how important do you think preschool/kindergarten is? Children are easily influenced at young ages, and early child hood education is something not given enough credit for, or is it? Do we need it?
Kindergarten influences the way a four/three year old thinks in multiple ways which will benefit them for their entire life.
Are kindergartens just glorified day care centers? Should they be turned into day care centers?
What do you think? More funding, less funding, nothing?
Childhood indocrination shows its power. A few years of being told god is real and the belief will be with you for the rest of your life unless you really fight it.
The way I grew at that age was well, my parents ussually never went to my parent teacher meetings or whenever I sang on stage, and nothing. So I became more serious but lazy in my studies. That's why I think I have bad grades, because I know my parents won't care?
Preschool/kindergarden teaches kids 2 things. How to read. And basic basic math. That's it. They are not necessary, they are just day care centers. Notice you mostly draw pictures, do arts and crafts, have recess, a small math/reading lesson, have a snack, etc. No real learning.
Kindergarten is a series of tasks and learning activities that help develop a small child's mind, helping them become more inter and intrapersonal. It doesn't seem like much now, when we are used to higher levels of learning and concentrated sessions, but it helps child development in more ways than just cognitively, especially if the parents are not versed in this practice or just plain inattentive.
Social contact with other kids and playing around are probably as important points as the small bit of learning they do. I think it helps to not spend the entire day at home.
We should increase funding because kindergarten and preschool prepare children for school, and if they hav ethe experience of school early on, they would probably better off later on.