ForumsWEPRObama's Plan

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Since there have been no interesting threads (at least for me) in WEPR lately, I think I'll start one.

So I was reading Obama's Plan to reduce the deficit over the next 12 years, and basically he decided to take out tax cuts, eliminate loopholes for taxes, raise taxes, and cut government spending.

For the article, click here.

I fully support his plan because that is what I think should happen. I am 100% behind him and I will (try to) debate this until there is no more blood to squeeze from this rock.


  • 39 Replies
116 posts

by riding your last two pages i can't help to notice that you don't trust the current govr. knowing that politicians have a direct and heavy effects on your life there should be a complete reform of the political organisation, and trowing the idea of a single president/leader away forever.
as for taxes increas, i must agree with Einfach, Kevin and E1337. how can you expect the govr. to do it's job if it has not the resources to do so, but on the other hand why do politician need so much money? they should be having less rights, money and forbiden of leaving the country, forever...

2,420 posts

Well, those don't stimulate economies, do they?

They stimulate an environment where it is possible to create a a big business without much trouble.
He didn't say anything but a name. I didn't ask for a name, I asked for proof.

Prove why the name should have any relevance, because I'm not the one reading your mind.

His proof was President Bush's presidency and how tax cuts to the rich don't work at all.
Because that was a bill enacted by congress.

Okay. If Obama manages to get Congress to provide a sunset provision in the bill for twelve years, then it will work. I don't know why you claimed that some other president was going to repeal it.
A free market is not hindered by the government. If it is, then it's not truly free.

The government is the parent company of everyone, and make one squeal and one succeed. It loves favoritism.

What are you claiming?

Trusting the US government is like trusting a thief with your money.

It's like trusting an accountant to manage your money. A thief steals and does not give back, the government gives back.
By lying, stealing, tricking, bribery, corruption, and all sorts of manners that are morally and ethically wrong. No, I don't trust a person like that, and I wouldn't recommend anyone to.

A corrupt system leads to a corrupt politician. Change the system, change the politician.
I do.

Then DO it.
5,043 posts

A corrupt system leads to a corrupt politician. Change the system, change the politician.

Corrupt politicians take advantage of whatever system exists. This is why you limit the power of government. Of course, you want the government to steal from the rich and you think the middle class and poor should pay more taxes to cover healthcare and other entitlement programs.

You will only benefit from these entitlement programs if you're dirt poor or if you have problems early on in your life. If you live a healthy life as a hard working human being, you get ****ed. Those who are healthy and hard working should be rewarded. Those who are sick should be taken care of by those who care - they should be taken care of by family, friends, and those who donate to charity.

Taxing the rich does nothing but gives the government more money to waste. If the government doesn't waste the money, it will go to programs that will give the government more control over businesses, giving them an even bigger monopoly. I'm sick of this whole "free market monopoly" BS that is thrown around when government monopolies are perfectly acceptable. The only difference between government monopoly and free market monopoly is that the government FORCES you to buy their product and they STEAL your money through taxation. Private monopolies take your money when you choose to buy their product.

Choice is good.

Obama's plan is just a cover. He's soft soaping the poor so that the government has more power to enslave the working class even more through government monopoly. He's helping the poor by ruining quality of life for everyone else, especially the working class.

I hate Obama, he should an hero.
2,420 posts

You will only benefit from these entitlement programs if you're dirt poor or if you have problems early on in your life. If you live a healthy life as a hard working human being, you get ****ed. Those who are healthy and hard working should be rewarded. Those who are sick should be taken care of by those who care - they should be taken care of by family, friends, and those who donate to charity.

Taxing the rich does nothing but gives the government more money to waste. If the government doesn't waste the money, it will go to programs that will give the government more control over businesses, giving them an even bigger monopoly. I'm sick of this whole "free market monopoly" BS that is thrown around when government monopolies are perfectly acceptable. The only difference between government monopoly and free market monopoly is that the government FORCES you to buy their product and they STEAL your money through taxation. Private monopolies take your money when you choose to buy their product.

Choice is good.

