Do you think that the government is making to much big of deal to the environment?
The environment will correct itself if left alone, I think all the "government involvment" should be limited to stopping companies/people who harm it, there is no need to actively help it, unless it is an immidiate problem.
I mean, if we end up burning a hole straight through the o zone layer were all going to die, but lets just cross that bridge when we come to it.
In case you didn't catch all the sarcasm from everyones posts, this is obviously a big deal and the if anything is the problem it would be not doing enough.
I mean, if we end up burning a hole straight through the o zone layer were all going to die, but lets just cross that bridge when we come to it.
Minimum damage is caused by us, plant and underwater life beats us by about 1500% more.
Yes cause Earth is the only place humans could possibly live on so yeah it'ss important to protect it.
Drake Equation states that there is possibly an average of 10,000 other habitable planets (with life) like Earth, your logic appears flawed but if basically you're saying "This is our one chance, don't blow it", then yep, you're dang right.
Fortunately I don't think it'll be "us" who blows it.
Yes cause Earth is the only place humans could possibly live on so yeah it'ss important to protect it.
Well, we havent been able to personally explore outer space yet or discovered the other planets out there so dont be to sure
In case you didn't catch all the sarcasm from everyones posts, this is obviously a big deal and the if anything is the problem it would be not doing enough.
Yeah, i think we caught the sarcasm but, i mean the government is giving a lot of money to research and alternative energy im not saying the enviroment isnt important but, we have a lot of important things in the world aswell
Of course it's important... Why on earth would it not be? It's selfish to destroy the planet for everything else trying to live so our lives can be easier.
Earth is important until we find a habitiable planet other than earth that we could travel to.
Even if we found another habitable planet Earth would still be important. It's not like we are able to all just transfer our lives to another one even though I know that private companies are working on commercial space flight. Additionally, I don't think that planets should be seen as disposable.
You tell me dude, we've barely scratched the surface as far as I'm concerned, technology can be upgraded - there may be life on Europa (under the ice) and we don't know how far we can push our own little spaceships.
It's selfish to destroy the planet for everything else trying to live so our lives can be easier.
Exaggerated. That's one of the things guys - it's not EVERYTHING, yeah, a lot of it is selfish but the damage in itself is helping in its own way. 1500% more pollution made by surface life... So getting wood from a tree isn't anywhere near as bad as leaving it.
Of course Oxygen comes a factor. And of course the ethical problem of animal homes - which I'm all for, but still many people seem to be leaned on the other side so I'm trying to even it out.
I don't think that planets should be seen as disposable.
Later if our technology and population growth goes that far they could end up as such. It will end up making planets look like cities - a big, massive deal, but not an "end of the world" thing...
H, you can't compare the damage to environment made by the other living beings with ours. in nature it's perfectly normal if a lot of species disappear, so a major climate change won't be a problem because no natural disaster can annihilate every form of life. but we have to preserve our species and it's much harder.