ForumsWEPRnational debt and current recession

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639 posts

personally being a republican this is my oppinion. democrats are butting in when they don't need to. capitalism is based on the fact that people will go to countries that do them right and the economy will straighten itself out. so let capitalism do its work instead of spending and spending. which they also think will solve the national debt. you can't spend money to pay off money. they intend to raise taxes and only cut spending by a couple million. the higher taxes get the more people will cheat on them. if you lower them more people will pay in full and you COULD get just as much money. also you need to drastically cut spending.

  • 47 Replies
1,448 posts

if you lower them more people will pay in full and you COULD get just as much money. also you need to drastically cut spending.

Actually, the point is that lower taxes stimulate the economy - or rather, high taxes hurt the economy.

I recommend that you use (I hate to say it) correct spelling and punctuation, because it makes it sound a lot more professional.

And don't say in the beginning "This is my opinion:" because people will just ignore you.

Also, your paragraph tells my what you think - but I don't see any underlying reasoning. It's necessary to include this in future posts if you want to be taken seriously. Assertions require backup.
2,420 posts

That . . . makes no sense.

If everyone pays ten percent more taxes, the government will have a $15 billion surplus in six year.

If we eliminate loopholes, people can't cheat on them, or they go to prison.

Give the government more money, lower spending, and try to rebuild the roads. 75% of roads were built before 1974. That would easily stimulate at least one million jobs.

Also, einfach, stop being a tightass. He has the same political views as you and you're scrutinizing the way he posts? That's my job.

1,448 posts

Also, einfach, stop being a tightass. He has the same political views as you and you're scrutinizing the way he posts? That's my job.

He doesn't actually, but either way, it's just as much my job as it is your job. Because one shouldn't misrepresent ideas - good or bad.

Kevin, your "everyone pays ten percent more taxes" assumes a 0-sum world.
3,437 posts

Kevin, your "everyone pays ten percent more taxes" assumes a 0-sum world.

And your modle assumes the government won't cater to big bussiness for tax breaks and what have you.

There is no "right answer" in situations like this. Especially in America where you have a choice between two opposing parties. They're going to screw you over one way or another no matter who you are. That is the reality of politics.

America could do with a few extra parties to add some competition to it's voting polls. Look at Canada, we ENCOURAGE new parties. Just last year The Green Party, which is a fairly new party, gained 6% of the national vote. True they never won a seat, but they've been taken more seriously ever since the turn of the century. Right now, if you count the Green, Canada has four major parties. Maybe it's time America added one or two more?
2,420 posts

He doesn't actually, but either way, it's just as much my job as it is your job. Because one shouldn't misrepresent ideas - good or bad.

Him: Lower Taxes, lower spending.
You: Lower taxes, lower spending.

What's the difference?
Kevin, your "everyone pays ten percent more taxes" assumes a 0-sum world.

How so? What losses do we have?
63 posts


Ahhhahaha 6% major party... ahahha

I say we Wage a new war on bankers and Corruption. we eliminate those 2 factors = perfect economy.

The first depression was based on stock market and banks not having Peoples money.

This depression based off of Lending with money wich doesnt even exist and abusing contract rights to, IMHO cruely and what should be illegal, Steal peoples money, houses, other worldy possessions.

Raising taxes will just perpetuate the gov't avoidance of economical reform wich is so needed. Lowering taxes wont do much if peopel cant get jobs. Personally i think its gonna go downhill even more before some one comes up with a solution.
3,437 posts

Ahhhahaha 6% major party... ahahha

*face palm* Are you even aware how many parties are in Canada? We have dozens. We also have a smaller nation population wise.

America has dozens of parties too, but no one knows about them.
2,420 posts

If I have twenty parties, five percent would be the mean, no?

Anything above that is the majority.

3,437 posts

See the point I made with the Green party is that they are NEW. They haven't been around for very long, but they've managed to gain support quickly.

2,420 posts

6% is pretty good, actually. The Libertarian Party and TEA Party is gaining too much support, too quickly.

We need a party to balance it out.

1,416 posts

When someone tries to get out of debt, the last thing you need to do is cut your income. When Clinton balanced the budget, it was due to slashing spending, and a slight tax increase. Decreasing taxes (while sounding awesome), never leads to decreased debt.

1,482 posts

^ When Clinton balanced the budget, the slight tax increased affected (for the most part) the much smaller and higher section of our countries top earners. Slight in %, big in numbers.

Also, GWB's Tax Cut's, 1.35 Trillion dollars of them, did nothing to help raise consumer income -- or capital investment. It lead to a few years of excessive spending. Economic growth is gain in profit revenues over time, not throwing money away. His dad tried to keep taxes low, but his foreign affairs agenda picked up and he raised taxes -- killing his campaign slogan. Bush, on the other hand, let us fall flat -- And we fell not paying 1.35 Trillion dollars to the federal government each year.

If you look at it from republican ideology, people don't cut taxes to help people use more money. They assume a trickle down theory that cutting taxes will lead to move investment which will in turn create jobs and spur a national economy on higher wage/benefits based off of increased profit from companies from previous investment.

^ That being said, increasing taxes is a good idea until capital investment actually takes a hit. Otherwise, people just have more money to throw around which will either lead to them saving it or spending it recklessly.

Honestly the only way to fix the debt is to decrease our spending wherever possible, [miillliiitarryy? ] and, at best, raise taxes where they won't hurt consumer spending. (Which pretty much means wealthy/well off ppl)

639 posts

i see a problem with wanting to raise taxes with the middle/upper class. these are the entrepreneurs and the small business owners that will get the economy back on track, but if you tax them more then they put more money away for savings and even less money gets circulated.

1,448 posts

these are the entrepreneurs and the small business owners that will get the economy back on track, but if you tax them more then they put more money away for savings and even less money gets circulated.

Circulating money is not good in itself alone. It is often used as a justification for "government spending to stimulate job growth" and the like.

However, I recommend you look at the Broken Window Fallacy.
1,448 posts

Maybe it's time America added one or two more?

Hmm...the Libertarian party never wins anything because of a lack of popularity and the way the government is set up (it is only really designed for a 2-party system, unfortunately - if it wasn't, then they'd get more votes).
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