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ForumsThe TavernAnything you've Wanted to do or Become...

19 3670
3,025 posts

Hey, quick thing before we start - this isn't a "childhood fantasies" thread or anything. This is just a general discussion about anything you've felt you could, would and possibly should do or become later in your life. You may not have had the time, oppurtunities or had something else more important, w/e, I wanna hear it

Me? I wanna take a step in a lot of things, politics, astronomy, game design, acting (unless it's something I can relate to (which it would be I'd imagine) it would only be for fame, to be quite honest), music, construction, fencing (sword-fighting), and martial arts.

I can probably only do 2 of those, maximum. I've already made my most likely choices by the reason I would like to do them is for the experiences, the benefits and the fact I can then become self-sufficient. I never like relying on other people, although I've grown accustomed to it over some years now I still would like if I could do anything I need (on an essential basis) by myself. I know that's unlikely, and I feel that half of these professions I wouldn't have the time for, and that kind of saddens me :O

Anyway. Your opinions

Oh, please do not flame for someone elses former or present aspirations, you can ask why, you can explain, you can do whatever, but please do not go about it harshly. Follow the Armor Games rules and preferably these guidelines as well, please

- H

  • 19 Replies
4,206 posts

Here are the 4 things that would make my life close to 100% satisfying:

-take over the world using super-powers. (impossible)

-getting taken to an other planet by friendly aliens and learn their world. (almost impossible)

-becoming a drummist and a rock band leader. (possible)

-getting frozen and then come back in 200...500...1000 years in the future. (possible)

116 posts

i would like to learn in short terms some flash progarmming languages(as2,3) get myself a job and studie for a while the only thing that holds me back is my lazyness i guess.
in long terms and more scifi i would like to participat to some reschearchs concerning human genetics and alter some genes(creat people with 4 arms, 2 d****, and then apply the findings to myself lol)

3,025 posts

Here are the 4 things that would make my life close to 100% satisfying:
-take over the world using super-powers. (impossible)
-getting taken to an other planet by friendly aliens and learn their world. (almost impossible)
-becoming a drummist and a rock band leader. (possible)
-getting frozen and then come back in 200...500...1000 years in the future. (possible)

I don't like your first one

Your last one? Pretty traumatizing I'd imagine, just er.. Don't try it XD

alter some genes(creat people with 4 arms, 2 d****, and then apply the findings to myself lol)

I know a small bit about the human body, the brain in particular.
If you want to learn how complex the mind can be, part of this documentary could help you.

Have a nice day creating 100% meditative Bio-calculators

- H
1,564 posts

I would like to be a doctor some day. It's not really for helping people just mainly all the money involved (I know that's really evil and greedy) and my parents are telling me that a doctor is a great profesion to live a happy life (my riche aunt that is a doctor, married to one and are gonna get here children to become one is a good example).

I really want to become an astrologist, I'm just fascinated by space and all it's wonders, but I'm not sure if that will ever happen. I would have to move away from my family to became one because there's no space agency in my country.

I would also like to became a good guitarist which will happen because I'm taking guitar lessons.

4,206 posts

Your last one? Pretty traumatizing I'd imagine, just er.. Don't try it XD

Why not? There actual places where you can freeze yourself up. It would be really cool to see the future.
9,462 posts

If I didn't have such a crappy time with my school years I would likely either be a biologist or an animator.

486 posts

I really want to become an astrologist
You do know that astrology is a system of divination right? Horoscopic astrology for one. Perhaps you mean you would like to become an astrophysicist? I do agree though, its awe inspiring how beautiful the wonders of the universe are, how much we can learn about them and how insignificant we are in the vastness of space.

I want to become a 3D graphics designer for games, so I'm taking a relevant course right now. And learn some code so that I can make my own small games, learning java and C on my course right now and some actionscript in my spare time, so I'm quite satisfied as it is. ^^

Other things I've wanted to do are, become a good fighter(impossible), a teacher(oh god why?) and a firefighter(how lame)
626 posts

There has always been a part of me that kind of wants to be a pro fighter.... and i also memorized 6 digits of e

626 posts

ignore the e part.. that was supposed to go in another thread and i have 2 tabs open.... it should say that i've thought about being a teacher, or some kind of scientist

800 posts

I always wanted to be a military doctor, since in my opinion I'll be saving more lives, and since I'm to lazy to pay for med school my self, despite the fact that my parents want me to be a carpenter(which I might do but only as a hobby). I just feel called to help those who are injured fighting in the wars.

Other than that I would like to be a radio DJ. I haven't decided a name for my station but I know I will play a different type of music every day for variety.

Besides from those two is owning a gas station. Well, mainly because I saw on the news a store owner pulled out a shotgun at a robber and well, I kinda want to do that some day.

295 posts

I always wanted to be a Jet Pilot for the Navy or the Air Force! It has been my dream to fly fighter jets since i was "wee" high. (About 6) I still want nohing more but I have complications due to 20/25 vision. Amongst other things.

But if I cant be that then I am going to be a marine biologist. My goal is to eventually swim with sharks + whales some how. Or any other cool sea animal

2,597 posts

I've always wanted to be in the army but my illness stops me from ever joining.

626 posts

My brother joined the army... and i've always considered that as a possibility too

4,220 posts

There are only two things that I want to do in my life before I die.

The first is that I want to go to West Point and become an officer in the army, perhaps in infantry. I know that I probably won't get there, but I'll certainly try. If not I'll enlist, then go to college after a couple years into my enlistment to get my commission. Either way, I'll end up in the army one way or another.

The second is I want to become the lead guitarist in a band. Hell, I don't care if we become successful, just that would be so much fun. Maybe progressive death metal, or thrash metal. Or something, I dunno.

77 posts

I have never understood why everyone wants to join the army. You risk your life get bad pay for at best a dodgy cause. Even if you survive you could be mentally or physically scarred for life.

Showing 1-15 of 19