In the bible, I think the jewish concept of hell was passed down orally.
Sort of like the way know what, I'm not going to make that joke a third time.
The Jews believe that God is forgiving and you go to heaven no matter what. The Christians believe that if you do one thing wrong in your life, you go straight to hell.
Personally, if I were given the option between the two religions, I'd probably take Judaism. I don't want to go to hell!
There is proof. The big bang never happened. If you'd like to prove me wrong send me a message proving it on my profile. You must also explain how the most basic things came from nowhere.
There is proof. The big bang never happened. If you'd like to prove me wrong send me a message proving it on my profile. You must also explain how the most basic things came from nowhere.
Don't tell my parents though cause they don't know!
Really? I thought I might just give them a call and tell them the truth about your religious beliefs.
There is proof. The big bang never happened. If you'd like to prove me wrong send me a message proving it on my profile. You must also explain how the most basic things came from nowhere.
I don't want to prove you wrong. I want you to prove yourself right. So far all you've done with that post is state that your belief is a fact without any evidence to back it up.
I don't want to prove you wrong. I want you to prove yourself right. So far all you've done with that post is state that your belief is a fact without any evidence to back it up.
Ok... But, what beliefs are there other than the big bang theory? Evolution derives from it, so that won't work. So, where do you go? God. In the Bible God is described as a "super being" that we'll never come to understand, so, I have to admit. I can't prove it to you. You'll just have to die and find out. I better not be ninja'd!