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1,255 posts

Who won? I personally think that the US lost this war hardcore, but that is supposedly just my opinion. I view it as "We left, they didn't. They won."

  • 38 Replies
1,482 posts

There was no official declaration of the war.
The USS Maddox got hurt in North Vietnamese waters, and LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) got a resolution to use whatever means necessary to do whatever he wants to keep us safe. He, in turn, escalated the war for our honor + containment and we fought a war.

Personally, I think we lost.
We tarnished a previously powerfully agriculturally productive nation into a chemical landslide, pushed it into poverty, won ever battle but still lost many men and along with that it was a battle of attrition -- we were the last man standing on say, a particular battlefield, but Vietnamese troopers always came back to face more napalm.
At the same time, LBJ's domestic agenda of his 'Great Society' and War of Poverty lead to an increasing deficit.
Then there were protests.
Then Congress removed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, in Nixon's presidency, after the Kent state shootings
Then he bombs Cambodia and doesn't tell people and lets the troops there do more fighting.
Then he pulls out and the whole effort seems pointless (which, I'd say, it was from the beginning -- we rarely ever tried to hit North Vietnam after the Tet Offensive in '68.

So -- We destroy a piece of the earth, kill people on both sides, achieve practically nothing, get a bad economy, and then leave looking kind of stupid.

^ We lose.

Kinda sounds like Iraq [without the napalm/jungles/higher deathrate]

64 posts

Exactly. Armed_blade knows his stuff.

But if ye want to get philosophical, yeah there is no clear winner in a war like this. It's not like a computer game. There are no scoreboards, lives are worth something and you can't solve arguments by starting all over again, the environment changes constantly.

3,437 posts

the funny thing is we started out funding the vietcong then they ran out the french but then we decided we wanted it and invaded so they used our money against us. and we still lost the war. gotta love america

Sounds like Afgahnistan. Didn't America fund them to remove the Soviets? And now look what's happened...hmm you guys should stop funding people.

Seriously though I'm glad Armed Blade wrote that history note you should all read (for those of you who don't know) it saves me time History ftw.
2,420 posts

Obama made the smartest and one of the most underrated moves of his presidency. The Republicans scrutinized Obama for making a slow decision, and for not supplying the rebels weapons.

If we did supply the rebels in Libya, we might've had another Afghanistan or Vietnam.

42 posts

America started the war to stop the domino-effect of communism taking over the world. 1000s of people were murdered (on both sides) and after the US left the domino effect turned out to not exist (as it did not spread). The US started a war for the wrong reasons. The US was the loser of the war, but the Vietnamese lost their country.

94 posts

did you that vietnam stared the war because thay fired on a battle ship

1,434 posts

ugh... every friggin day...

OK, The Vietnam War was a war between North Vietnam aided by China and South Vietnam aided by the USA. The North Vietnamese were taking a lot of land in the south, and used Laos as a flanking point. When the US came in, despite gruesome losses, the North was pushed back into its own territory. We left because we didn't expect further conflict, as teh north had been pushed back, just like in Korea.

Unfortunately, South Vietnam was not as military-capable as South Korea, and the country fell months after we pulled out.

Remember, we pulled out because the Northern Vietnamese had been forced to return to their own country, and we assumed the south could handle any NV threat. we were wrong. ah well... a small black dot on America's history, but nothing too crazy to get worked up over

1,826 posts

u won ww2 cuz germans surrendered
u lost in veitnam, cuz veitcong didnt surrendered and u left

3,224 posts

The cliche that war produces only losers applies to Vietnam more than most I think. For the American military it was a humiliation. For American society it was a watershed of innocence and national confidence. For the Vietnamese military it was a victory but at a terrible cost. The people suffered greatly, both during the war and in the years immediately afterwards at the hands of their inept leaders. It truly was a tradgedy.

1,143 posts

@haloman77 i assume your are referring to the gulf of Tonkin incident which was almost undeniably staged

1,482 posts

America started the war to stop the domino-effect of communism taking over the world.

I think this piece of history needs to be fixed. To stop the Domino-Effect, we primarily supplied other nations economically or militarily, an example being Afghanistan, which was also linked to our policy towards containment.

The s.Vietnamese leader that was there right before the war, along with America, had previously stated that there would be elections to unify the country [This being after the French defeat] -- America and the leader agreed to stop the elections, seeing as the polls favored Communism.
It had already spread, our going in there wasn't going to change the way the people thought -- if anything they would hate America more and like Communism better.

Also, the people found this document: Pentagon Papers

Scroll down to impact, you'll see the real reasons as to why some USA politicians actually supported the incident.
@haloman77 i assume your are referring to the gulf of Tonkin incident which was almost undeniably staged

Never heard of it being staged, but, again, with the Pentagon Papers, it is a likely possibility.
Even if it were staged, the only real good thing that came out of the war was the War powers Act. I wouldn't like a war without Congressional approval.

So, I think we should all note, that, above all the politics, we started it to save ourselves from being humiliated or kicked out, more than we did for our hopes of helping the French or rallying against the terrors of Communism after they had spread.

So if you were to ask me who 'won'. I would say the Vietnamese. Though some people argue and say 'Nah, we left', I'd like to clearly point out that winning a war is not about killing everyone on the other side, it is about completing objectives.

We failed to unify the country under a democratic government. We failed to stop Communism. We failed to keep ourselves from being humiliated. We failed to keep South Korea alive.

On the other hand, we have North Vietnam.
They got their only objective, which was unification under it's own, communist government, which had popular support at the time under their leader, Ho Chi Minh.

So I think that it is quite easy to see that we lost the war.
1,255 posts

first of all america started the war be cause north vietnam was suported by russia and russia was comunism and america and russia were in cold war so when north and south began the war north wanted coomunism and south didnt want and beside they fought for making the whole country one not two parts

and about america losing .

first of all america used old strategies like the strategies that were used in ww2 they attacked a place drop their men and secure the area and than left the area so north vietnam came again and get the area back with no war
and when america tried to drop their man in a part they bombed the place and that wasnt a bad thing for vietkongs they just ambushed the area that was bombed and waited till americas soldiers come and
they killed all of them that was one of their strategies


in the TET holyday north vietnam made an truce but it was just only a trick america toght it is a good time to send soldiers for some vecation but america was wrong in TET night soldiers of north vietnam attacked hundreds of towns little outposts and ... they were gathering soldiers under tunnels and at TET they attacked south vietnam

people of america

after TET when the soldiers of US killed the vietkongs of north vietnom that were attacking towns when the people saw the pictures of the war they suddnly stoped supporting the war and made riots and ... so america just didnt fight

that was the whole story of vietnam and america

information from book : the war of vietnam

writer : philip gween

i dont know if the writer name is write

i hope you enjoy it

1,143 posts

well that was a very basic order of events although im not sure you some of it in the right order

and actually America started the war with NV because it was communist, Russia only got involved after this happened

140 posts

i think Vietnam won because America retreated

37 posts

Its called a &quotolice action" and we go whooped. They just knew their country too well.

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