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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
767 posts

Well almost every guy uses axe after p.e. you see i live in a place where it is over 110 degrees Farenheight 70% of the year.

Guys I got it! He lives in Alaska! All Alaskians use Axe...or was is Canadians? The British? Americans? New Yorkers!
255 posts

Guys I got it! He lives in Alaska! All Alaskians use Axe...or was is Canadians? The British? Americans? New Yorkers!

how does that make any sense. alaska is cold. so is canada and everywhere else that you mentioned.
767 posts

how does that make any sense. alaska is cold. so is canada and everywhere else that you mentioned.

I was kidding. :P So is problem solved? Or still looking for a way to repel girls still?
13,344 posts

You want to repel girls? Make them think you're some kind of psychopath. Don't actually do anything that could get you into trouble, just behave strangely and make them think you have some sort of hidden agenda.

255 posts

okay side story about relationships that is HILARIOUS!!! so remember the girl that was called a lesbian? shes a neighbor and friend of mine. in the past 2 weeks we have hanged out with eachother a lot(not like a relationship, i am still anti dating). so she is, how do you say this, sought after by the guys at my school(she is EXTREMELY popular). so as normal there is some guy at our school who is sending her outrageous love texts and love confessions. the thing is that this girl and this guy arent even friends but they have mutual friends. so i am with her today doing some school stuff(right now shes coming to a show with my family and i) (i live in las vegas if you cant tell) so somebody asks her,"what are you doing tonight?" she says,"i am going to a show with (insert my name here)(like i am releasing my name to you people)". so word of this gets to this guy that likes her. so he texts her,"how dare he steal you from me!!!" and he goes on some rampage about her cheating on him with me. of course nobody believes him because its ME and everyone knows i am anti-dating.

the funniest thing is

she is sick of it and the fact that he wont take no for an answer.

i find this hilarious.

1,627 posts


^that is one ginormous swear word which i want to call my girlfriend's dad. he just said that she wasn't going to this sleepaway event for my youth group which had been planned over the past 6 months. im starting to get sick and tired of the disappointments and the frustrations and anxiety i am getting because of her dad...

my question is, how do you know when it is time to say goodbye-no matter how hard it is-to someone you love for a different reason than a direct fault? and is it "allowable" to break up with someone because of their relatives?

13,344 posts

If you really love this girl, and she really loves you, don't give up on her just because she has a controlling father. It's not her fault, and if you break up with her, nobody wins except for her father. It's up to you to decide whether or not she's worth it, and if she is, you two can make it work somehow.

Try talking to her about her father and how to make the relationship work. If you can't spend as much time with her as you would like, you'll still be able to cherish the moments you do spend together.

5,952 posts

Try talking to her about her father and how to make the relationship work. If you can't spend as much time with her as you would like, you'll still be able to cherish the moments you do spend together.

Ah but here comes the value of my devious ways. Dont break up with her, but tell her to pretend that you broke up with her family. Then she will have to explain that she THINKS (dont make her say "he broke up with me because of you" as this may make the problem worse) that you broke up with her because of him. Then if he sees his daughter in distress over all of this, one of two things may happen
1. He feels deeply sorry and realizes that his daughter is independent and allows you to date.
2. thinks of you as shallow, scared and week and that you were a waste of time.
Mind tricks always have their chances.
OR the safer way is to go face to face with the dad and say, "Why?"
and is it "allowable" to break up with someone because of their relatives?

Last I remember, your parents caused some bumps in the road, but you still got the babe.
he just said that she wasn't going to this sleepaway event for my youth group which had been planned over the past 6 months.

1. ask "why not, you think im gonna pull something? (cauz i would)".... or something similar. You catch my drift
2. ask her to take to her parents. If she really, really, really, REALLY wanted to go, she wouldnt let her parents stop her. Its quite possible that she is pinning this all on her dad to get rid of you..... And thats the problem with my brain, I over think things like this sometimes.
255 posts

you people know that i have close to no contact to the my friends. i dont text or facebook or twitter or whatever.(i think social media, like dating, is retarded.) so today at the dinner and show i took my neighbor to, i learned that two of our friends are dating(news to me. but theyve been dating for a while now so you know how slow i am about getting gossip) but the worst thing was that i learned that the girl of this couple sleeps at his house occasionally. the shocker is that the girl has a good head on her shoulders and is very smart and has common sense. or so we thought.

i cant believe this. we this is the summer going into 8th grade and kids are...well you know. s******* active,(i dont know what words i can and cant say on this thing. this is my first forum. remember, no contact to the outside world.)

1,627 posts



^note the lack of asterisks

ask "why not, you think im gonna pull something? (cauz i would)".... or something similar. You catch my drift

This isn't just my youth group...about 75 other people will be there. I don't want to give up too much detail, because that would reveal some personal information, but look up NFTY, and you'll get a small idea of what I'm talking about.

ask her to take to her parents. If she really, really, really, REALLY wanted to go, she wouldnt let her parents stop her. Its quite possible that she is pinning this all on her dad to get rid of you.....

No, because there are tons of friends that she really wants to see at this event, and also because judging by the way she was acting around me last time we saw each other with friends, she doesn't want to get rid of me.

Sidenote, I'm not going to use your idea pickpocket...too many ways for it to go wrong.

Ernie, she is worth it, but I don't know how much value is conveyed in the "it."
767 posts

Sidenote, I'm not going to use your idea pickpocket...too many ways for it to go wrong.

Zaky, Im assuming you're under 18? If you go up to the Dad and say "Why," it has a huge chance of leading to a fight? But! You could report child abuse! The dad gets arrested! You and the girl live happily ever after until the dad comes back...?

Note: There is a small chance that the girl would hate you forever if she finds out you had this planned...

Ernie, she is worth it, but I don't know how much value is conveyed in the "it."

She sounds more like a pet...Instead say she is worth the trouble/pain/love?

Also idigit, what about Prom? Are you going to skip Prom due to your anti-dating policy?
1,824 posts

Note: There is a small chance that the girl would hate you forever if she finds out you had this planned...

Now, wouldn't that be something? You'd be such the villain. Plotting your way to romance. It's almost...Capitol.
Speaking of which;
And thou doest wonder why people like him get the girls? Be like him, and you win. Not the blue hair. But if you wear something other then black, something other then a teeshirt and jeans, I can almost certainly maybe possible mostly guarantee victory.
767 posts

Now, wouldn't that be something? You'd be such the villain. Plotting your way to romance. It's almost...Capitol.
Speaking of which;
And thou doest wonder why people like him get the girls? Be like him, and you win. Not the blue hair. But if you wear something other then black, something other then a teeshirt and jeans, I can almost certainly maybe possible mostly guarantee victory.

So you're saying wearing something fancy could get you the girl? *Puts on his Fancy Pants' pants*.
1,824 posts

I am saying a good choice in clothing and a quirky, excellent attitude will get you a girl. Normal is a constraint for the unimaginative.

767 posts

If people need help learning how to be Quirky. It's meant for people who need help finding their love of their life. *Reads the article as quickly as possible.*

i cant believe this. we this is the summer going into 8th grade and kids are...well you know. s******* active,(i dont know what words i can and cant say on this thing. this is my first forum. remember, no contact to the outside world.)

You can say almost anything in this forum...
Example: Cooties, Boys, and Girls.
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