In most Protestant sects, baptism is performed as an ordinance, done merely because Jesus told his followers to do it. The Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Eastern Orthodox churches hold to the principle of sacramentality, which maintains that an infinite God interfaces with finite human beings through things like water, oil, and the laying on of hands, things which exist in fact rather than purely in the mindscape. Those Christians believe the water of baptism functions as a real channel of God's grace during the ritual, which is the sacrament of belonging, replacing the circumcision rite practiced by the Hebrews.
I'm going to say that it's probably something that Catholicism would be a very big fan of but it's probably not entirely necessary for the salvation of ones soul.
If you were a good catholic you would obey god anyway even if it's not needed for salvation. It kinda sickens me how some people do the christian sacraments only because they fear hell.
Well being as there is almost certainly no deity, and no soul in need of saving, then no one would not need to be baptised for any reason. However if you are looking at Catholic dogma then yes, baptism is critical to 'being saved'.
Is baptism necessary for being saved? So basically are you asking is the statement "you're saved if and only if you're baptized" true? Rewriting this as "Saved <-> Baptism". "Saved -> God." "Baptism -> Saved" From 1. "Baptism -> God" From 2,3 Syllogism "~God" Previous assertion "~Baptism" Modus Tollens 4,5
So my answer is: No you do not have to be baptized in order to be saved.
So my answer is: No you do not have to be baptized in order to be saved.
This is the stance the Protestants take, at least the Assembly of God churches. Most people that are part of Christianity are not baptized, at least it seems. However, there are "benefits" to being baptized, but I'd rather not go into that right now.
The question here isn't do you need to be baptized in order to be saved, as far as i know all religions have their rules on wether or not you need to go through a ritual to be part of their religion (wether It's being circumcised, baptized, or anything else). So if you follow that religion and It's rules, than the answer is already known. So the question is do you believe in your religion?
If you don't believe in it, then it's not really your religion then it is?
I guess not but if you believe in your religions teachings than the question "Do you have to be baptisted in order to be saved????" can be answered with a little bit of research.