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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
478 posts

One thing that really bothers me with women is the double standards. It's not really their fault as much as it is society in general. Although some take advantage of it.

Some examples..

Woman who is sexually inactive: virtuous/choosy. Man: loser.
Woman in low-paying job: cares about more than money. Man: loser.
Woman who is not socially outgoing: sweet. Man: creepy.
Woman who cries: victim. Man: weak.
Woman who experiments with bi-sexuality: no big deal. Man: placed with a stigma and/or labeled gay.

And the list goes on and on...

Of course, double standards go both ways but more so in terms of favoring women, in my opinion.

3,139 posts


And you think guys don't do this to girls/other guys? & Girls don't do it to other girls? It's not a girl thing, it's a human thing.

As for the double standard thing. I'm glad you noted that it goes in both ways, but can't it be argued that as a gender we each believe it's more so the other gender in favour.

For example:
Being promiscuous: Woman = Sl*t, Man = Lord.
5,952 posts

And you think guys don't do this to girls/other guys? & Girls don't do it to other girls? It's not a girl thing, it's a human thing.

I was only kidding Jeffrey
But as Jefferysinspiration said, the only thing that really works is asking. If you don't want to, stay friendly, keep open to everything, and don't get your hopes up.

Yeah, I think that's it. It's just me thinking that I'm special when I'm no different from the other dooche bags in my grade.
As for the double standard thing. I'm glad you noted that it goes in both ways, but can't it be argued that as a gender we each believe it's more so the other gender in favour.

Of corse, we want what we don't have. We also always feel like that. The only other instance that I can think of right now is politics. Democrats feel that they are being attacked by conservatives and republicans feel exactly the same.
478 posts

For example:
Being promiscuous: Woman = Sl*t, Man = Lord

And that was the certainly the most obvious one. Feel free to see if you can name more than I can though.
3,766 posts

Ahhh...well. Is it just me or is this thread pretty slow right now. So let's spice it up!

OK, for this one you will need a lot of background on me. So here is your chance to learn a bit about daleks(as in me, not the Dr. Who monster. But I could tell you all about those too).

Anyway, I am a naturally shy person. Like really shy. I hate talking to people I don't know and hate feeling out of place. I am constantly paranoid that I will offend someone somehow or they will think I am in idiot.

So ya. Back last school year I was in a Stats class. Loved it, but that is besides the point. There was this girl who was pretty cool. I don't know her very well(I sent her a friend request on FB but I am pretty sure she denied it), but she goes to a college I am thinking about going to. I want to just ask her how she likes it but I don't want her thinking that some weird person is asking her.

Anyway, what should I do?

343 posts

you are a sad bunch of people. thats all i have to say.

9,808 posts

you are a sad bunch of people. thats all i have to say.

Well now...that wasn't very nice

I want to just ask her how she likes it but I don't want her thinking that some weird person is asking her

My opinion...send her a message saying something along the lines of how you noticed she goes to the college that you are thinking of going to and was wondering what her thoughts on that college are and how she likes it. Just come off as interested in the college...then if it'd please you if/when you get an answer from her you could start a conversation about her college experience so far (with classes...nothing really personal)
13,344 posts

Being promiscuous: Woman = Sl*t, Man = Lord.

A key that opens many locks is a master key, but a lock that is opened by many keys is just a terrible lock.

Democrats feel that they are being attacked by conservatives and republicans

Democrats are being attacked by Republicans. That's how Republicans win elections.

But that's an entirely different debate. We won't go there now.

Anyway, what should I do?

First of all, how do you plan to ask her? Do you see her often, or do you plan to contact her some other way besides in person?

you are a sad bunch of people. thats all i have to say.

As much as misery loves company, you aren't contributing to the thread.
3,766 posts

Ya, that is probably what I will do, with a little twist on it.

First of all, how do you plan to ask her? Do you see her often, or do you plan to contact her some other way besides in person?

Let's start with the "Do I see her often?". I don't think she knows my name, or at least probably doesn't remember it. I mean, I talked to her a few times but we weren't really friends or anything. Anyway, I cannot contact her in person, she is at college right now. So on FB is how I will contact her.

BTW, just in case any of you are confused, this isn't Cristina.
5,952 posts

Democrats are being attacked by Republicans. That's how Republicans win elections.

But see, I'm a republican and we think you attack us. That's how you won.
you are a sad bunch of people. thats all i have to say.

Well you want to know what sadder than a group of the public trying to help people? You. Coming here and criticizing us. Don't you, I dont know, have a life? After all, if we are sad, that makes you sadder.
Don't tell me, it was for the ap wasn't it?
Anyway, what should I do?

Umm... Ask her? I mean c'mon, if she denied your request then what do you have to lose? I mean, as long as you talked once or twice you should be good.
13,344 posts

I don't think she knows my name

Neither do we, but that isn't stopping us from seeing you in online form every day.

So on FB is how I will contact her.

I don't know enough about Facebook to help you there.

Umm... Ask her? I mean c'mon, if she denied your request then what do you have to lose?

^ This. You'll never talk to her if you don't try to talk to her. If she doesn't care you exist, that's her fault for being ignorant, and at least you'll know how she truly feels and you won't be stuck wondering for the rest of your life.
343 posts

well if it was for the ap dont you think i could of spammed some random profile? but neverless, ill contribute the thread, maybe you can help me. Well i dont like any of the girls at my school and i was just wonderin if there is a way to get them off of me but not look stupid. Is this possible?

343 posts

while i was so emotionally absorbed with my self i forgot to ask daleks how much he likes her from 10 being the most and 1 the worst. I am just heart strucked about all your rude comments about me.

3,766 posts

while i was so emotionally absorbed with my self i forgot to ask daleks how much he likes her from 10 being the most and 1 the worst.

This isn't a girl that I like in the sense that I want to go out with her. But I like her as a person.
2,739 posts

haha well remember that girl that Killersup posted in here about last time? yeah well he went through his brother's phone because his brother let him, and Killersup kept scrolling and he found naked pictures of her....that was disturbing.....and mind racking...

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