You should check out the WEPR - World Events, Politics, Religion is what is mainly discussed there, you'll find several threads about religion there, and why people believe in that religion.
I'm not religious at all - lest you count the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as being an actually religious institution and not a satirical parody of a religion devised to make a point.
[quote]I'm not religious at all - lest you count the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as being an actually religious institution and not a satirical parody of a religion devised to make a point. I love this I totally think this should be a religion!!!!
i am jewish because i was born in a jewish family and was raised this way (like most religios people). but i like judaism and even though i cosider myself pretty religion i dont let it take control over my life. i believe and follow religios rules because i want to and not because i feel i have too. also i dont think id want to believe in any other religion. i have my reasons not to be christian or musilm. so the any other religion i havnt found something i disagree with is budahism (or any other religion i never heard off XD)
note: i have nothing against otther religions or people who believe in them. actually i like learning about them and their habits, holidays and things like that. in the end. i dont think religios is that important
I born a Catholic and used to pray and believe in all of those things when I was 9 years old. So I grew up and realized I didn't like that and I didn't believe on what that religion says. So I am an atheist. (ftw)
i was originally catholic until i was 7 then i just stopped thinking about it but recently i have looking into cosmic humanism. but no matter what i am a nihilist through and through.
My parents believe in some divine being, but don't really follow a doctrine of any sorts or believe in Heaven or Hell. They aren't big on the whole religion thing. I'm an atheist, but I don't think that all religions are bad or anything. Of course, there are still some questions that have to be answered regarding the creation of the universe, but I'm mostly leaning towards science on that one.
I'm an Athiest. I'm proud of myself for working it out without help even though I was being schooled in a religious school for 9 years and had a religious mother. I have friends who are religious, and I respect them as long as we don't start talking about it. That would probably cause an arguement and loss of friendship.
I am atheist. I'm not even sure if my parents know what religion I am. I decided to be atheist because I decided I wanted to believe in things that have been proven, instead of miracles and the like.