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id like to see how many different religons we have on ag
so post ur religon on here

  • 223 Replies
2,520 posts

I've never been told that the sun revolves around the earth.

5,552 posts

I've never been told that the sun revolves around the earth.

No, because in today's society it's impossible to get away with such idiotic claims. However, back in the middle ages, when only religion was taught, that's what you got. It's also in the bible in semi-direct ways saying that the earth is stationary, is flat, etc.
2,520 posts

However, back in the middle ages,

Don't start that. EVERYONE said stupid things in the middle-ages. That's why they call it the middle ages.
5,552 posts

Don't start that. EVERYONE said stupid things in the middle-ages. That's why they call it the middle ages.

Well that's what it would be if only religion was taught in schools. Even if other subjects were taught, there would still be a myriad of things taught that would be wrong.
1 posts

I think it's not because the religion itself, but because how people interpret religion in a rather strict way. I think religion teaches us to be kind and peaceful to others no matter what. Sure, we may dislike what others do or what they believe in. Still religion would not take it as a justifiable reason to hate others.

Anyways, I'm a Muslim.

9,462 posts

I think it's not because the religion itself, but because how people interpret religion in a rather strict way. I think religion teaches us to be kind and peaceful to others no matter what. Sure, we may dislike what others do or what they believe in. Still religion would not take it as a justifiable reason to hate others.

If a religion was truly a peaceful one, then the extremists of that religion would be taking pacifism to the extreme. So if a religious extremist is violent, then the problem does lie in what the religion can teach.
28 posts

Like LakeFilter said:

I think it's not because the religion itself, but because how people interpret religion in a rather strict way. I think religion teaches us to be kind and peaceful to others no matter what.

The problem lies in the interpretation of the religion. No religion encourages people to hate one another, they all say that you should respect and love those around you. But some people take the Bilble, Koran, Tora... too strict, they start reading things and interpreting them in a way that's good for them, for their own benefit, so they can justify their rage and aggressivity and that's when religion goes wrong.. So in fact it's just like with anything else: too much is simply too much, don't overanalyze religion, because in fact religion is supposed to be something simple, something to hold on too in dark times, at least that's what I was taught in my non-denominational-moral class.
4,005 posts

Don't start that. EVERYONE said stupid things in the middle-ages. That's why they call it the middle ages.

Really? We didn't see those kinds of problems in China and the surrounding areas. But then again they weren't in the grips of a religion that refused to recognize emerging science or tolerate opposing or differing points of view. The point is that each civilization has had ups and downs, and the European happened to have theirs in the middle ages and largely due to religious and political factors.
554 posts

Well as easy as it is to do that, you can also stick God into stuff we do understand. We understand a lot about nature and we can still say God is behind that.

Yes but that is not proof for God that is just you saying this stuff all happens all on its own but it could have god in there even though he is not needed.

As much as we can argue about where God is and isn't, the whole point was i can find God in science wether you can or can't (which, due to you disbelief in God, you can't)

Again, you take something that works on its own and you say god is doing this and act like you have proof on your side and this proves gods existence. If something is unnecessary why put it into the equation and it is very unlikely that it existed in the first place anyway.

There are many things we believe in science that we can't test for. Can we prove the big bang happened? We can believe the big bang happened, we can try to do all the math and logic to figure it out but in the end its all still a guess.

Yes you see this is the crucial difference. The big bang has maths, logic and evidence on its side and while it might be proven wrong with a different theory some time in the future at the moment it is by far the most logical theory.

We can't test God because he is in a completely different dimension altogether. He only interacts with us through our body, mind, and soul.

This is saying I'm going to invent a whole new dimension for just so you can't prove he doesn't exist when you could just he doesn't exist. End of.

You can't either 100% disprove God. I don't remember any of the statistics but the chance that the universe formed the way it did and the first cell was created is tiny. So we can chose to believe that we were unbelievably lucky or we can believe a supernatural figure made it this way. I'm going to add that i do have doubts about Gods existence but for now i still believe

The laws of physics dictate that galaxies will form with planets and stars and stuff and the laws of chance dictated that eventually life would be created. And there's always the infinite parallel universes theory.

Don't start that. EVERYONE said stupid things in the middle-ages. That's why they call it the middle ages.

No it was because it was in the middle between stuff like the romans which was ancient and the modern era. But yeah they did say stupid stuff. I mean they actually thought stuff like Christianity was true. Those guys were so stupid.
4,104 posts

Because science is a required course if I'm not mistaken.

Only up to a certain point i think. I know of one extremely religious school that only teaches math up to fourth grade. I think it's dumb to deprive kids of useful knowledge, though i heard arabs muslims do this to their women.

Although to be honest, only the last 3 points were relevant to science in school. Sorry about that, got carried away.

There isn't a single thread in the WERP that stays on topic. Most of the discussion now was on my post earlier in the forum.
554 posts

There isn't a single thread in the WERP that stays on topic. Most of the discussion now was on my post earlier in the forum.

I don't know about that but on the wepr forum after a few pages you run out things to talk about in the original topic and someone makes a post which takes them off on a tangent.
879 posts

I think it's not because the religion itself, but because how people interpret religion in a rather strict way

Have you ever heard of Buddhist or Jainist terrorists? Why do the Abrahamic religions have such a violent history and some other religions don't?

No religion encourages people to hate one another, they all say that you should respect and love those around you.

That's so wrong... I could cite you many Bible and Quran passages that show the exact opposite. For example, how these books talk about infidels or gay people? I think you know the answer...
65 posts

I am a Christian. Always have been, always will be. I try my best to convert others, but I don't stubbornly nag your every move. I'm willing to listen to others' oppinions, but I will always be a Christian. God made us all in His own image, not with His purity. So, the way I see it, God made us like Him. But its our choice whether or not we want to act like Him. If you feel you need to criticize me, go ahead, fire away.

4,005 posts

I am a Christian. Always have been, always will be.

And this is the mentality that bothers me. You are basically claiming that nothing anyone can do will ever make you change your mind. This, unfortunately, is the dominate ideology with religion, and it is also the most harmful one. Where would we be if no one ever would change their mind about medicine? Or about physics? We would still be living like cavemen! The essence of fact finding is following the evidence and altering your position when your position is baseless.
1,255 posts

Can't dis Deism bro. The only things that it tears down is Pascal's Wager, and the huge timeline apparently used by Atheists. Plus it is based on the priciples that the belief in Deism really can change the world in a positive way.

Think about it. A religion based purely on reason and Nature. Can't really go wrong.

Showing 76-90 of 223