ForumsPopular MediaSlipknot

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Please note this is a fan page, no haters

Now on to topic, i am trying to make a fan page for every band i like that doesnt have one already!
here is some Slipknot songs


[]Before I Forget[url]

[]Dead Memories[url]

  • 51 Replies
6,672 posts

Does anyone here actually care about their music?

no its really bad lol. thats what im trying to say. i like corey and joey and i can appreciate there talents, but the band is just bad XD there music is just horrible.

and really in reality, they are just a wanna be GWAR if you think about it
5,365 posts

They're music is gross. The sound, lyrics, and their demeanor is gross.

Nope. Some of their songs sound weird, but they aren't "gross."

I'm sorry, I meant that nu metal ****. Nu metal is ****ing retarded. That's like mixing house music with classical music.

A lot of music genres can be mixed and sound great. For example, neo classical metal.

If I become a serial killer that only kills people at 4:20pm, does that make me unique?

Duh, of course it does. Unique means being the only one of your kind. If you're the only person who murders at 4:20 p.m., you're unique.

Slipknot just tries too hard and their fame is undeserved.

Aaaaanndd we should listen to what? Pop? Rap?

once again you show how much about music you actually know. which by the way ISNT that much

Actually, you and hitmanvp95 eliminated my ignorance. I listened to every song that you suggested to me. All I heard was random gibberish with horrible rhythym. You can't call me ignorant now.

dude winning a grammy in the 21'st century is essentially a joke.

I couldn't agree more. Didn't we hand one over to that thing we call a "bieber"?

they are deffinatly one of the more poiontlessly over produced bands. bands like arcade fire, that some argue are over produced, actually have the instruments they do in there for a purpose.

Ok, at least you can hear at least half of Slipknot's instruments. I just listened to The Suburbs, Ready to Start and Rebellion (Lies) by Arcade Fire, and I couldn't hear half of the instruments.

When 12 year old boys who have no friends try to be different, they listen to Slipknot. Since they are too stupid to understand that they are basically listening to what 20 million other 12 year old boys who have no friends are listening, making them as mainstream as Lady Gaga.

So you think lonely 12-year-olds are the only people who listen to Slipknot?

Them winning a Grammy just enforces the point that they are too mainstream. Their awful riffs, deathly lyrics, and headbanging fanatics all contribute to them being mainstream.

And how is being mainstream a bad thing? Isn't it possible that a band is actually getting the fame they deserve?

Just like Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and Rihanna will all lose fame, Slipknot will too.

Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Rihanna will lose fame because they sound like crap. Slipknot will lose fame because people can't recognize good music if it punched them in the face.

The difference is, those pop artists have songs that are all bearable.

Thank you, Kevin. I needed that laugh. You made my gloomy day just a little bit brighter.

If I wear a mask that has a bunch of nails sticking out, don't you think I would look stupid, too?


So if I wear those masks every day to school, when I go to sleep, and when I take a shower, it'll be cool?

Wearing a mask on stage and wearing a mask your entire life are two completely different things.

and really in reality, they are just a wanna be GWAR if you think about it

GWAR is a sucky band that sings about sodomy and beastiality. Slipknot is far better than they could ever be.
6 posts

ok slipknot is a a very ridiculous band joey said that theyre the heaviest band in the world... when i heard that i named off about 10-15 bands that are heavier than slipknot you dont need 9 people banging on trash cans screaming how crappy their life is and their fanboys are even worse nothings worse than trying to listen to a good children of bodom or death song on youtube then look in the comments section and have a month-long arguement about some slipknot troll saying "slipknot blows these guys away when it comes to brutality" slipknot isnt heavy at all, theyre not technical to any extent, slipknots music is the easiest music to listen to, its so boring that it could be used as a system of torture

5,365 posts

Does anyone here actually care about their music?

Hi, nice to meet you!

@Punksac35 Ok, use grammar and punctuation. I have virtually no idea what you said.

[quote=Punksac35]their fanboys are even worse nothings worse than trying to listen to a good children of bodom or death song on youtube then look in the comments section and have a month-long arguement about some slipknot troll saying "slipknot blows these guys away when it comes to brutality"[/quote]

Yes, because we're all just a bunch of stupid little retards.

slipknots music is the easiest music to listen to, its so boring that it could be used as a system of torture

Have you ever listened to Psychosocial or Before I Forget?
6 posts

yes, i have listened to those two songs, i've even listened to the whole "All Hope is Gone" album. it was all horrible, i was unable to find any technicality and i listento the faceless, nile and gojira (probably the most technical bands of today). i listen to just about all kinds of metal, and slipknot reminds me more of an alternative rock group

866 posts

I used to listen to slipknot with a friend of mine when i was younger. There is one song that i liked for a very long time:

It is called vermillion. What do you think of that one?
I used to like slipknot, but now it's not my cup of tea anymore.

6 posts

no offense to what you listened to when you were younger, but i was unable to get through the whole song i was so bored. but hey, different people like different things.

6,672 posts

Aaaaanndd we should listen to what? Pop? Rap?

listen to what you want, im just stating why they are a bad band. and dont even get me started because slipknot is JUST as generic as modern day pop and rap. so dont even try to pull that card on me.

