My biggest question is for both sides. Where did your atoms or God come from, what created him? Christians would answer: Never beginning, and never ending is too much for the human mind to comprihend. Evolutionaists could sing by the same toon.
while avorne is right, without atoms there wouldnt be evolution, btw there is a way to scientificly explain atoms, its called string theory, look it up, u might not understand it though, its pretty complex
I think that's referencing the 'mystery of God' that the early Catholic Church invented when they couldn't explain things.
Okay in that case here is the Q Continuum. This is a place we can't understand and can only perceive in the form of a representation. The Continuum is something we completely made up.
The Q themselves are also beings beyond our full understanding, also beings we made up.
No, scientists have never found the missing link so no evolution is a myth
Evolution can be directly observed in bacteria cultures so no, it definitely is not a myth; we wouldn't even need fossils to back it up. Secondly, absence of evidence is no evidence of absence in paleontology, so even if we wouldn't have found any missing link, that would not exclude the possibility. Third, the whole concept of 'missing link' is delicate because every organism at every stage was fully adapted to it's environment, there was no 'mixed transition stage' like many imagine it.
No, scientists have never found the missing link so no evolution is a myth
What missing link? In fact with human evolution alone the problem we have isn't a lack of evidence in the fossil record, but so many there is debate on whether their all from different species or just mild modified verities. And that's not even getting into the millions of fossils discovered since Darwins time for other branches in the phylogenetic tree of life. All of them being transitional forms.
Further more even if we got rid of all the fossil evidence we can still have sufficient evidence for evolution, we can observe this in our own genetics. Facts Of Evolution: Retroviruses And Pseudogenes
just out of curiousity, MGW, i thought that autralopithecus aferensis lived in australia and has no connection with homosapiens, they died out in australia be4 they moved out of it, but i might be thinking about sumthing else
just out of curiousity, MGW, i thought that autralopithecus aferensis lived in australia and has no connection with homosapiens, they died out in australia be4 they moved out of it, but i might be thinking about sumthing else
I think you your thinking of another one, Australopithecus africanus has only been found in Africa.