What time period was the worst? Things to consider: -Impact on economy -Choice in spending tax dollars -Country(s) invaded/destroyed during era -World after era -People's thoughts during era -Mishaps that took place during era -Amount of people killed in homicides -Amount of people killed in war -Amount of people killed of natural causes -Amount of people killed by disease -Amount of things destroyed -World leaders during time -Impact on natural world -Thoughts of people after era -Thoughts of people before era -Animals killed off (Extinct) -How smart people were -Religions that were popular during time -Pop culture at time I'm sure there are more, but I'll leave it up to you to decide. Basically, what era (Time period) impacted everything negatively the most? This thread is opened for all kinds of debates, although they should cease if or more post goes against AG's rules and guidelines. Try to avoid this time period unless you have a strong point to make about it.Thinks about everything when making your final decision, and listen to other's opinions. Have fun!
Almost every empire helped develop mankind, some more then others. Before Rome there where huge rapid advancements by the Greek, Egyptians, Persians and some others. After Rome came to power advancement became slow and rare because the Romans like things the way they are. They did build roads and such but philosophy, science, religion and technology didn't really improve. (I consider getting the pagan human sacrifices over as an advancements in religion).
For recent history, the 1930's sucked. The Great Depression, the rise of Hitler and Fascism, Stalinist purges all over the world. But it's so hard to pinpoint the worst era as a whole. If one lived in Zimbabwe, they would say it's the worst time in history for them. In the US, the 1620's were pretty bad. It's all a matter of perspective.
I don't think Zimbabwe is in the worst era of its time. Its finally starting to show signs of development in modern times. Slow, but its there. All there was before is Colonisation eras and ancient tribe cultures that go way back. Maybe the colonisation eras were better but even they were then not by much. And don't loot at it in the sense of wars and peace, in the 1620's the avrage life expentancy for a newborn was around 20-30 years in the most developed parts of the world. Before it the number was even worst and only around the 20'th century did the number start to rapidly increase.
Well, if we are going to pick the worst era shouldn't we choose an era where everyone was greatly affected not specifically biggest tragedy or economy crash for example WWII was pretty bad I know it wasn't an era but, an example where everyone was impacted.