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ForumsThe TavernGeneral Relationship Thread

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13,344 posts

I've noticed the increase in threads being made about problems with relationships and dating. Now, I have no problem with the subject matter. No, my problem is with the amount of threads people are creating about it.

Judging by all these threads being made about the same thing, it's safe to say it's inevitable for these questions to be asked; and since the answers to these relationship/dating questions are generally very similar, putting all the questions in one thread saves time and posting.

No, this is not a thread where you specifically ask me for advice; I don't know very much about this subject. I'm simply the guy who has created the thread so you can post your questions for anybody to answer.

So if you have a question about dating or relationships, or anything along those lines, ask it here, wait for someone to reply here, and don't make a new thread about it!

  • 2,106 Replies
3,766 posts

They need help removing their prosthetic limbs from their alien tentacles.

Do you know how to be serious for a whole post pickpocket?
Just talk to her. Just do it.

Jeez, relax man. I already sent the message.
5,952 posts

Do you know how to be serious for a whole post pickpocket?****__by_nofuqinidea-d57axxv.jpg
Jeez, relax man. I already sent the message.

Well....this is awkward...
5,952 posts

Stupid cool image with a bad word in the link, thus not alowing me to post it on armor games.
Lets try this one, in place of the other link

3,152 posts

yeah well he went through his brother's phone because his brother let him, and Killersup kept scrolling and he found naked pictures of her....

Ummm... How old is your brother? Also, did this girl send your brother the pictures?
767 posts

haha well remember that girl that Killersup posted in here about last time? yeah well he went through his brother's phone because his brother let him, and Killersup kept scrolling and he found naked pictures of her....that was disturbing.....and mind racking...

Sounds like you have a problem...


If you want to get your brother and the girl in trouble you can report it?

Do you know how to be serious for a whole post pickpocket?

Serious answer. Maybe they talk to one another in their? I am not sure though, but like already mentioned, they could be holding their bags for another.

A double standard perhaps?^
Going to the bathroom together with your friends.
Women = Normal
Men = Automatically Gay.
343 posts

you guys dont have to help with my problem. its cool.

5,952 posts

you guys dont have to help with my problem. its cool.

Ok, I felt guilty for not contributing. Glad I dont have to!
Ummm... Didnt I, I mean we, solve your problem already? Unless you are still having problems, to which you should enlighten us.
343 posts

ok so ill like one says that she already has names for kids. that is disturbing.another one : why wont you just love me? they just dont get the hint. ya know wut i mean?

5,952 posts

I seriously would just playing along. Treat them like friends. Dont be mean to them, but treat them coolily. This way...
1. You widen your friend group
B. You boost your social standings
D. They wont annoy you really.
7. You will have the ability to date a girl easily in highschool.

767 posts

ok so ill like one says that she already has names for kids. that is disturbing.another one : why wont you just love me? they just dont get the hint. ya know wut i mean?

Let me get this straight...
You like this girl that has names for her future children?
How is that disturbing?

Another/same girl says y u no love me?
You sure she isn't being sarcastic and just overthinking this?
Sarcasm is vaguely implied in text usually.

I am assuming she likes you while you have no intention of taking it to the next level. So try and talk to her?

This is what I assumed from your post.
I see Pickpocket got something else, but I dunno. Maybe I'm right, maybe he is.

This is an animation so no hope trying to post it as an image.
^Imagine it says Tell me I'm right!
6,800 posts

Let me get this straight...
You like this girl that has names for her future children?
How is that disturbing?

Given my most recent exposure to serious relationships, I'd say GET THE HECK OUTTA THERE RIGHT NOW!!!

Because while it may just be some random thing girls do, it might also be a sign that she is very interested in making a family. In the very near future. With you as her baby daddy.

So if you do end up dating, and when you concede to procreation-related activities she chews you out for pulling out a condom, don't say I didn't warn you.
343 posts

@ aceofsky: i dont like the girl and i go to school with them and also none of them is going to my highschool. if one is i could avoid them more easily.

