Ah, Life.
I will seize this chance to vent.
Most people know my first name by now, common and you could never track me with it. For those that don't know, I'm Emily. Born on the first of September in the year 1995. I was born into a family that comprised of a beautiful christian mother and a handsome christian father. They had two children before I came along, 2 girls. I was the 3rd child and girl of the family.
I was a child that would sit in a stroller and ask a stranger what they ate for lunch. I never really had tantrums, and I barely ever cried. I was walking at about 7 months, and talking before anyone can remember. The only thing I remember getting in trouble for as a 'baby' is climbing out of my crib and going back to sleep in random places.
Needless to say, my first 4 years were trouble free. As they should be.
In kindergarden, I made tons of friends. I remember the first day... Mrs. Winter was my teacher. A very very nice lady that taught for 14 years before having me in her class. I was younger than most of the other kids, I started school early because I could read already and with that ability my birthday was then close enough to the cut off date. But everyone was nice enough and I am still friends with over half of my kindergarden class.
I'm going into too much detail, aren't I?
Oh well.
My kindergarden teacher loved me. I was the one with the answer before she could finish the question, I was the one she would ask to help her on something, or for me to help someone understand something.
One day, Dad came to get me out of school early. We went to my Mom's parent's house, in Lucedale, and we normally went every weekend. This wasn't normal.
I loved going to my Papas house on the weekends, (I called him Papa even though he was my grandfather, pronouced Paw Paw to the northerner) Because he was my very best friend. He would help me get into trees, or let me help him mow the backyard, or let me ride the horses or help in the neighbors barn. I knew him for only 5 years, but I remember him as if it was yesterday. My sisters didn't like Papa, they didn't think he was nice, so they always stayed inside when I played or worked with Papa.
When we got to Papa's house, I saw my mom crying. I didn't no why, so I asked.
She told me he passed away.
I was five, I had no idea what that meant. I asked again. That is when I realized he was dead. Diabetes was the force behind it.
Me, raised in the Church, knew that Papa was a good soul, so I told her it was alright, because now God gets to be with him, working and playing, and God deserved to have Papa to work and play with. She stopped crying and told me I was right.
When I went back to school, my teacher told me I didn't have to help out in class, because I was supposed to be sad about Papa passing away. Didn't in my mind registered as Couldn't.
I got mad. I loved helping out in class, why was I not allowed to help out? To be sad? I wasn't sad. I was happy to be back. I didn't do anything at all that entire day, I just sat down stared at her. Until it was time for Recess.
Mrs. Winter wouldn't let me play on the playground because I didn't do my work. Before we went outside, I got upset because I couldn't play, and she tried to hug me to calm me down. I was furious. I turned around as she tried to hug me and she wound up getting her arm across my neck, like a chokehold. I flipped out and I bit her arm and quite literally went crazy.
I was sent home.
I had to apologize to Mrs. Winter, and I did. But she never hugged me again, I can tell you that. My class didn't care what happened really, except for one kid. He decided to tell me on the playground one day, that I belonged with the special ed kids cause I went crazy. I didn't care, I just ran off to go play. He followed me, and annoyed me. So I hit him in the face.
It isn't my fault noses are so darn breakable.
I was sent home again.
That kid, who goes to school with me to this day, hates me. He is my bitter enemy. Lifelong hatred.
After kindergarden, I don't remember much of first grade or second, except second grade is where I met my best friend, Ashley.
Then third grade, where I met my second best friend, Carmel.
They are still my best friends to this day.
Third grade is when my little brother was born. It was also the year my Mom lost her job. My Dad too. I didn't really care, I was having too much fun at school and with friends.
Eventually my Dad found a job, but my Mom stayed at home to take care of my little brother. I never remember my Mom taking care of me like that, I was in day care since I could remember.
I was jealous. Evan, my little brother, got all the attention. And what could he do? Sit there and drool. Meanwhile, none of my grades EVER dropped below a 100, and I had tons of friends. I had to prove I was worthy of my Moms attention too.