Obama's plan is just a cover. He's soft soaping the poor so that the government has more power to enslave the working class even more through government monopoly. He's helping the poor by ruining quality of life for everyone else, especially the working class.

I hate Obama, he should an hero.

What programs? A tax cut from the rich and a tax raise to middle class is completely fair. The government doesn't steal your money. They compile it into one big pool, and divide it equally among the population, including you.

I'm tired of arguing with Libertarians because they stop arguing in one thread, only to start a new one in another.
1,558 posts

Obama's huge missile the nation's already destroyed budget has devastated us. We need to go to extreme measures. A tax hike.

5,043 posts

What programs? A tax cut from the rich and a tax raise to middle class is completely fair. The government doesn't steal your money. They compile it into one big pool, and divide it equally among the population, including you.

I believe everyone should have their taxes lowered. I don't want someone to take my money so that I can get it back in goods and services unless they have my consent.

Here's what I don't understand, we talk about wealth distribution and entitlement programs as if the middle class actually saves money or makes money. However, the reality should be crystal clear after you look at taxes. Why does redistribution of wealth also involve in the middle class paying more taxes?

Okay, fine, the gap between rich and poor is smaller, but that doesn't change the fact that I end up with less. If I go broke or If I have health issues, then maybe I'll save money, but why must you weigh down everyone just to take care of the poor and sick?

If everyone who payed into social security got more money back than what they payed over their life, there would be no reason for social security. Social security depends on people losing money, and the more we attack the rich, the more the middle class suffers. The rich CAN'T pay for everything, and we shouldn't expect them to.

If the rich were to pay for the middle and lower class, why would the middle and lower class have to pay at all?

None of it makes sense.

Taxes were used to help build roads and take care of towns and cities as well as provide money to keep a military, if you're going to have taxes, you should keep it basic. We don't need to force people to pay taxes for programs that someone else feels would be in everyone's best interest.
2,420 posts

Here's what I don't understand, we talk about wealth distribution and entitlement programs as if the middle class actually saves money or makes money. However, the reality should be crystal clear after you look at taxes. Why does redistribution of wealth also involve in the middle class paying more taxes?

Everyone pays more taxes.
Okay, fine, the gap between rich and poor is smaller, but that doesn't change the fact that I end up with less. If I go broke or If I have health issues, then maybe I'll save money, but why must you weigh down everyone just to take care of the poor and sick?

I'm just wondering, if a boat was sinking, who would you take? The women and children or the wealthy men?

I want an answer, not some "I don't see what this has to do with anything response."

If everyone who payed into social security got more money back than what they payed over their life, there would be no reason for social security. Social security depends on people losing money, and the more we attack the rich, the more the middle class suffers. The rich CAN'T pay for everything, and we shouldn't expect them to.

I'm sure GE could sacrifice a couple billion dollars out of their $16 billion profit this year.

What I am saying is, the rich can't pay for everything, but when taxes have increased for the rich, the economy flourishes. Look at Clinton, Kennedy, FDR, Churchill, and a few others compared to the times of Reagan, Eisenhower, Nixon, and Bush. All these presidents lowered taxes, and since the government could not run sufficiently or have the ability to regulate businesses. When businesses get too big, if they fall, they make a mess. Compare the mess that a 12" pizza makes if it falls to a pizza that is 48".

Taxes make sure no one pizza gets too big. The government also tries to make sure that if a pizza were to fall, how we prevent it and how we clean it up.
If the rich were to pay for the middle and lower class, why would the middle and lower class have to pay at all?

You're under the impression that the rich have to pay for everything, when really they don't. The top 2% can't pay for 98% of the people.
5,043 posts

Everyone pays more taxes.

I don't believe in an all knowing entity. This includes God and the government. The government knows less about what is best for the people than the people themselves.

I'm just wondering, if a boat was sinking, who would you take? The women and children or the wealthy men?

I would allow families onto the boats first.

There's a difference between evacuating a boat and running a country.
2,301 posts

I'm just wondering, if a boat was sinking, who would you take? The women and children or the wealthy men?
Fallacy of the weak analogy.