9,808 posts

Alright...I'll take a turn at receiving advice if no one minds

So some background info...
To start, for the sake of convenience and anonymity, I shall refer to this girl as "Bah"

So Bah and I are in the same grade (at same school), and met when we had a class last year together. I noticed that every now and then during the class she would be glancing at me (I would glance back...she'd smile then look down or at the board or something). I decided one day to talk to her after went fairly well...I got her number and we've talked periodically since then. (With the texting aspect...I am the one that initiates the texting, though I get positive replies form her and she seems very into the conversations). Also, this year when walking through the halls if I ever pass her I sometimes notice her glancing at me like in the class

So now to today's events...I was bored and had nothing to do...I decided to text Bah with just idle conversation (ask what she was up to, make conversation bout it, etc). It became known after a short time that I wasn't doing anything and was bored and she suggested that I go hang out with a friend...I took the opportunity to ask if she'd like to hang out and she said she'd like to but had a friend over (this friend is also a girl...just in case anyone was wondering). I (being the nice guy I am) said if her friend wanted to hang out as well she was more than welcome to, so we made plans to hang out (making of plans, she didn't want to go anywhere that needed money because she had none, I offered to pay if she wanted to go somewhere that needed money, though she didn't want me to do so. That left the options to be between going to the park or going and just doing idle hanging out and about, most likely large store like walmart. It was decided that we would just do normal hang out at Walmart...park not being chosen for understanding reasons of it was late and cold outside). I met up with them, and we basically just wandered about Walmart, making idle conversation mostly involving the isle/area of the store we were in (most "eventful" parts involved digging around the movie bin commenting on the movies we found, playing the demos in the video game section, and them talking me into riding a child's bike in the store). I, doing what I normally do, made jokes (like one-liners and such having to do with stuff we were doing and what-not) and they were greeted positively (plenty of laughs from them...and not pity laughs too...I know when I'm gettin pity laughs -_-).

I thought the hanging out went pretty well (though I think they are quite new to the "be a hooligan and hang out at a store with the possibility of making havoc" thing), there were a few "awkward silence moments", though it's not like we were just idly standing about when they happened (we were walking, for those that can't figure that out haha), but I did get those laughs at what were probably bad jokes, as well as the fact that she hung out with me in general (I mean...we only talked in person really that one time, other than that the only times we talked were over text, so it's not like we were buddy-buddy before this). Though when we had to leave...Bah made a comment along the lines of "well this was interesting" with kind of a giggle after (not said in a snarky way, but not said in a "oh this was really fun!" way as well)

tl;dr - I like this girl..I think she likes me back. We hung out, I'm not sure as to how well it went.


(also...thank you to anyone that took the time to read all that!)

767 posts

Given my most recent exposure to serious relationships, I'd say GET THE HECK OUTTA THERE RIGHT NOW!!!

If you don't want anything serious than you shouldn't go after these kinds of women. They might expect you to propose in a week or a month.

i dont like the girl and i go to school with them and also none of them is going to my highschool. if one is i could avoid them more easily.

None of them go to your high school? So what's the problem? You could just cease all forms of communication with them.
Block them on social media.
Block their phone number or change your number.
Send their mail back with a postmasters reply error.
Send their snail mail back saying the current home owner has relocated.

It really isn't that hard to get rid of someone...
And don't answer the door when you see them.
767 posts

Sorry for the double post, but I meant to hit enter for my message so I could go onto Pang's problem, but I forgot I wasn't clicked on it. -_-

To start, for the sake of convenience and anonymity, I shall refer to this girl as "Bah"

How creative?

Anyways, it sounds like she likes you, but I wouldn't automatically assume she is at third base with you already. It sounds like you are good friends the very least. I suspect you might be her crush, but you gotta study each and every move of this girl to determine it without looking like a creep.
Something I perfected myself.
So on the third day of school at my new high school, I was basically familiarizing myself with the people in my classes so I was taking attention to them. I notice this one guy. He is basically like the average jock perhaps. I also notice this other girl sitting particularly near him. I then realize anything that one jock does makes the girls' center focus. It was really obvious that she liked him. (I still don't know what's what in this high school so maybe they were dating, but that jock didn't show any interest in the girl. He disregarded her whatsoever I believe; treated her the same).

Maybe my story would have been better if I had noticed someone taking a interest in me, but I rather not look into those things since they usually end with me writing my problem in this thread. So let's not focus their. I might even go by idigit's no relationship rule. Well you could say I maxed that out by being anti-social unless I must absolutely have to.
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