I dont believe in evolution because if there was evolution how come the things we supposedly evolued from arent evolving inton humans and the creatures before that? I want to know what other people think! My relegion is Christian!
It is true that there is another topic on this. But really, I'm not reading through a bajillion posts just to start commenting, so I prefer the short, sweet threads like this one.
It seems to me that anyone that doesn't accept evolution doesn't know what evolution is. It does not mean a dog gives birth to a cat. It does not mean that humanity is the best evolved creature out there and other animals are working towards it. It does not claim to know how life started. It simply describes how speciation occurs.
It's also called the theory of gravity, but nobody thinks they can just wander off the surface of the earth my not accepting it. A scientific theory is "we have these facts, how could we have gotten here", not "we want to get here, what facts can we make up to support it".
Evolution can be demonstrated in a thousand easy ways. Where did the domestic dog come from? Evolution when human began selecting for certain traits. Why do we have cows rather than aurochs? Evolutionary pressure favored cows. It only takes a few hundred generations to show differentiation in fruit flies. Give any population a few thousand generations and it will show signs of changing.
Scientist aren't trying to disprove god. In fact, god is not a testable hypothesis, and so is outside the realm of science anyways. The debate is not over whether evolution occurs. It does. The debate is over HOW. The reigning theory here is Natural Selection.
There is no faith to evolution. There are only the facts and the results. If you could form an experiment that disproved speciation, science would agree with you (It may take a while. Even scientists can be stubborn). However, people have already performed those experiments, and evolution has been proven as a fact.
Really, if you want to debate evolution, I highly recommend you educate yourself about it first. It's frankly quite annoying to have someone spout something that's blatantly false and expect you to simply agree with them.
@silentclore: Saying we evolved from monkeys isn't quite accurate. We really evolved from a common ancestor. Also, evolution doesn't work to make all populations the best. Natural selection means that populations just have to be good enough. Monkeys (and apes, and whatever else) evolved to fill a niche. They are still evolving. Humans evolved to fill another niche, and we are still evolving too. Evolution doesn't kill off an old population, if just kills off weaker individuals, and the population changes as a result. Two different populations will evolve into two different species, based on the environment they live in.
Still believe in Lucy? Well, then I'm sorry you can't realize that the evolutionary THEORY is just a theory, and theories can be wrong.
A theory in science is not the same as a theory in normal people talk.
"Theory: A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena."
Scientists have and continue to make tests on the theory of evolution, nobody pulled it out of their *** and hoped it was right, unlike religion.
Okay I see a few things already covered. Where to start?
I dont believe in evolution because if there was evolution how come the things we supposedly evolued from arent evolving inton humans and the creatures before that?
Humans have that ecological niche filled. Also evolution isn't working toward any specific form, it's just conforming to the environment.
In reality, evolutionists require more faith.
No it's actually based on evidence. No faith required.
When you guys say evolution doesn't happen your saying allele frequencies don't change over generations. Something we have observe happen.
The main pivot of their system is the so called missing link, which supposedly will close the gap between man and monkey.
What missing link? We have a fairly complete linage from our primate ancestors to Homo Sapien.
They also have to put their faith in man and science because they could be just making up stuff to feed the masses.
Have you ever heard of a process called peer review? That's where those people doing the work have to show what they are doing and how they got the results they did. Then others try to rip it apart. So if someone does just make stuff up, it get's weeded out through this process. Again not based on faith, in fact the process encourages challenges to be made.
They already constantly warp the age of the earth in order for it to match up with evolution.
The ideas of the earth being much older then it was originally claimed to be came about before Darwin presented his theory.
I am personally not a evolutionist but it is true that evolution requires faith but so does almost everything you do or beleive that you have not personally seen or heard yourself.
Don't have to believe it, we can just accept things based on the evidence.
The Earths age does not change constanly just becuase it was decided by one scientist to fit is beleif.
Your right, and it hasn't. What has changed is the our ability to measure the age of the Earth. So as we got more accurate with the measurements, we presented a more accurate number.
The reason science continues to change the date of the world is becuase of new evidence such as a carbon dated rock or something.
Carbon dating isn't used to determine the age of the Earth, there are other forms of radiometric dating that are used and are cross referenced.
If you are in high school as of right now that science bok you are reading is at least a year behind current scitific devolpement becuase of how much science changes becuase of evidence.
science refining and improving it's claims and weeding out the mistakes isn't a failing but a triumph to the method. Rather then to continue to be wrong about something when a mistake is found they don't continue on making that claim but correct it and move on.
I agree and there are ALOT more reasons to believe in God then there is to believe in Lucy
Like what? We have the remains of Lucy I can see pictures of it and if I go to where they are stored I can see the real thing in person. What evidence do you have for the existence of God?
There have been many so-called "missing links", and most of them have been disproven in some way.
Yes and that's to the credit of how the scientific method works. Non of those that have been proven to been frauds and mistakes are not used to support the theory, we do however have plenty more that are not frauds and mistakes that do support it.
i don't think it's true becuase if we evolved from monkeys (apes whatever kind) they wouldn't be here
Because there was a divide in the groups. One group evolved to fill a new ecological niche eventually becoming us while the other continued to fill the niche it was in.
Saying we evolved from monkeys isn't quite accurate.
Actually that is accurate, Though we didn't evolve from modern monkeys.
Now for those claiming that Evolution has nothing backing it up. Here's the evidence. Also included are comparisons to creationism.
It takes millions of years for evolution to occur. Natural selection, adaptations, and isolation are contribute to evolution, and the animals that humans evolved from haven't evolved because they don't need to.