ForumsWEPRShould we protect the idiots of the world?

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I don't know about anyone else, but here in America, there's a lot of legislation/policies refined and made so much so that they are nearly idiot proof, essentially hurting the whole by dragging the rest down. At the very least it's an annoyance. What i'm asking is, do we have a moral responsibility to protect those who are not smart enough to not spill hot coffee on themselves, and if they do blame it on the person who served it to them for not having a "Warning: Drink may be hot" sign on them? Do we really need to keep those people around? I do not mean that we get rid of them, that would be monsterous, but should we as a community paste warning signs all over the place, spend loads of extra time idiot proofing, for people who are not smart enough to realize that standing up in a roller coaster MIGHT be a bad idea? Should we let it be survival of the fittest, where the stupid die off and the smart live long?

The bums of the society drag the whole down, and true, there are legitimate people just down on their luck, but many are those who are un-educated because they were too stupid and dropped out, druggies or other people with vices, and they just drain everyone. However, when you have people who are so unintelligent that they cannot reason the simplest things out, should we just let them be, and if harm comes to them because of a self inflicted injury, not be responsible as a whole? If you don't wear a seatbelt when you drive and you die, it's not the governments fault, it's the driver's, but yet, we now have laws in place that you are fined for not wearing one because people are too stupid to do so. Would it not be better for society to just let those die off? Less people to support, more self-efficient people, less time expenditure to ensure the safety of the whole, and an entire slew of other problems, gone, just by letting stupid people be stupid.

  • 48 Replies
740 posts

if we didnt protect the idiots of the world i would not be here right now XD

1,558 posts

Define idiots? Are idiots those who have good products tested on them? Are idiots those who get to fill in the missing link? Are they those who get the "bad" but "needed" jobs in the world? Just a few things to think about.

1,714 posts

I have always wondered why someone thought it was a good idea to make it easier for people to be stupid. But I have no idea how to implement such a thing at this time, it would be like taking computers away and having people go about their daily lives.

5,552 posts

All from

Idiot, 1. an utterly foolish or senseless person

Stupid, 1. lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.
2. characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question

Moron, 1. lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.
2. characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question

Unintelligent, 1. deficient in intelligence; dull; stupid.
2. not endowed with intelligence.

In other words, look at all the warning signs around you. Most of them seem pretty **** obvious, wouldn't you agree? If you don't realize those w/o being told, that's what I mean by an idiot. If you spill coffee on yourself and claim that you didn't know it would be hot, you're an idiot. If you break into someones house and they kill you, you're an idiot. Those type of things.

3,660 posts

If you break into someones house and they kill you, you're an idiot.

Not Necessarily.. You could break into someones house knowing the risk of getting killed..

Yes I get your point, but now that we are so far into the modernization of things, it would be nearly impossible to do such things. Now it's just live your life and let those idiots be.
5,552 posts

Not Necessarily.. You could break into someones house knowing the risk of getting killed..

Yes, you probably would if you weren't, but if you succeed, you obviously weren't "that" stupid :P

I guess what i'm trying to say is, there should be no legal support/repurcussions relating to stupid/idiotic actions. Like a theme park should not have any consequences if someone decided to climb the side of a roller coaster, while it was going, and the security guards didn't catch him in time. You could get rid of SO many redundant things and just let them kill themselves off. Essentially the same concept as the Darwin Awards. If they want to dare each other to drink Windshield wiper fluid, let them, if they think that's a good idea the world is better off without them.
2,301 posts

do we have a moral responsibility to protect those who are not smart enough to not spill hot coffee on themselves, and if they do blame it on the person who served it to them for not having a "Warning: Drink may be hot" sign on them?
That coffee gave that woman third degree burns. Third degree. That's not alight matter, and it is certainly not within the realm of standard coffee hotness.