I was soon signed up for Softball, where I made more friends and I was really good at playing. I threw the farthest and ran the fastest, hit the hardest and fielded the best. Mom never went to any of my games. Only Dad. I have played softball for almost 9 years now, and my Mom has gone to 1 game.
2 of the seasons I played, we were undefeated. 7 times, I was the MVP of my team.
Just 1 game for my Mom.
My Mom found a job as soon as Evan was in school. I never noticed that I was getting the hand me downs of my sisters, they were always fighting, I usually ignored them. By the time I got into 6th grade I was trying to follow my sisters footsteps, both of them. They got attention from my Mom and Dad, what did they do that was so much better?
I got into the Advanced classes in middle school like Erika, made more friends and went to social events like Eden, and I still went by unnoticed. I started playing in band, I wanted to play drums like my dad, but I chose flute, like my mom and Eden. Thinking my Mom would enjoy knowing we played the same thing.
She told me to be first chair, and I got first chair. Mom told me good job, but she also plays piano. So I learned piano in my spare time. And so I did. Still not good enough.
In the summer of my 6th grade year, almost a 7th grader, I found this guy. Adorable, funny, etc etc. We dated. For almost a year. Then to find out that one of my friends that I have known since I was 5, was dating him behind my back. Well, they pulled it off for a very long time. So I had severe trust issues with all of my friends now. I treated them like utter crap, and I deserved to crawl in a deep dark hole and not come up till I turned 100.
My friends were split in half, most of my friends were friends with her as well, things didn't end well.
I turned into a complete and total biatch, towards the end of my 7th grade year. I started skipping school, and I stoped caring about pretty much everything, things only got worse from there.
My 8th grade year was completely awful. I no longer beat up the bullies that picked on the other kids, I started getting in trouble for fighting with anyone that gave me a bad look. I picked up on a few habits from some not so good friends, and I decided to throw school down to the water closet. I skipped school and got in school suspensions and out of school suspensions more than I was actually in a classroom, and every last thing that was good in my life died, fled, or ignored me.
I did something that would be considered a 'cry for help'. It got me attention that was needed, but in a baaaaaad way.
I had no idea how horrid I was being to people.
I managed to get my little brother to hate my guts, my sisters to hate me even more, my parents to be nothing but disappointed and angry with me, my friends had no idea how to take my behaviour, and my teachers just gave up on me.
I think I got some sense slapped into me when I hit high school. I still decided to flip off school, but now I focused more on mending my relationships with people.
My family took that in a negative manner and wants to think I'm doing something even worse, but I got more of my real friends back, and I was happier than I had been in a really really long time.
That brings me to this year
I know what you are probably thinking now. "FINALLY MOON IS GETTING LESS DETAILED SHEESH"
And I want to say you are correct. But I have no idea what these fingers type, it is like they have a mind of their own. o.O
This year, I decided to actually try in school. I've gotten more A's this year than I have in a while, even though I am dangerously close to messing up in quite a few classes, I have time to fix them.
My relationships with my friends have improved, and if they haven't, it isn't for lack of trying.
My family situation is... a touchy subject. A lot has happened to us all, and while that doesn't excuse things, it does allow for me to endure and just wait out my time for them to see me as someone with a functioning brain, and not some rebellious satan worshiper.
After typing this all out I feel extremely relieved. I know, it is just an online community and such, blahblahblah, but I actually have friends here. Good people, that I enjoy talking to. So this is for all the good people
I'm in debt to those that have seen a glimpse of my bad side, and you haven't run away or never wanted to speak with me again, you know who you are, the lot of you. :P
It is the 15th of May in 2011. at 5 on a Sunday morning, this is the first time I have typed out this bit of my life in concentrated form, much less shown to thousands of people that might stumble across this. This is my past, a part of my life, but certainly not what my future will be.