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I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
767 posts

so i am in this band camp that started monday and ends today. from the 1st or 2nd day i can tell that this girl likes me. she blushes everytime i talk to her, fidgets when i am around her, fixes everything(hair, clothes, etc.) all the time, laughs at every thing i say even if its not funny, etc.
so today is the last day. i am still anti-middle school dating btw. i will se if she has an ipod touch or an email so that she can text me or email me. i of course am not looking for a relationship but hey a friendship could work. i have no idea what her mindset is, but i'll keep you guys posted. gotta turn off your awesomeness or something like toning it down if you want to respect your policy for no dating. Also band camp? (I know where to pick up chicks now!) Seriously, don't shower/put beauty/makeup/face creams/and also wear a shirt that says Micro-(Insert obvious body part here...)

jeez people whats wrong with talking about relationships. this is like a support group here

I see nothing wrong with it. We are being's not like we compare and rate each others catches.

Alright I have a problem here. It's not the kind you would expect but it is a relationship.
It involves my parents. Here is the situation. Throughout the summer they have been forcing me into random stupid camps that I don't want to go to. I finally couldn't take it and exploded in rage last week. The ressult? They take away my videos game because they think that the violence makes me "inhuman and angry". For those of you who don't know I started a gaming YouTube channel and I want it to get pretty big. Now I have no way to post new stuff. I have stuff for te rest of the week and that's it. This was the end of it. At first I was acting nice and was helpful in an attempt to earn them back. When I politely asked and they said no AND they took away more of my freedom I lost it. I have been incredibly angry for the past week. I cannot take them controlling every aspect of my miserable life. To make it better they say, "you and your only friend" and "you will be a garbage man if you keep that up." they proceed to ask what's wrong and I say they are and they yell at me more.
I can't stand it anymore. I hate being forced to do things I don't want to and being treated like I'm 5.

Alright you have a problem here...with a deadline too! If only AG wasn't in such a slump of inactivity in the forums... Anyways what I think:

That's stupid...

What are you seriously angry about? Cool down...sometimes when I talk to my parents they are kinda across the hall or something and I shout really loud which makes it look I am irate when I am not... The best thing to do to save your gaming channel is to apologize and not get mad for the time being. They'll soon come to their senses and realize that they were pretty unfair for taking the video games system away.
Also another problem you have is that most of the camps they put you in is for your benefit. You sound like you play video games a lot...? So they think you won't end up anywhere. So they try to involve you in something for your future job...

(This has been a long post...? Hope I didn't accidentally delete a portion or something... *Crosses Fingers*)
2,150 posts

so i am in this band camp that started monday and ends today. from the 1st or 2nd day i can tell that this girl likes me. she blushes everytime i talk to her, fidgets when i am around her, fixes everything(hair, clothes, etc.) all the time, laughs at every thing i say even if its not funny, etc.
so today is the last day. i am still anti-middle school dating btw. i will se if she has an ipod touch or an email so that she can text me or email me. i of course am not looking for a relationship but hey a friendship could work. i have no idea what her mindset is, but i'll keep you guys posted.

wait... what? A middle schooler who's MATURE? **** dude. Mad props.

First off, have you tried approaching them in a mature, adult manner and telling them that you don't want to go to any of these camps? They're doing it so that you can socialize and meet some people. I wish I could go to a summer camp. I'm too old anymore, though. I think summer camps are fun. Why don't you?
"exploding in rage" is a very immature thing to do, so they're going to respond and treat you like the age you act. I'm talking from experience dude. Instead of playing videogames for days on end, go outside and do something. You're making a big deal out of something that's not. And as for the "miserable life" bit. Your life is what you make it, so if you think you're life is miserable, then it's going to be miserable. How about trying to appreciate the fact of what you do have? Clothes on your back, food in the fridge, and you don't have to poop in a bucket. So you got your game taken away for a little while, big whoop. Read a book, or go outside, or call up a friend. Do not make videogaming your life. It very rarely works out for anyone.
5,952 posts

No, it's not like that. It sorta started from the videogames and spiraled out of control. And the reason I didn't want to do the camps was because I just wasn't interested in them. I went to a few tennis camps and such but others sorta seemed boring. Don't think I'm one of those guys who does nothing but play videogames haha.
As stated I tried the mature way first, then lost it. But I seem to have everything under control at the moment so thanks.

