You know when you post a long comment. They should be filled with description, I mean the grey space in the left (Don't know how to be any more specific).
<--- <--- <--- <--- <---
Like my description: is a Male in Unknown and is ranked #48,435 out of 1,031,603 users Member since: 9/22/2010 AIM: None MSN: None Yahoo: None XBOX Live: Latinxassassin Wii: Forgot PS3: None SteamID: None
I thought this was about the gray space on the forums on the left rather than on user profiles. Besides, I think the former was the original subject of this thread, and the change of subject was unclear.
Want to get rid of that extra gray space? Become a moderator or administrator! Some of it gets replaced by a cool paragraph describing your job
Frank, the OP is talking about if you make a long post in the forums then the gray space under your Armatar should be filled in.
And the space on the profile is white - not gray. :P
It would make it too cluttery in my opinion.
Yes, and it would be an eye sore and distract people from reading posts correctly because that gray space to the right would take up a lot of space on threads.
I hope there's an edit post option in AG3. Instead of 'right' it's supposed to be 'left'.
I thought this was about the gray space on the forums on the left rather than on user profiles. Besides, I think the former was the original subject of this thread, and the change of subject was unclear.
Nobody really changed the subject, it was just a user reading it wrong.