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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Evils of the Buzzkill Insult

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12,319 posts

Over the last few days, I have been called a buzzkill. In fact, even moderators (two of them, I think they are Strop and Cenere) have been calling me a buzzkill, so I have created this story which portrays this action as an insult. Before I begin, here are some things you should know:

1) This story has two sides, the Non-buzzkills (mdv96, deathopper, darkrai097, and I) and the Evil Jokers (CalvinDultrey, SupaLegit, SirNoobalot, and iMogwai).

2) Although this is based on true events, the story itself is fictional.

3) The only characters in the story are the members of the two sides, Strop, and Cenere.

4) This story is written in first-person where I am the narrator.



Once upon a time, there was a feud between two small groups which were called the Non-buzzkills and the Evil Jokers. I happened to be in the middle of that feud as a member of the Non-buzzkills. However, things looked bleak for this group as soon as the feud started. Fortunately, the moderators settled the issues before anything could get catastrophic. This is the story of the feud as I saw it.

Forum Arguments

The feud started when I was acting a bit too serious on the forums. iMogwai saw it and said, "No no no! Stop being a buzzkill and have some fun." That's when I realized the need to be part of a group according to the new AG Group system.

As I was leaving the forums, I stumbled upon several users who were thinking about creating a group. I said, "If you guys want a group, I will create one for you. It will be called the Non-buzzkills." In theory, this was a good idea, but darkrai097 didn't think so.

darkrai097 objected to my idea by saying, "But it's obvious. Let's be more uncommon. W-" I interrupted him before he could finish the objection. We put it to a vote and my idea won. Just as I was going to find a place for the group, a new idea came from the group.

Spam Wars

Just after the creation of the Non-buzzkills, deathopper said, "We need to help in the battle against spam. The best way to do that is to trick spammers into reading the rules." Everyone liked the idea when SirNoobalot interrupted us by saying, "You are buzzkills, so don't fight it or I will report you all." We got our first taste of battle when mdv96 charged at SirNoobalot.

As the battle was going on, deathopper noted, "That guy is a spammer. We need to go now!" At the group home, we all had jobs. mdv96 drove SirNoobalot out and was assigned to guard the home from spammers and enemies. I was the leader, so I had darkrai097 manage any group operations I delegated. deathopper was supposed to be the sign creator, including a trick for spammers to read the rules. The trick said, "Go here for free AP!" which was made by deathopper.

On that night, SirNoobalot entered the home and read the sign and then the rules. This alerted deathopper, who responded by waking up mdv96. In the following battle, SirNoobalot mentioned a group called the Evil Jokers by saying, "Wait a minute! I am a member of the Evil Jokers. This is a group led by iMogwai, and it's awesome."

The Declaration of War

In light of the new information, I gave a speech the next day to the Non-buzzkills. In it was this, "Last night, SirNoobalot mentioned a group called the Evil Jokers. As a spammer, we trapped him and elicited this information. But now, we must make our mark on this world. The best mark is involvement in the war on spam. SirNoobalot mentioned iMogwai as the leader, which is one I have had trouble with. The trouble was his spam, which makes the entire group spam. Therefore, we must fight this group! Who's with me?"

All members agreed, which allowed us to proceed. I left it to darkrai097 to figure out how to fight it. When I got the news that the Non-buzzkills have declared war on the Evil Jokers, I went over to check the battle plans. darkrai097 said, "You and mdv96 go to the home of the Evil Jokers, while deathopper and I seek out iMogwai. Your job is to clear the home. Once we've found iMogwai, we will alert you and we will fight him as a group."

The Battle

I went with mdv96 to the home of the Evil Jokers. Right off the bat, CalvinDultrey and SupaLegit ambushed us. Because we were unprepared, the two Evil Jokers initially had the advantage. I managed to fight off CalvinDultrey, but mdv96 wasn't so lucky. Although I managed to drive CalvinDultrey away, SirNoobalot aided SupaLegit and killed mdv96, which was probably our worst moment. Luckily, I managed to avoid the same fate, driving both of them out. However, when I got to the home, I found a surprise. It was iMogwai, who didn't notice me.

I left the house and notified the rest of the Non-buzzkills. In it, I said, "You don't need to search for iMogwai because I found him in the home of the Evil Jokers. Unfortunately, three others attacked us and killed mdv96. So, come over and the three of us will fight iMogwai and hopefully dismantle the group." darkrai097 replied, "Oh no! mdv96 was supposed to be our best fighter. Anyway, three on one is still good, so we will be going right now."

Finally, we were all together, ready for a big fight with iMogwai. I opened the door to several towers from what iMogwai called Evil Tower Defense. We started right away by chipping away at the towers, all while fighting off iMogwai, which proved fairly easy. Once we defeated the Evil Tower Defense, things looked bleak when iMogwai made an unbelievably big bite at deathopper. In fact, iMogwai said, "You'll be hopping death no more, deathopper!" This gave me a chance to get in a fight, which proved to be the best move as darkrai097 concocted a Force Surrender potion.