767 posts

I think everyone's problems are solved! WE CAN ALL SLEEP!

Just kidding... ^.^

Im rather curious now...Has anyone ever dated/liked/wanted to date someone that is a different religion than you? Like for example, I was texting this girl, I sort of like. Then she mentioned religion and she got really mad at me since I said I kinda believe in science more since it makes sense to me. My parents are religious so I sort of have to be religious...but religion seems like a story to me. Science seems real and proven by facts. It makes sense to me. The girl is a hardcore religious person. So we were talking about religion and I mentioned how I liked the idea of science more and then she started going on how science was really something like "a million years ago...blah blah." So I just replied with "religion pssh..." thinking she was joking. Then it started going downhill... She then told me to say something I found wrong with [her] religion. Except...I didn't want to. She said that I should state my opinion and back it up. So I said that I don't want out friendship to be ruined... So then she said it can be any religion. So I told her again I don't want to do that. So she started flipping out...: "No you aren't. If I'm going to get pissed it will be because you aren't doing it! Seriously I know how I will take it my God. I know myself better than. you know me. I know how I will take it. I said it just has to be about religion. There's thousands of religions." So then I said no once again and sorry...then she didn't message me back?

Girls are complicated...did she seem a bit stubborn or something? Maybe it's her time of the-...or pm... (You know what I mean).

It's hilarious how she gets mad for stupid stuff...She said she got mad because I didn't [argue/]voice my opinion back.

Am I the hero? Or was I zero for not argueing with her?

3,766 posts

Well I think she is one of those crazy religious types that is insane about the whole thing. That is a breaking point at least for me. It would be OK if you had different beliefs and could deal with that. She cannot. I say that is a deal breaker. Either you would probably have to conform to her religion and not be happy or not date her. You could try to get her to accept that fact that you are fine with her religion and just want to be able to have your own belief. From what I heard from you she would probably flip out like crazy.

Anyway I would post my problem but there is no way to fix it so I will not.

1,627 posts

Anyway I would post my problem but there is no way to fix it so I will not.

c'mon bro, shoot! sometimes a different perspective is all that's needed to solve an issue
5,952 posts

Yeah sorry dude, but your screwed multiple ways.
1. She probably doesn't like you anymore
2. She thinks your unintelligent
3. She doesn't respect your opinion which means she isn't worth obsessing over.
Best advise: screw it. I follow one main rule in life, "if your an a$$ to me then I'm an a$$ to you." I suggest you follow it. It helps with this stuff.
Like how I thought I was getting far with a girl and how she one day stopped talking to me. Screw it.... Although I'm still confused by that whole thing but ah never mind. We're talking about you. Your the reason we can't sleep -_-

767 posts

Well I think she is one of those crazy religious types that is insane about the whole thing. That is a breaking point at least for me. It would be OK if you had different beliefs and could deal with that. She cannot. I say that is a deal breaker. Either you would probably have to conform to her religion and not be happy or not date her. You could try to get her to accept that fact that you are fine with her religion and just want to be able to have your own belief. From what I heard from you she would probably flip out like crazy.

Yeah sorry dude, but your screwed multiple ways.
1. She probably doesn't like you anymore
2. She thinks your unintelligent
3. She doesn't respect your opinion which means she isn't worth obsessing over.
Best advise: screw it. I follow one main rule in life, "if your an a$$ to me then I'm an a$$ to you." I suggest you follow it. It helps with this stuff.
Like how I thought I was getting far with a girl and how she one day stopped talking to me. Screw it.... Although I'm still confused by that whole thing but ah never mind. We're talking about you. Your the reason we can't sleep -_-

Thanks guys for the advice. Im just not going to talk to her anymore. See if she will even remember me. The sad thing is that I've known her for...2 years.

