ForumsWEPRWestboro Baptists Defeated

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F-Yea!!!! Brandon, Mississippi!!!

Sometimes it just takes some good old fashioned southern hospitality to get the job done right.

Now I imagine some of you agree and some could quite possibly disagree with what happened. I know that aside from the religious threads there are those who are almost exclusively political social science oriented. I'd enjoy hearing from some of you who I never get the chance to discuss w/... as well as any of the usual crew I talk w/ who don't normally frequent this kind of thing.... its like Politics... and Religions....

  • 73 Replies
3,817 posts

The Catholic church maybe, but IMO the catholic church is still corrupt in many details and they don't give the voice for every single denomination. That's like saying Barack Obama speaks for every single Democrat just because he's the President. I'm a protestant so yes it's still stands on the word church's defecation.

But the thing is no one tried stopping the pope, or really spoke out about him. It would be like saying Oboma spoke for every democrat because all the democrats agreed with him on the bill. Or those who opposed just kind of sighed and waved it off.

Because of the double standards that are usually held.

...What double standard?

When going back to the Piss Christ thread extremeist were being criticized for a radical act, and most notably that they were supposedly Christians. My point is there are other extremeist that are not Christian and that even if they were Christian they aren't being criticized to the same degree because the subject matter is to your liking.

What? I never mentioned the man who assaulted's religion, and they did not attack him do to their religion. Who cares if they are Christian? I hate it just as much when a radical Muslim bombs someone as if a radical Christian bombs someone. Or really a radical Buddhist, or really any other religion.

. I'm not condoning the WBC but it still has it's legal right by the Constitution. So wether it be someone that is destroying a work of art or someone stopping a protest that has it's legal rights they should not be given double standards when both are breaking the First Amendment.

Wait, what? I said the Westboro where completely in their rights and stated that it was a negative thing to censor them...
341 posts

But the thing is no one tried stopping the pope, or really spoke out about him. It would be like saying Oboma spoke for every democrat because all the democrats agreed with him on the bill. Or those who opposed just kind of sighed and waved it off.

Do you think the Protestant church never opposed the views of the Catholic church? We haven't intervened because it's never been probable.

And I wasn't addressing you 314d1, for once I actually agreed and contended with what you were saying on your first posts. The only point I directed at you was the fact of the Catholic Church and it's voice in society. The rest was intended for the others who were not condoning the action but backing it up with positive feedback.
341 posts

Dude, quit being retarded, the majority of violence is done by theists.

Nice vocabulary? If you don't like slanderous remarks for homosexuality then don't make slanderous remarks about those that are disabled.

Umm, the catholic church is a rather large entity.

Yet it doesn't speak for the entirety of the faith.

Catholic church's structure begs to differ, for disagreeing with a papal decree is grounds for excommunication.

Cool beans. Did you know there is no such thing as excommunication in almost every other denomination except from Catholicism and the close branches of it? Now relating to the argument that thePyro made, it's not likely that these small churches were allowed to voice their opinions. Throughout these time periods the Catholic church was very violent to those who didn't participate in Its practices.
195 posts

Nice vocabulary? If you don't like slanderous remarks for homosexuality then don't make slanderous remarks about those that are disabled.

Retarded, slowed or stopped.
Used in a sentence "He was kinda slow in the head for he was mentally retarded."

So if someone called you queer, you would immediately assume they were saying strange or odd? Besides, you kind of just reinforced the fact that it is a slanderous remark towards handicapped individuals.
554 posts

Dude, quit being retarded, the majority of violence is done by theists.

Well technically there are more theists in the world so it is only logical but yeah, proportionally I think theists are more likely to cause violence on average.

I can't wait till God just sends a big ol' lightning bolt right up their a**!! haha, talk about southern comfort. But seriously, they are probably the biggest idiots that I have ever seen in my life

Yep, not for Hitler or Stalin but for some idiots who go around saying god hates ***s God'll put on his Zeus suit.

I mean God must support them since they are following his holy word.
1,143 posts

i feel physically sickened to the point where i want to shoot my self in the face having read this thread, one by the religious madmen concerned and two by the incredible lack of historical knowledge shown by the pyro and others, people keep saying taht at the time of the crusades and the inquisitionn other churches and small catholic churches didnt agree, there were no other churches in europe apart from underground protestant and lutherin churches and the orthodox church in russia, and as for individual churches not agreeing this is highly unlikely apart from in countries where attendance was mandatory, such was the extent of religious brain washing and the uneducation of the masses no one would have even had the knowledge to question the churches doctrines

and there seems to be some confusion as to what church means, most people are using it in the sense of a group of congregations that follow the same rules and denomination of christianity with ashared hierachy, not the sense of one individual building and its congregation

2,520 posts

and there seems to be some confusion as to what church means, most people are using it in the sense of a group of congregations that follow the same rules and denomination of christianity with ashared hierachy, not the sense of one individual building and its congregation

That'd be discerned with either a capital or lowercase letter.
1,143 posts

i didnt knwo that. interesting which way round? anyway most people arent using that or didnt know that such as myself

554 posts

a church is just the building and congregation. The Church is the christian community of catholics. I think anyway.

1,143 posts

right i guess that way makes most sense, anyway catholicism isnt THE church you can call any denomination a Church

341 posts

The Church is the christian community of catholics.

Errrr. Wrong answer. the webster definition, here. It's not excluded to specifically the catholic. The definition even goes as far as using The Presbyterian Church as an example for denomination. The definition never even states anything about the Catholic church.

The Church is referenced for which denomination you are directing it to. It's generalized to every denomination.
1,714 posts

Errrr. Wrong answer. the webster definition, here. It's not excluded to specifically the catholic. The definition even goes as far as using The Presbyterian Church as an example for denomination. The definition never even states anything about the Catholic church.

That is church, which is a place of worship for the Christian faith.

The Church is referenced for which denomination you are directing it to. It's generalized to every denomination.

Almost everywhere you go when someone says The Church they are referring to the Catholic Church, in fact I have never heard of anyone say The Church and mean anything other than the Catholic Church. Every other time I have heard it said The (insert denominational here) Church.
2,027 posts

Almost everywhere you go when someone says The Church they are referring to the Catholic Church, in fact I have never heard of anyone say The Church and mean anything other than the Catholic Church.

Here in Sweden where Catholics are rare, as most of those who are Christian are Protestants, "The Church" is almost exclusively used about the Protestant church.
341 posts

Almost everywhere you go when someone says The Church they are referring to the Catholic Church, in fact I have never heard of anyone say The Church and mean anything other than the Catholic Church. Every other time I have heard it said The (insert denominational here) Church.

As iMogwai said there are many different places you can go throughout the world where the main religion is definitely not Catholicism. Good try though. Open your eyes to the world and not just where your located.
341 posts

I think that the government should pass a law that keeps all protests of anything at least 2,000 feet away from any funeral of any kind. The protesters can protest, the mourners have peace. Everyone wins.

I find this ironic because of your name haha.
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