself. If you make me break up with her, then highschool will be even worse for me.

Or something similar to that.
255 posts

Thank you everyone. I'll have an update next time i go to archery.

787 posts

My parents basically told me they want me to break up so I can "enjoy my high school years." How to I tell them no? Like, definitively no?

Not to be an *** about about it, but for one, don't be a ***** about it. Keep cool as you tell them. Maybe have a slight bit of a **** off kind of attitude towards it.

Unless of course, you're not that kind of person, which you don't seem it anyway. I wouldn't suggest storming out after saying your words though.

It doesn't seem like they like her. Ask them why. Might aid the situation. That said, if they give you some ******** reason, go ahead with my first suggestion.
255 posts

Well i am going to archery right now. 50/50 chance that she'll be there. oh did i mention that her dad is the manager of the range?

255 posts

she wasnt. her sister was though. on monday(the day this ordeal started) she had to be the older sister that teased us about what was going on. you know the normal"_______ and _______ sitting in a tree..." kind of thing. no mention of it today though.

767 posts

you know the normal"_______ and _______ sitting in a tree..." kind of thing. no mention of it today though

"(The Guy) and (The Girl), sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage. Then comes an abrupt, tragic miscarriage. Then comes blame, then comes despair. Two hearts damaged beyond repair. (The Guy) leaves (The Girl), and takes the tree. D-I-V-O-R-C-E."

The Cyanide and Happiness comic...or just the regular thing?
Hehe, on to serious matters...that's a good sign...not really. Her sister knows that she likes you. Maybe instead of telling her, you should try bonding with the older sister and telling her that you don't want a relationship with the younger sister and you need to get your grades higher up.
13,344 posts

You could always try keeping an open mind, so if it does lead to the girl liking you and asking to date you, you could say yes and see where it goes. What do you have to lose by doing so? You'll have gained the experience at the very least.

2,150 posts

a complete b**** asked me out THREE days after she put on Facebook that we were in a relationship. everyone knows she is a b**** and i got dirty looks at school before i knew anything was going on(remember oblivious to outside world). so when she did ask me out(at the end of the day) i was pissed off because she didnt respect that i didnt want anything to do with dating and i was really mad at the facebook thing. so as a parry-repost(fencing terminology) she started spreading extremely mean rumors about me. they werent true and i wont tell what they were. so then she started vebaly attacking one of my female friends(she is just a neighbor and part of the group of people i hang out with) by calling her a lesbian and started some anti lesbian thoughts of other kids.( the victim is NOT a lesbian FYI) so basically how do i handle this situation.

You need to confront her about it, because it's cyber bullying and it can be serious. One person can light a spark and the next there's a wildfire going. It's led to many suicides. So confront her about it, and if she doesn't stop, then contact the proper authorities.

as my bio says, i do archery and last night at archery i shared a target with a girl my age. i have never seen/talked to this girl before. her dad runs the archery range and her sister is a state archery champion. we end up knowing the same people, and she asks for my phone number. obviously i have no idea how to react so i give her my number(home phone. remember i dont have a phone) what do i do now. i dont like her but i can tell she likes me. what do i do? do i call her? if yes, When? i go to archery every monday, and sometimes friday. If i do call her, what do i say? Help!!

First off, tell her it's your home phone, because she probably is trying to text you, so let her know to call you, and if she calls, just carry on a normal conversation. Act natural. Tell some archery stories, talk about the olympics archery events, just let a normal conversation commence. You don't have to act all weird, that's what creeps girls out. Act like you normally do. Find some more things in common with her, that kind of stuff.
255 posts

The first girl isn't a problem anymore.

Thanks for the advice on the older sister, AceofSky. I have one question, though. Why did you say I needed to bring my grades up? I have had straight "A's" all my life. this past year I passed Algebra 1 Honors with an "A" in SEVENTH grade. It is a 9th grade course in my state.

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