The Final Event

I managed to defeat iMogwai in battle, and darkrai097 administered the potion. Immediately, iMogwai surrendered and notified the rest of the group of this. Additionally, the group was dismantled and told to read the trick. Unfortunately, the bite ultimately killed deathopper, which forced the Non-buzzkills to dismantle. I found this out when Cenere evicted me from the home of the Non-buzzkills. Back at my current home, Strop said to me, "You have poorly led this team because you're a buzzkill." That's when that forum moment finally got me. I responded, "But iMogwai's a spammer! Besides, you just insulted me." Strop called it blasphemy and said, "If I see any more spam fighting from you, I will ban you!" That was the story of the Non-buzzkills and my involvement in that group.

  • 46 Replies
12,319 posts

I am

not a buzzkill
(I quoted my profile).
1,936 posts

(I quoted my profile).

That's not more than seven words! That's not more than seven words! DX
I must backseat mod! :P

You are though. And you are being an even bigger buzzkill by writing mean stories about other people.
2,027 posts

not a buzzkill

I'm sorry if this is off-topic, but seeing as how buzzkills have a major role in this story, I would like to clarify just exactly what they are.

According to Urban Dictionary, this is the definition of buzzkill.

Buzzkill (n. or v.trans.)
1. Buzzkill, anything that takes the edge off your fluff, a downer, something that ruins your good mood; a killjoy.
2. (verb) to selectively and deliberately bring down someone's mood by actions that are designed to irritate, annoy or downright upset a person.

In other words, someone who ruins other people's fun, whether intentional or not, is a buzzkill. For example, when you start a spam war with someone merely because you thought his sentence would look better if he used another word, or when you start insulting just because you don't speak Cat, or when you claim someone is not a ninja horse!

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to ask you if you're working on a sequel. How about the return of everyone's favorite team, the Evil Jokers? Maybe they could win this time, I think the sequel should have a happy ending.
12,319 posts

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to ask you if you're working on a sequel. How about the return of everyone's favorite team, the Evil Jokers? Maybe they could win this time, I think the sequel should have a happy ending.

Now that I think about it, I would like to create a sequel. However, do not jump to conclusions about which team is better. In fact, I created a vote to determine which team is more popular. As for your idea of the Evil Jokers winning, I tried to be objective in my original story by letting two of the Non-buzzkills die. Rather than make the fight unfair, however, the sequel will begin with the remaining members finding two new users to join. I also had both groups dismantle, which will force them to start anew.

Make sure to click on the link and vote for the team you like better.
2,027 posts

However, do not jump to conclusions about which team is better.

You love us, and you know it. Besides, if you didn't have us to complain about, you'd probably end up yelling at kids because they drew outside the lines or something. We're kind of like Jesuses (Jesi? What's plural of Jesus?), we're getting spammed for your sins.
12,319 posts

You love us, and you know it.

Don't be silly. I don't love you!
2,027 posts

Don't be silly. I don't love you!

Drop the act, Patrick, it's getting old. You're my #1 fan, and you know it, so let's just accept that and move on? Geez...
12,319 posts

Drop the act, Patrick, it's getting old. You're my #1 fan, and you know it, so let's just accept that and move on? Geez...

The only act I need to drop is if I'm spamming, trolling, troll feeding, etc. In fact, YOU need to drop your act because you're trolling in order to get me to friend you. I'm telling you right now, I am not your #1 fan.
2,027 posts

I'll just go cry myself to sleep then...

1,936 posts

We're kind of like Jesuses (Jesi? What's plural of Jesus?), we're getting spammed for your sins.

We are exactly like Jesi. XD
Is it wrong that I almost fell out of my chair laughing?
9,821 posts

What started out as butthurt dramatization has turned into significant embarrassment. Patrick, I congratulate you for the spectacular turnaround. Also, the Evil Jokers will totally win the vote.

12,319 posts

Also, the Evil Jokers will totally win the vote.

They probably will, since they're leading 7-1. However, voting doesn't end until Friday, so the Non-buzzkills can still catch up, especially if the other members of that team vote.
2,027 posts

Hey, Patrick, I made a poem for you, as a sign of our friendship. I'll post it here, because technically, it is a tribute to this story, and therefore relevant to the topic. Here it is:

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
You're a buzzkill, my friend,
And so is your crew.

It's just a little bit of fan art for your spectacular story about the brave Evil Jokers and their fight against evil.

1,936 posts

How doth the dragon sing,
Prancing round his pretty ring,
Flapping his wings to and fro,
Putting on a great big show
Acting as a backseat mod,
This dragon is a great big sod.

I only made it out of love.

12,319 posts

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
You're a buzzkill, my friend,
And so is your crew.

It's just a little bit of fan art for your spectacular story about the brave Evil Jokers and their fight against evil.

The poem is relevant and acceptable, but I'm not friending you. As for the rest of the quote, you got it wrong. The Evil Jokers are the evil and the Non-buzzkills were fighting the evil.
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