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ForumsThe TavernAnything you've Wanted to do or Become...

19 3669
3,025 posts

Hey, quick thing before we start - this isn't a "childhood fantasies" thread or anything. This is just a general discussion about anything you've felt you could, would and possibly should do or become later in your life. You may not have had the time, oppurtunities or had something else more important, w/e, I wanna hear it

Me? I wanna take a step in a lot of things, politics, astronomy, game design, acting (unless it's something I can relate to (which it would be I'd imagine) it would only be for fame, to be quite honest), music, construction, fencing (sword-fighting), and martial arts.

I can probably only do 2 of those, maximum. I've already made my most likely choices by the reason I would like to do them is for the experiences, the benefits and the fact I can then become self-sufficient. I never like relying on other people, although I've grown accustomed to it over some years now I still would like if I could do anything I need (on an essential basis) by myself. I know that's unlikely, and I feel that half of these professions I wouldn't have the time for, and that kind of saddens me :O

Anyway. Your opinions

Oh, please do not flame for someone elses former or present aspirations, you can ask why, you can explain, you can do whatever, but please do not go about it harshly. Follow the Armor Games rules and preferably these guidelines as well, please

- H

  • 19 Replies
1,936 posts

I want to be a writer. Of course, that'll never happen. :P
I'd also like to become a Neurologist and research neurological disorders.
I've always wanted to go scuba-diving, and get into a fight, for some reason. I also want to do something so crazy, it'll end up on youtube after being recorded by some random passerby. And finally, I'd like to hide in a trash can during Halloween and scare the crap out of small children.

4,220 posts

get bad pay

Captains can get upwards of $60,000 per year, not including benefits. I'd call that pretty decent pay.

Also, smart people become officers. Always positions available and excellent pay.

You risk your life

Desk jobs are there, you know.

Even if you survive you could be mentally or physically scarred for life.

Not usually. Those who experience direct combat may get PTSD or be wounded/killed, but most service members don't experience direct combat (or very little).
230 posts

Well, becoming a concept artist and a freelance illustrator have always been a desire of mine. However, pay isn't as good as I'd like, and work might be unstable, and hard in the beginning.

Then again, I've sometimes thought that I'd like something in which I'd make more of a mark on the world. Something that would help people. A surgeon, possibly, since I like studying the human body. My grades might not be good enough to be able to do something like that, though.

Decisions, decisions.

523 posts

I've wanted to because a game developer, but I really don't know too much about coding...

Showing 16-19 of 19