I noticed she seemed to be less sensitive. When her brother went away for something religious...she was like bawling out her eyes. So I decide to share some empathy and say something along the lines of "I haven't seen my dad for 4 weeks." (It wasn't even a day since she left her brother). She replied with saying that "It's not the same." Which is kinda sad...I then realized she wasn't the one...but thanks for encouraging me. (PS: She also friendzoned me... 3 strikes your out?)
5,952 posts

@ daleks
Why did you post that if you weren't going to share hmmmm? We (or me...depends) helped zakyman and he seems......sain.
Can we sleep now?

1,627 posts

helped zakyman and he seems......sain.

Objection! In no way do I seem "sane." If you would revise that to a tad psychotic, it would be most appreciated.

Thanks guys for the advice. Im just not going to talk to her anymore. See if she will even remember me. The sad thing is that I've known her for...2 years.

Or just don't start any conversations. She might have been a ***** to you, but that doesn't mean you should just ignore her. I tried that and a friend of mine almost ended up committing suicide...
5,952 posts

Objection! In no way do I seem "sane."

Why you gotta go and pick on me man?
[quote]Or just don't start any conversations. She might have been a ***** to you, but that doesn't mean you should just ignore her. I tried that and a friend of mine almost ended up committing suicide...
Yeah dont start it. And if you have given up on her, then dont seem interested in the conversation.
1,824 posts

Alright I have a problem here. It's not the kind you would expect but it is a relationship.
It involves my parents. Here is the situation. Throughout the summer they have been forcing me into random stupid camps that I don't want to go to. I finally couldn't take it and exploded in rage last week. The ressult? They take away my videos game because they think that the violence makes me "inhuman and angry". For those of you who don't know I started a gaming YouTube channel and I want it to get pretty big. Now I have no way to post new stuff. I have stuff for te rest of the week and that's it. This was the end of it. At first I was acting nice and was helpful in an attempt to earn them back. When I politely asked and they said no AND they took away more of my freedom I lost it. I have been incredibly angry for the past week. I cannot take them controlling every aspect of my miserable life. To make it better they say, "you and your only friend" and "you will be a garbage man if you keep that up." they proceed to ask what's wrong and I say they are and they yell at me more.

If you've locked yourself away often in your room, playing games all day, they do have a right to take your games away. I'm sure if you tried several activities, (archery, fishing, ballroom dancing, to name some of the more obscure, entertaining ones) and found one you wanted, and did that for a while they would relent. But if you continue to sulk about losing your "only entertainment" they will not crack. To them, you should be doing more activities, if that is the case, of course.
767 posts

Or just don't start any conversations. She might have been a ***** to you, but that doesn't mean you should just ignore her. I tried that and a friend of mine almost ended up committing suicide...

Got it. Don't ignore. Just not going to start any conversation.

Can we sleep now?

Well...not that you mention is I do have 99 problems, but a relationship ain't one. Or so I have heard people say. Yes this head can sleep unless Daleks wants to... (hint hint).
3,766 posts

c'mon bro, shoot! sometimes a different perspective is all that's needed to solve an issue
Why did you post that if you weren't going to share hmmmm?

To answer zakyman, key the word "sometimes". This time is not one of those times.
To answer pickpocket now. It is fun to do little studies on a small population that does not know it is being examined. And to result the findings of this study: you are mostly all predictable as hell. I mean I knew it would be zakyman and pickpocket that would comment on it. Then AceofSky had to comment on it, darn you Wil Wheat... I mean AceofSky.
5,952 posts

To answer pickpocket now. It is fun to do little studies on a small population that does not know it is being examined. And to result the findings of this study: you are mostly all predictable as hell. I mean I knew it would be zakyman and pickpocket that would comment on it. Then AceofSky had to comment on it, darn you Wil Wheat... I mean AceofSky.

Ummm.... Dafaq?
Incase you haven't relized my old friend/enemy, I post on anything really. If you look back, we reply to things constantly, don't we zak? All it takes is to look back a few pages. I'm gonna predict that I'm gonna post back here once someone else does. It's the way it works.
And not to tear you down dally, but if you bother to "examin" us, well I think I found your relationship problem! Buuuuurn
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