The ball-catching robot is the third one down. I think it is amazing that we are actually getting somewhere in the field of robotics, and that America should step up it's game.
We'll be extinct way before we would ever get a hold of technology to do that.
Adaptive and learning robots have already been designed. Some bore the same programming but different behaviours due to different enviroments. Then again this is unreliable information since it came from a documentary explaining possible theories for sci-fi situations.
Even so they had footage, could it have been a lie? Easily, was it? I don't know.
Has anyone here heard of the Sony project QRIO? I don't know if it's still being worked on, but it could do that a few years ago. I'll put some youtube links or something. But you'd figure the Japanese would make something like this.
If there chucking the ball in the same spot that just happens to have the Robots claw in their, than thats kinda dumb.
But if they chuck the ball any which way, and the Robot can calculate and then adjust its claw to catch the ball, than thats awesome.
SO while Germany is busy catching balls, America is making UAVs, Nanobots in medicine, and Robots that can imitate conversation with a human being. Go Deuchtland!
SO while Germany is busy catching balls, America is making UAVs, Nanobots in medicine, and Robots that can imitate conversation with a human being. Go Deuchtland!
Could you at least have the courtesy to post links to the things you mentioned? It sounds pretty interesting.
I just hope we dont start weaponizing robots. (NOT PORTAL RELATED...those turrets are funny though) Might not end well.
didn't do started already... like those robot battle machines (back on ) i like the robot football(soccer) so what about the german catching robots they are a bit old fash but maybe for catcher @ a baseball match