I thought of bringing this up earlier, however, I never did. But, for those of you who do not know, Canada is holding a federal election today. In fact the polls close in two hourse. Personally I believe the Conservatives will win, I've been following the opinion polls closely and they've yet to drop under 35%.
Some things to note about this election is that the NDP (New Democratic Party) will most likely end up as the major opposition to the Conservatives. This is something of a surprise because the NDP are often unpopular, yet have gained ground rapidly. The Liberal Party of Canada has, for the first time in decades, been placed in a minor role in the Canadian Parliment. Furthermore, the Greens may actually gain a seat this time.
The support for the NDP is showing a change within Canada. While the Conservatives still out number the NDP the conservatives will have to settle with another minority government. I suspect that the NDP, who I support, will continue to gain popularity over the next couple of years. Regardless of how Harper and his Conservatives do, many middle class families are tired of being neglected while corporations get the tax breaks.
Furthmore, students are becoming irritated with our politicians ignoring us. The only party offering us any chance for a cheaper education up front, and a better one at that, are the NDP. I also suspect the Liberals are going to be sitting in a minor role for a very long time. They've butchered another campaign by offering nothing and slandering their competitors. Personally, I couldn't care less. Micheal Ignatieff isn't much of a Canadian in my opinion.
Canadian politics at least, I don't either though. I think I'll do a little research over the next few days on your parties and legal documents though.
I may be back with some fairly obvious questions.
haha Canada.... But maybe if the conservatives lose up there something might fix itself down here.
HST or Harmonized Sales Tax is something introduced in the past year or so. Before there were two seperate taxes GST and PST (Government and Provincial Sales Tax). However, Harper decided to combine these two taxes into one. This has, in effect, raised taxes on certain things, because before PST was not charged on certain things.
This angered a lot of Albertans because before, in Albera, there was no PST. Why? Oil. Alberta was (and is) the richest province. They were so rich they didn't require a tax from their citizens.
You guys are forgetting "Goodbye even more taxes!". I see nothing wrong with the Conservatives.
Our Conservatives like making education cuts. Espeically when it comes to post secondary education. That spells a lot of trouble for us students. That increases tuition. Sure, les tax, but more money up front. Frankly I prefer tax.
HST or Harmonized Sales Tax is something introduced in the past year or so. Before there were two seperate taxes GST and PST (Government and Provincial Sales Tax).
And Harper is whom?
I'm going to feel awful if he's the prime minister.
Start feeling awful. Harper has been our Prime Minister since 2006.
SOB; I really, really, need to brush up on my international political knowledge. More than that I need to brush up on my knowledge of North American politics.
HST? To me it doesn't really matter. Sure the increased tax is a pain, however, it's only on a few things. Since I'm live in the province of Ontario we always had PST and GST. Unlike Alberta...rich buggers.
Stephen Harper is Conservative.
Do you know who Micheal Ignatieff is? That clown was the leader of the Liberals this time. Not much of a Canadian though, he spent a lot of time in Russia and the States. Then came back and wanted to be Prime Minister...
HST? To me it doesn't really matter. Sure the increased tax is a pain, however, it's only on a few things. Since I'm live in the province of Ontario we always had PST and GST. Unlike Alberta...rich buggers.
That clown was the leader of the Liberals this time.
Do your parties have actual leaders or do you mean in the sense that Obama was the "leader" of the Democrat's in the 2008 election?
Do your parties have actual leaders or do you mean in the sense that Obama was the "leader" of the Democrat's in the 2008 election?
And here's the big difference between your system and ours.
We don't elect party leaders. We do not even know who a party leader is until the party tells people. The party elects their leader. That leader then represents that party.
When we elect a certain party, we technically elect that leader.
What if said party was a good party, but they, in their terms of majority rule, chose to elect a bad leader -- and then, that action would culminate in a good party with good attributes to fail due to their selection of their leader.
What if said party was a good party, but they, in their terms of majority rule, chose to elect a bad leader -- and then, that action would culminate in a good party with good attributes to fail due to their selection of their leader.
The Liberals. For the past almost two decades have done exactly this. I'd vote for them if they went and found someone like Trudeau. However, the Liberals tend to be bringing idiots into the fold over the past while.
So, if you were given the ability to be God for one day/whatever you wanna call it. Would you advocate a change in such a system in Canada? And would you also think about revising American congress to be more/less like Canada's?
Hm...I'd definately make the Canadians allowed to elect the party leaders. I don't like the whole closed door policy they have on that. As for the other things, I'd like to change the representation of Canada in the House of Commons not sure how though, probably take some seats away from Quebec and Ontario and spread things out.
I'd change the number of major parties in America. I don't know the nitty gritty details of your system though. So I don't know what else could be changed in a beneficial way.
I'd change the number of major parties in America.
Oh you know you can't do that. Put 4000 more parties on the ballot and we'll still ride with what we know best.
Also, just wondering, what's your opinion on Quebec wanting to gtfo? Them being the 16th largest world economy [ on their own ] sort of gives them a muscle, doesn't it?