No this is not about who is right or wrong. This is about relationships between users. The struggle between Atheists and Christians on here is ridiculous. It is like there is an ongoing civil war taking place on Armor Games. Can't we all just be friends? Atheists, there is no need to put down anything relating to religion just for the sake of criticizing other's beliefs, and Christians, there is no need to criticize Atheists' beliefs, or lack thereof, and impress your belief system upon them. Seriously everyone needs to just accept that people see things differently, and we need to respect the fact that people are entitled to their opinions. We need to recognize that if someone is a Christian that doesn't mean that they aren't intelligent and are illogical. Likewise Atheists aren't soulless, grey people with no love. Let's all just get along.
Oh I have nothing with opinions and stuff. But it's with criticism that the humans make progress. I have many Christian friends, and I don't mind. But it's always good to debate from time to time.
i don't mind the debates that much, but these forums are turning into a 24/7 debate about religion, and they usually just turn into a giant list of criticisms.
and i just don't see why ,if there is a discussion about christianity, atheists have to butt in and tell them all how wrong they are. and the same goes for christians. i don't see what either party gains from putting down the other.
it actually is all an opinion as to whether you believe in that particular religion.
It doesn't matter what you believe, it doesn't change what is there. Either there is a Nirvana, or there isn't. Either there is a god, or several, or there isn't. Either we have sols or we don't. It isn't "Well, I like this one's laws but this one has a better afterlife, so I choose it". This is science. And the science says that no god is required.
It doesn't matter what you believe, it doesn't change what is there. Either there is a Nirvana, or there isn't. Either there is a god, or several, or there isn't. Either we have sols or we don't. It isn't "Well, I like this one's laws but this one has a better afterlife, so I choose it". This is science. And the science says that no god is required.
the beliefs are what make up the entire religion. i'm not saying that if a person believes in a god or gods that one or several then begin to exist, but i am saying that religions are based on certain people's opinions that explain things in the world.
o·in·ion â â[uh-pin-yuhn] Show IPA â"noun 1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. 2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal. 3. the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second Medical opinion.
This isn't an opinion, once again this is science. Science has produced a sufficient answer, so the first one doesn't account. Science isn't a personal view, attitude, or appraisal. And the last one is medical. This isn't an opinion, this is fact.
fact â â[fakt] Show IPA â"noun 1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact. 2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact. 3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.
All three of those could pretty much apply to this.