Remember that the existence of god is already something scientifically impossible. But beside that, why couldn't he be everywhere while he is in time? He is god after all.
The stories in the Bible are just as true as those in the Torah, or the Koran, or the Hindu testaments
The stories in the old testament and the Torah are the same except the torah is generally studied in hebrew so there might be less translation errors. After the old testament the jews don't believe any of the stories because they don't believe in Jesus. I'm not sure if the Christians believe any of the stories after the Torah.
I am a Christian, and I am a Christian because my parents are Catholic and my grandma is a religious fruitcake. I would prefer to be Christian and not go to church. But that is just me.
Just forget the fact that he's God and think about it.
Now, if you're standing next to this guy and you know he's an almighty being who can do absolutely anything he wants, is there any possible way you could think of him as a normal person?
Bobomonkey, you aren't making much sense here. I do believe you are contradicting yourself. First you tell us to not think of God as a god, then you are adamant that he is most definitely the creator of everything, a supreme deity....