Actually, you and hitmanvp95 eliminated my ignorance. I listened to every song that you suggested to me. All I heard was random gibberish with horrible rhythym. You can't call me ignorant now.

you still dont know **** about music dude. lol if you think slipknot raps better then any other band, you clearly dont know.

Didn't we hand one over to that thing we call a "bieber"?

no we didnt. esparanza spalding beat him for best new artist. which was actually the best award given that knight along with arcade fire winning album of the year.

Ok, at least you can hear at least half of Slipknot's instruments. I just listened to The Suburbs, Ready to Start and Rebellion (Lies) by Arcade Fire, and I couldn't hear half of the instruments.

its the subtle but affective feel. beleive me, if you cut out some of the &quotointless" instruments, the sound would be lacking majorly.
and thats another point i make when i call then pointlessly overproduced. the extra instruments that slipknot adds are just pointless. they dont do there sound any justice

Slipknot will lose fame because people can't recognize good music if it punched them in the face.

slipknot is an embarrassment at the least

GWAR is a sucky band that sings about sodomy and beastiality. Slipknot is far better than they could ever be.

you do know that GWAR isnt serious right? ever heard of something called satire? cause thats what they are. they are funny.

Yes, because we're all just a bunch of stupid little retards.

a good 99%of you yes, you included

It is called vermillion. What do you think of that one?

vermillion is bearable. just cause i dont have to listen to corey ****ty screaming
5,365 posts

It is called vermillion. What do you think of that one?

Ooh, I just listened to that one, and I didn't expect it to be that good!

and dont even get me started because slipknot is JUST as generic as modern day pop and rap.

Alright, I've just never heard another band like Slipknot...

lol if you think slipknot raps better then any other band, you clearly dont know.

I've heard rap. I've looked at the lyric sheets, and if it isn't about drugs and ******s, it's random gibberish. Aesop Rock especially. None of them even have rhythym. They just rip off a syllable whenever. Slipknot actually has regular rhythym.

no we didnt.

Oh holy crap, great!

you do know that GWAR isnt serious right? ever heard of something called satire? cause thats what they are. they are funny.

Of course I know they're a satire. Just because something is supposed to be a satire doesn't make it better than a piece of crap. It's like a devout Christian constantly making jokes about Jesus and the Bible.

a good 99%of you yes, you included

Oh, so now you're insulting my intelligence too? I'll have you know that I'm a grade ahead and I rarely get lower than a B+.

vermillion is bearable. just cause i dont have to listen to corey ****ty screaming

6,672 posts

Alright, I've just never heard another band like Slipknot...

that doesnt mean they arent a generic band. they may have had some sort of movement going on in the early 2000's but that doesnt defeat the fact that there song writing style is horrible.

I've heard rap. I've looked at the lyric sheets, and if it isn't about drugs and ******s, it's random gibberish. Aesop Rock especially. None of them even have rhythym. They just rip off a syllable whenever. Slipknot actually has regular rhythym.

this one
this one
this one
this one
this one

this is a SMALL list of examples i could give you. if your so smart then use some reading comprehension. if you still think that its all jsut giberish and about how drugs and gangs are awesome. then you truely are a lost soul
5,365 posts

1. Ok, yeah, I got absolutely nothing out of that.
2. That was about not giving a crap about life, and giving drugs to children and believing that every white guy who kills a black man is a hero, and going on a killing spree to kill everyone deemed evil by him. Oh, did I mention the obscene language and racial slurs?
3. It was about a man's idea of ruling the world, which was nothing but removing all rules, erasing any sort of responsibility and letting Hell break loose.
4. I saw nothing but premarital sex and masochism. Everything else was nothing but pointless obscenities.
5. Nothing but deciding that he was going to live his life as a complete ***hole, filled with drugs and sex.

You did nothing but confirm my worst fears.

if your so smart then use some reading comprehension. if you still think that its all jsut giberish and about how drugs and gangs are awesome. then you truely are a lost soul

Have you ever thought that you're the lost soul? Now let's knock this off before the thread is locked.
6,672 posts

ya im done. you truely are the most musically ignorant person i have ever met. congradulations. and no your views on the songs were deffinatly all wrong XD. i give up

529 posts

yes, i have listened to those two songs, i've even listened to the whole "All Hope is Gone" album. it was all horrible, i was unable to find any technicality and i listento the faceless, nile and gojira (probably the most technical bands of today). i listen to just about all kinds of metal, and slipknot reminds me more of an alternative rock group

An Alternative rock group? That one made me laugh!
Oh and slipknots extra instruments are not pointless
the fact that they have 3 drumms and Corey screaming makes
their nusic have a sheer brutality to it!
6,672 posts

sheer brutality to it!

more like poser brutality in comparison to bands like Gojira XD
5,365 posts

What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to stick with one type of metal and instead of opposing other types of metal, support them

I couldn't agree more. I love many different kinds of metal and rock. I've never been stuck to just a couple subgenres. I'll listen to almost anything from Rush to Slayer.
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