My feeling on this issue has always been that it was a feeble attempt for some to gain self-esteem via the depreciation of others. If one can separate him or herself from the pack of fools, he or she finds it easier to ignore his or her own foolishness. Thing of it is, we're all the idiots. Where do you draw the line? Right below you, I'm betting.
9,504 posts

The problem with America is the elasticity of suing. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off everything and let the problem solve itself? The woman who sued McDonalds for the hot coffee incident wouldn't have gotten her case won if those that was running the case remembered the Rational Test. Would the average, rational person spill coffee in such a manner? I am not really much of a law person as I wish to be, but we should really tighten our views on suing, because it is really easy to sue and make a case. All it involves is an incident, some form of damage caused to one party, and a lack of due part of one party or both. Did it ever occur to the courts that maybe, just maybe, the incident would have been avoided if she had used her semi-circular canals in her ear to help her with her sense of balance and her brain with caution and common sense?

So what I'm getting at is....tighten up the system. Court procedures and hiring of lawyers cost too much money per case anyway.

5,552 posts

My feeling on this issue has always been that it was a feeble attempt for some to gain self-esteem via the depreciation of others. If one can separate him or herself from the pack of fools, he or she finds it easier to ignore his or her own foolishness. Thing of it is, we're all the idiots. Where do you draw the line? Right below you, I'm betting.

I'm not drawing it on a person or IQ level, i'm drawing it on an action. You could have an IQ of 70 and still make better choices than those with a higher IQ. I draw the line at if it was an unnecessary action or one that broke the law, or just something ridiculous, then you're probably an idiot. From what i've noticed, people generally repeat their actions, those who are morons are constantly getting into trouble, and then out of trouble due to laws/help available. If you bet all your money on the least likely thing and lose, well, you're not too bright are you?

That coffee gave that woman third degree burns. Third degree. That's not alight matter, and it is certainly not within the realm of standard coffee hotness.

So the coffee was hot, yes I get that. It's not the restraunt's fault that she spilled it though. If the floor was wet and she slipped, that would be different. If it's on the table and her arm knocks it into her lap, that's her fault. If she drives with it in her lap and it spills, that's her fault. If you straight out chug the drink after ordering a hot drink, you're not too bright. You'd ASSUME that it would be hot, and blow on it first, or sip it slightly, or let it cool, not just drain it. If the cup was defective, again, that would be a different story.
2,301 posts

It's not the restraunt's fault that she spilled it though.
It's the restaurant's fault that it was hot. It had no business being hot enough to give her third degree burns.

You'd ASSUME that it would be hot, and blow on it first, or sip it slightly, or let it cool, not just drain it.
You assume it won't give you third degree burns.

I draw the line at if it was an unnecessary action or one that broke the law, or just something ridiculous, then you're probably an idiot.
Breaking the law is for idiots. That's why Gandhi was so dumb. And Martian Luther King Jr. What a fool.

If you bet all your money on the least likely thing and lose, well, you're not too bright are you?
I'd like to see evidence correlating gambling skills with intellect.
703 posts

if there would be no idiots, there would be no geniouses
I say yes

5,552 posts

if there would be no idiots, there would be no geniouses
I say yes

Uh. No. An average person has an IQ of 100, which is how we determine "normal" intelligence. A genius has significantly more than that. Regardless, i'm not talking about intelligence only, i'm talking about stupid decisions as well. There have been people i've met who were not a certified moron, and yet made worse decisions than truly mentally handicapped people on a constant basis.
4,104 posts

There have been people i've met who were not a certified moron, and yet made worse decisions than truly mentally handicapped people on a constant basis.

I would imagine a mentally retarded person wouldn't really have the brain power to make decisions.

if there would be no idiots, there would be no geniouses
I say yes

Why is this?
1,558 posts

I see your point in the definitions, but I was trying to make a point: Idiots are the world's backbone, without them there would be no one to balance out things, no one to do the demeaning jobs, no one to hold our world up from the bottom.

5,552 posts

I would imagine a mentally retarded person wouldn't really have the brain power to make decisions.

That's not true. They do, they just take longer to do so, and they may not see all of it. They know what they want. They also look to others for guidance (Those who I know anyways) and, when you're watching out for someone, you make safer choices. Of course, if they are at the very bottom end of the spectrum, they may never reach a functioning level of awareness really, enough so to communicate anyways.
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