What you don't believe me? Prove me wrong because I know for sure he is the real god, he spoke to me. Seriously I want you all to bash me on why I am wrong when so I can lol because I know for a fact he is god.
Thank you, he is very invisible and very intangible. He is also very malicious, if you dont follow his rules you shall be punished. Consider this thy warning.
from the hindu perspective its totally possible... just another manifestation of brahma. you'll probably disagree with me and say its not. i'm just offering up a simple explanation... may be its unrelated...maybe you're sincere... maybe you're just doing it to troll... maybe its Ganesha(a little more purple than originally thought) maybe its not Ganesha O____o
...or maybe you're just using this as an opportunity to troll b/c you've already admitted in another thread to actively purposefully trolling religious people b/c you think they're stupid. but then again you said you weren't and you totally wouldn't lie and this is completely legit. i'm happy you found elephant jesus... or just elephant god... maybe i'll be so lucky one day.
i guess he told you he was invisible?... hard to see purple when you can't see him.... maybe if I try and talk to him he'll answer me too =D!!!
Alright, can you at least show the effect of said purple elephant deity? No? Too bad then.
yes I can. Lightings, earthquakes and tsunamis are made by the purple elephant. Actually the whole world is an effect of the purple elephant, since it was created by his sneezing. now the funny thing is that you can't disprove the purple elephant without disproving god.
Also, do you have any proven effect of your god? Probably you'll cite stuff like that fatima miracle etc etc, but how do you know that all that fancy things are made by god and not by the purple elephant?
Allow me to rephrase. Can you show any prophecies by said elephantine diety? That would show intervention by diety, therefore giving proof. What's that? No prophecies, you say? I'm so sorry to hear that.
who says they're not one and the same and he can take whatever image that fits the occasion? an elephant for some.... a giraffe for others... and then a prayerie dog for others still :3.... it presents you w/ scenarios and decisions... and remains inconspicuous and incognitus so that you always wonder whether or not its actually real...
i mean... maybe ...maybe not... who knows... that's the fuuuuunnnn...
Allow me to rephrase. Can you show any prophecies by said elephantine diety? That would show intervention by diety, therefore giving proof. What's that? No prophecies, you say? I'm so sorry to hear that.
A passage from my Holly Elephant Book (HEB for short) States that...
6:66 And the ground shalt tremble when the hand of the elephant had smasheshet the ground. And so it shall come to pass that fire shalt blow forth fromith his fist, decimating huts and burning people. 6:67 And they shalt cry for mercy, with flags of white flowing. And so it shalt come to pass that you shalt have pity on them, for one day they will see the tusks of the elephant!
Which is clearly mentioning the atomic bomb. And there is no way this was made after that, or that it was somehow vague enough that it could mean a meteor or a volcano.