ForumsWEPRBible matters (please explain)

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1,143 posts

I am an atheist from a deist background, none of my family are strongly religious, but i am interested to hear the christian viewpoint on some things:

what exactly are fallen angels?angels can they be evil, do they have free will, or are they just apart of god?

and could someone explain some things about revelations to me? who or what are the beasts from the land and the earth, the 24 elders and the four living creatures?

i know i cant stop you, but for my sake could people please not dispute these points until they have been answered

  • 33 Replies
9,462 posts

Secondly, that E1337 the survey isn't about Christianity specifically, it's about religion in general. Most Christians don't spend time arguing with buddhists, but since atheists are opposed to all it makes sense that they'd have more general knowledge.

You make a good point, though many Christians even fail when answering questions about their own religion.
955 posts

although it cpould yes, but this ssinst my imagination, this is genuine queries about your religion and it would be to your benefit to answer them as at the moment, atheist on this thread seem to know more about your religion than you do
well, you have asked and received the answer to your question in the 3rd post in this topic. But then you asked "So what?", which means you don't care if the answer is satisfiable. I have to bring you the point left out by you, what verses of Revelations you were referring when you asked about beasts of land and air.
1,143 posts

land and sea actually, just read the first part fo revelations it will be there sorry i dont have a bible and i cant remember what verses it was

and sorry if you misunderstood i meant so what as a genuine question (as in so what exactly does that mean?) not as a dismissal of your answer

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