Personally i think the best is Con Artist. He created the Last stands 1 and 2. his games also made me make an account. Krin's okay personally im not a fan of his games, though Joey's games are pretty good two.
John makes really flashy games which are always very pretty, and has been one of the more prolific creators. However, I feel that though Krin may have fewer games released, he is the better creator.
Krin's games contain a legitimate story line that I REALLY care about with nice cutscenes that advance the plot. Tainted Kingdom had full flash clips after each battle, Sinjid accomplished a TON given what little storyline was invested into it (and I STILL am on the edge of my seat as I wait for Sinjid 2), and don't even get me started on Sonny.
The main reason I like his games, is that they require tons of strategy and are replayable. He designs them well enough that they are a challenge, but not too difficult. Colony was a huge success on his part as well in terms of multiplayer mode. But mainly, his storyline has tons of substance and his games involve true strategy with multiple paths and ways to win. That's why people aren't furious with him for going off the radar for about a year and a half. I wish that he would hire more underlings so that he can fulfill outside obligations yet still complete games at a reasonable rate. I agree that he could become a very successful game maker for the large consoles.
I want to take back what I said about Krin being better XD. John is amazing, and an incredibly versatile programmer and artist. His games have amazed me over the years, they're all so pretty! But also very, very fun. I admit I'm pretty biased towards Krin, because John is more than just flashy arcade games (which are totally awesome). He gave us Exit Path, with an eerie dystopian feel, and really gave us the perfect (nearly) multiplayer racing game.