I want an answer, not some "I don't see what this has to do with anything response."
And I want a pony.
2,420 posts

I don't believe in an all knowing entity. This includes God and the government. The government knows less about what is best for the people than the people themselves.

You act as if the government just makes decisions for people without the people having any say in it. The government and the people aren't two separate things, but rather dependent of each other. Government wouldn't exist without people and people wouldn't exist (at least, very well) with limited government.

I would allow families onto the boats first.

That's not an option . . .
Fallacy of the weak analogy.

I think you're obsessed with fallacies. In almost everyone's argument there is going to be a fallacy.
5,043 posts

That's not an option . . .

This question has to do with health care doesn't it?
2,420 posts

This question has to do with health care doesn't it?

No . . . It doesn't.
2,420 posts

So increasing regulations makes things easier?

Adding more rules does not make the game any easier.

No, that's the opposite of what I said. You make it easier for big businesses to grow by removing regulation.

You still haven't given me proof.

Prove it.

The proof is in his presidency. GO FIND IT.

He can't get a sunset provision.

Republicans control the house.

He can still get one. It's not impossible.

The government is a felonious corporation that sets regulations it fails to meet itself.

What are you referring to? pics or it didnt happen

The government does not make my life better.

Every government service can be replaced by a private industry service that does the job just as well and better, so don't give me the bull**** about "you have no idea how much the government helps you."

No, that's the big difference. Companies don't do it. You can see with healthcare and banks. When the housing market crashed, Bank of America foreclosed houses that were paying their mortgages on time. With healthcare, insurance companies were discriminating against people with &quotreexisting" conditions. The difference is, companies don't have to accept you if you don't qualify for their business.

A cheater will not stop cheating because he plays poker instead of chess.

A cheater who only learns how to cheat in poker, will not have a clue how to cheat in chess.

Life is a first come first serve basis. I'd recommend they run.

All the Libertarians I have asked said that life was unfair and that if you didn't win the gene pool, you're ****ed. Get over it, and go make a ****ing shoe for a multibillion dollar company.

I fail to see how that sort of attitude towards life is acceptable by you Libertarians. I would say you guys are comparable to Fascists.
2,420 posts

Maybe that shoe will help them run faster. The boat is sinking after all, don't want to miss the great opportunity to live.

Your political views are unjustified by your morals. It appears you have very little, in fact.

You don't really care about people at all.
They speak truth. Life doesn't make amends because you cry yourself to sleep.

You must not have many friends.
Well, it DOES apply to us as well. I don't see us crushing freedom of speech or committing genocide, either.

How are we fascists?

You guys believe in nationalism and social Darwinism, but through different means.
At this stage, the guys that own the house, which is needed to pass said bill, really don't like Mr. Obama.

It's not happening. If it does, I'm a monkey.

Bank of America fails anyways. There are other banks. Unfortunately, there is no other government I can go with, unless we secede. Unfortunately, that means I die.

An effective company provides its service to the best of its ability, because quality means more people buy it, and they make more money. Because they like money, they have an incentive to do things right.

Or just get into bed with Washington.

What happens when the people are too stupid to follow any other bank?
But other companies will. There are services for everyone, just most are too lazy to look.

Yes, but if the only company that will accept you doesn't cover any of what you need covered, then what do you do?
4,220 posts

Your political views are unjustified by your morals. It appears you have very little, in fact.

I have morals, just none of them involve helping people run. First come first serve is the only equalizer.

Besides, watching them trip and fall will be funny.

You don't really care about people at all.

Why should I? People don't help me. Only one person helps me, and that's me. Numero uno. The rest can die for all I care.

You must not have many friends.

I probably have more than you.

What happens when the people are too stupid to follow any other bank?

Then they deserve to fail.

Yes, but if the only company that will accept you doesn't cover any of what you need covered, then what do you do?

You respond to all my points, that's what you do.

If it doesn't cover anything you need covered, it's obviously bad insurance. It needs to insure you against harm. If it doesn't do that, it's not insurance.

That does not mean "damage already done" i.e. preexisting conditions.
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