ForumsWEPRTodays Society. No standards remaining?

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108 posts

I am starting a new debate with this question. Does America's society still have standards? I say we do as we do our best to keep our country and people safe from subjection to things, but what about what kids are playing? What about these bloody, gorey, bone-cracking, skull flying video games we play? Should that be something we should allow to be played? I don't think they should be banned but maybe cut down on the gore and blood. As for the clothes some people wear, I don't want to believe for even a second that SOMEONE out there hasn't been offended by another being's clothes. SUPER short shorts, skimpy clothes, guys' boxers hanging out. I want to hear other's opinions though and questions and answers. Is America's standards as good as they once were?

  • 54 Replies
2,150 posts

He means the maturity of people today, if you read the OP you would get that.

"maturity" is very vague. What exactly do you mean? Whose standards or whose definition of maturity? It's all different pertaining to different people. Sure, guys wearing their pants around their knees and letting their boxers hang out is gross, but in their culture, it is accepted as a sense of style. I'm a smoker. I like lighting up a big, fat cigar or one of my favorite cigarettes, but in other people's eyes, it's bad. You can't just say that this society has no standards, because you're generalizing people by your own rules. It doesn't work that way.
Don't get me wrong, there are certain things that people just shouldn't do, because there is no excuse for it. I can't think of any other example than murder.
2,399 posts

There are many stereotypes concerning smokers and/or saggin' pants people. These stereotypes play into the maturity that people think that person has. Because you smoke, some people may think you do not care for anything, and few people will actually think you are an intellectual person with their own point to get across. Maturity of a person is how you view maturity, not as how many people view it.

2,520 posts

Honestly, our general morality and respect are dropping, yes, but we still have standards. I mean, you gotta go to college, work hard for a living, etc. But yes, I'd say we're on our way.

Xzeno, let's ask Leon McAcid about morals ^_^.

2,150 posts

There are many stereotypes concerning smokers and/or saggin' pants people. These stereotypes play into the maturity that people think that person has. Because you smoke, some people may think you do not care for anything, and few people will actually think you are an intellectual person with their own point to get across. Maturity of a person is how you view maturity, not as how many people view it.

And that's a bunch of crap. Stereotypes is what lowers the overall standards of society. The prejudice, stereotyping, and racism in this country are what lower it for everybody. Just because I am a smoker, doesn't mean I don't care. I know very well that smoking will kill me, but less time I have to spend here
2,399 posts

And that may be what is wrong with maturity. Maturity is just a word, but it's those peoples feelings that are real, not the type of stereotypes or assumptions.

1,482 posts

I don't know. The majority of people I know that I've heard talk about smokers isn't that they aren't intellectually contributing citizenry of our society. They're just maybe a little dumb for cutting years off but who cares.

But though stereotypes affect society negatively, it gives us easy comparisons.
Most people who sag their pants, dress like strippers, and have low grades end up being the backside of our lower and more alcohol consuming class. That's a stereotype that lives up to it's name on statistics.

Why there are people like this, I honestly don't know. I just feel that some kids grow up thinking the real world is really easy to get by in, so they fly through it apathetically. Most of the kids in my school are idiots, and maybe it's just that I'm getting older but for the past two years every new group of incoming freshmen looks even stupider.

2,150 posts

The majority of people I know that I've heard talk about smokers isn't that they aren't intellectually contributing citizenry of our society. They're just maybe a little dumb for cutting years off but who cares.
That's because we know now-a-days that smoking will kill you. Einstein was a smoker, there were a lot of people that contributed huge things to society who smoked. Now we know it will kill you, so that person who is a social hero is not going to let you see them smoke. That would ruin their reputation for whatever reason. Did you know that Obama was a smoker? he quit so that the media didn't bombard him in the tabloids.
4,206 posts

Wth are standards? A synonym for boring? Look, people like to play violent video games, and people also have the right to dress how they want to. Give me one case in which either of those has killed anyone in normal conditions and then I might consider this to be serious cases.

I mean, seriously, these are not problems, this is freedom and progress.

554 posts

Well you were brought up with stricter standards than today. To younger people it is natural, to older people it isn't. Porn has been around for like forever and while it might be more readily available today it is mainly watched by adults. And violent games might take out energy which might have been used for really killing people.

4,104 posts

What about these bloody, gorey, bone-cracking, skull flying video games we play?

I swear to God the next person to attempt to make a video games being violent argument...

Either way my opinion on the matter is its not "no standards remaining" its different standards. Todays society isn't necessarily worse its just different.
608 posts

Todays society isn't necessarily worse its just different.

Todays society is worse. The world is turning in a bad direction. Many things are corrupted.
1,482 posts

I mean, seriously, these are not problems, this is freedom and progress.

Sure, let everyone do drugs and fail in school too ... just because they want. Hell, we shouldn't even enforce schooling until the age of 16 and start subsidizing candy because it tastes good.

They're problems. I'm fine with people dressing how they want, but they can't run around like idiots. If a girl dresses like a ******, she will act and study like one. I even have personal examples. I lived in Houston, practically no dress code, a lot more drugs, a lot less restriction.

^ Freedom and progress? Bull. The sophomore class lost 15% of it's kids due to dropouts in the following junior year. The school had a daycare where teen moms would see their children. College rates failed.

Then I lived in VA. Just as conservative, believe me, but the 'standards' of the society were a lot better. Magically the area has higher taxes, better environmental policy, a lower percentage of drug use or teen pregnancies, etc etc etc. This is due to better parenting and schooling and a good way of raising kids without putting them in the middle of a bad social group.

It's worse. I agree with Indie.

Oh, and about video games, they help improve the dexterity and fine motor skills that are required in an unindustrialized service sector based jobs. using computers, fine tools, working machinery from afar, etc. They help more than they hurt. And I've played the COD level where you shoot a bunch of people -- didn't really affect my subconscious I can tell you that.
195 posts

Todays society is worse. The world is turning in a bad direction. Many things are corrupted.

Corruption has been around for a long, long time.
1,482 posts

Corruption has been around for a long, long time.

Fine, rule it out as a constant, it doesn't count as a criteria to measure societies standards.

Just about everything else is still on the table, though.
608 posts

Corruption has been around for a long, long time.

It's rate of occurrence has increased though.
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