yes, being logical skeptics make you crap. What infallible logic.
Humans have always sinned. that's human nature, we are not perfect, only God is perfect
God made us as he is. We should be perfect since he is perfect.
Suicide? seriously? it's against our beliefs to commit suicide. Learn something about christianity before you throw stuff at others.
Coming into the world to die, doing what he knew would kill him, I'd call it suicide. The fact that your religion forbids it just show how hypocritical you are.
I am tired of they insulting my religion.
UNtil it is proven it is a theory. Theories are open to criticism. An idea that is not proven and is that unlikely deserves to be ridiculed
Am a Muslim. Yes, I have questioned my faith and it did seem a little fairytale-ish, but I am still a Muslim (not a very religious thought)
lol I find it funny that there is yet another thread that asks for other people's religion on AG. First of all, the community forums are practically dominated by atheists. Second, last I checked, atheism is not a religion. Personally, I am Christian. Baptists, if you want to get specific. I never join in the discussions on religion. They just end in arguments in which neither side agrees with the other. Great for learning to pick other people's words apart, analyze them, and counteract them in a debate. But as far as getting a crucial point across, highly ineffective. Regardless, the normal thing for threads like these: atheists will take over. Goes back to my first two points. Loving the irony here. But, hey, if any atheists want to be part of a "religion", the sandwhich god is acquiring a nice following.
Why does everybody get's so tense whenever it comes to religion? The man was just asking what religion you follow, or what you believe in, and all of a sudden, everybody is so aggressive. Like I said before, I don't believe in anything, but that doesn't mean I don't like people who do. I think that everybody is entitled to have his/her own believe and everybody should respect the choice of one another. So please stop arguing with eachother about who has the best religion or belief, because that's a debat no one can win.
Because for me, there's always things that humans will never comprehend, things that science could never prove or disprove. And that is enough to know that a higher being is there, Allah. And don't get me wrong I love science and I think the without it the world would fall, crash and burn. That is all I will say I don't want to get into a debate.
I do respect your choice, I'm glad you understand that science is vitally important for this world and don't just idolize religion blindly, that doesn't stop me from picking it apart.
Sorry - I'll rephrase what I said to clear up confusiion:
In matters of faith there can be no certainty, there is only 'believe' and 'do not believe' and never 'know' and 'do not know', for that is nature of faith.
Believe â"verb (used without object) -to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully. Know -to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty
I dunno.... If you assume believing something is to believe in without tangible proof, and knowledge to be a perception of recorded facts, then it isn't actually a fact it's just a belief of a fact. Yet, believing in a fact would then lead to you not knowing if it's a fact or not.
i am a muslim. before, I used to think that it was because my entire family are muslims but there is more than thought. i can't explain it, but some of the surahs in the quran speak about the day of judgment and what will happen. one of them still scares me.
also, arabic is considered a romance laguage which can allow me to get into colubia or new york linguistics school.
On AG i have seen mostly atheist who never seem to accept any ideas that a religious person provides, about the same amount of christians, a couple of muslims, and about 3 Jews.