My mom had an abruptio placenta, so i was born prematurely.
I was basically drowning in her blood as she was dying from blood loss. This happened while she was at my godmothers wedding. When the doctor finally came he performed a caesarean section on my mother, 4 minutes after giving her local anesthesia. I came out blue, not breathing, and my mom passed out from blood loss. I scored a 2 on the APGAR test. We both survived, but just barely.
When I was in third grade, parents divorced and my mom 'disciplined' me so hard I had multiple broken blood vessels in my hip. She got reported to DFAX, and wormed her way out of it. This was the first, and definitely not the last time that she would get out of trouble.
When I was in 6th grade, i went to go live with my dad for a while, because I couldnt stand being with my mom anymore. She always called me names, had an extremely short temper, and often kept me home from school when she was mad so I would clean the entire house as punishment. I stayed with my dad for 2 weeks, them my mother threatened to get a lawyer if my dad didnt give me back to her. So I went back to her house.
Inbetween this and my 9th grade year, I have had to call 911 multiple times because my mom came home so drunk and sick she passed out and had mild alchohol poisoning. Police talked to her and she got out of that too.
Last year, she and I got into an argument. I told her i wasnt going to put up with being treated the way i was. I was tired of being called names, being intimidated, like my mom was a highschool bully instead of my mother. So she stopped talking to me altogether. My brother, who is three years younger than me, but was her favorite, sided with me. That seriously upset her, and after one night when I heard her yelling at him because he said "You really dont treat her right" she came into my room, straddled me, and smacked the crap out of my face til my nose began to bleed.
I took pictures with my ipod. The next day, since I had had little sleep with my face hurting like you know what and looking all battered and beaten, my mom kept me home, told me to put on makeup, then took me out to eat and go shopping. Thats the nicest she has ever been to me, but it was only so i would keep my mouth shut.
She told me to please not tell anyone, so I told my dad. I showed him the pictures, and he began trying to get custody of me, since my mother had primary custody. I was living with my mother while all this was going on, so obviously life was hell. I got diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety and had to take an antidepressant. Zoloft. The doctor told my parents that i should move in with my dad, and that if necessary he could get a court order. So I moved in with my dad, and now he has temporary custody of me.
Since I moved in with my dad, my mom has become embroiled in DFAX, but is still trying to mess up my life. She says things like,"Alexis is pregnant, shes stealing your alchohol, blahblahblah." but no one beleives her because she lies and manipulates to get out of trouble. Over the summer she 'attempted' suicide in her garage, because even though i was with my dad my mom got her lawyers to give her visitation with me, one week with her, one with my dad over the summer, going back and forth. She took me through the house and showed me what thing she wanted me to have and what she wanted my brother to have once she was gone, then took my brothers blue jumprope and tried to hang herself from the garage fixture. I had to cut her down with a butterflyknife, since thats all I had near me. She took another rope, was about to do the same thing, but I cut it when she put it around her neck then cut it into even smaller peices. I told my dad about it, and she told my brother. But she told my brother that I was setting her up. My dad beleives my, but my brother isnt sure. Hes 12 and loves my mom and me both, but my mom is slowly turning him away from me and my dad. He doesnt want to visit anymore, and when he does hes never as nice as he used to be.
But overall, life is better now im with my dad, and I hope my brother is okay with my mom.